Hiron, L., O. Zavala-Romero, E.P. Chassignet, P. Miron, and B. Subrahmanyam, 2025. Identifying and predicting the Lagrangian coherence of eddies in the Gulf of Mexico using machine learning and satellite observations. J. Geophys. Res.: Mach. Learn. Comp., submitted.
Uchida, T., Y. Badarvada, K.E. Lapo, X. Xu, B.K. Arbic, D. Menemenlis, L. Hiron, E.P. Chassignet, and J.F. Shriver, 2025. Dynamic-mode decomposition of geostrophically balanced motions from SWOT altimetry. Earth and Space Sci., submitted.
Hoteit, I., E.P. Chassignet, and M. Bell, 2025. Improving accuracy and providing uncertainty estimations: Ensemble methodologies for ocean forecasting. State Planet Discuss., doi:10.5194/sp-2024-10, submitted.
Miranda, J.R., O. Zavala-Romero, L. Hiron, E.P. Chassignet, B. Subrahmanyam, T. Meunier, R.W. Helber, E. Pallas-Sanz, and M. Tenreiro, 2025. Neural Synthetic Profiles from Remote Sensing and Observations (NeSPReSO) - Reconstructing temperature and salinity fields in the Gulf of Mexico. Ocean Modelling, revised.
Schönau, M.C., L. Hiron, J. Ragland, K.J. Raja, J. Siktka, M.S. Solano, X. Xu, B.K. Arbic, M.J. Buijsman, E.P. Chassignet, E. Coelho, R.W. Helber, J.F. Shriver, J.E. Summers, K.L. Verlinden, and A.J. Wallcraft, 2025. An overview to modeling, characterizing, and predicting the effects of internal gravity waves on acoustic propagation at basin to global scales. Oceanography, revised.
Drillet, Y., M. Martin, Y. Miyazawa, M. Bell, E.P. Chassignet, and E. Ciliberti, 2025. Ocean forecasting at the regional scale: Actual status. State Planet Discuss., doi:10.5194/sp-2024-38, revised.
Tonani, M., E.P. Chassignet, M. Cirano, Y. Miyazawa, and B. Pérez Gómez, 2025. Ocean forecasting at the regional scale: Actual status. State Planet Discuss., doi:10.5194/sp-2024-30, in press.
Zavala-Romero, O., A. Bozec, E.P. Chassignet, and J.R. Miranda, 2025. Convolutional neural networks for sea surface data assimilation in operational ocean models: Test case in the Gulf of Mexico. Ocean Sci., 21, 113-132, doi:10.5194/os-21-113-2025.
Hiron, L., M.C. Schönau, K.J. Raja, E.P. Chassignet, M.J. Buijsman, B.K. Arbic, A. Bozec, E.F. Coelho, and M.S. Solano, 2025. The influence of vertical resolution on internal tide energetics and subsequent effects on underwater acoustic propagation. J. Adv. Mod. Earth Syst., 17, e2024MS004389, doi:10.1029/2024MS004389.
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Lermusiaux, P.F.J., P.J. Haley Jr., C. Mirabito, E.M. Mule, S.F. DiMarco, A. Dancer, X. Ge, A.H. Knap, Y. Liu, S. Mahmud, U.C. Nwankwo, S. Glenn, T.N. Miles, D. Aragon, K. Coleman, M. Smith, M. Leber, R. Ramos, J. Storie, G. Stuart, J. Marble P. Barros, E.P. Chassignet, A. Bower, H.H. Furey, B. Jaimes de la Cruz, L.K. Shay, M. Tenreiro, E. Pallas Sanz, J. Sheinbaum, P. Perez-Brunius, D. Wilson, J. van Smirren, R. Monreal-Jimenez, D.A. Salas-de-Leon, V.K. Contreras Tereza, M. Feldman, and M. Khadka, 2024. Real-time probabilistic forecasts, reachability analysis, and adaptive sampling in the Gulf of Mexico. In: "OCEANS'24 IEEE/MTS", Halifax, 23-26 September 2024, doi:10.1109/OCEANS55160.2024.10754153.
Alvarez Fanjul, E., S.A. Ciliberti, J.S. Pearlman, K. Wilmer-Becker, P. Bahurel, F. Ardhuin, A. Arnaud, K. Azizzadenesheli, R. Aznar, M.J. Bell, L. Bertino, S.K. Behera, G.B Brassington, J.-B. Calewaert, A. Capet, E.P. Chassignet, S. Ciavatta, M. Cirano, E. Clementi, G. Cossarini, L. Cornacchia, G. Coossarini, G. Coro, S. Corney, F. Davidson, M. Drevillon, Y. Drillet, R. Dussurget, G. El Serafy, G. Fearon, K. Fennel, D. Ford, O. Le Galloudec, X. Huang, J.-M. Lellouche, P. Heimbach, F. Hernandez, P. Hogan, I. Hoteit, S. Joseph, S. Josey, P.-Y. Le Traon, S. Libralato, M. Mancini, M. Martin, P. Matte, T. McConnell, A. Melet, Y. Miyazawa, A.M. Moore, A. Novellino, F. O Donncha, A. Porter, F. Qiao, H. Regan, J. Robert-Jones, S. Sanikommu, A. Schiller, J. Siddorn, M.G. Sotillo, J. Staneva, C. Thomas-Courcoux, P. Thupaki, M. Tonani, J.M. Garcia-Valdecasas, J. Veitch, K. von Schuckmann, L. Wan, J. Wilkin, A. Zhong, and R. Zufic, 2024. Promoting best practices in ocean forecasting through an operational readiness level. Front. Mar. Sci., 11:1443284, doi:10.3389/fmars.2024.1443284
Ntaganou, N., E.P. Chassignet, and A. Bozec, 2024. Impact of horizontal model resolution on mixing and dispersion in the Northeastern Gulf of Mexico. J. Geophys. Res., 129, e2024JC021315, doi:10.1029/2024JC021315.
Yuan, J., J.-H. Liang, E.P. Chassignet, O. Zavala-Romero, X. Wan, and M.F. Cronin, 2024. The K-profile Parameterization augmented by Deep Neural Networks (KPP_DNN) in the General Ocean Turbulence Model (GOTM). J. Adv. Mod. Earth Syst., 16, e2024MS004405, doi:10.1029/2024MS004405.
Wang, Y., E.P. Chassignet, and K. Speer, 2024. On the dynamics of the Ross Gyre: The relative importance of wind, buoyancy, eddies, and the Antarctic circumpolar current. Front. Mar. Sci., 11:1465808, doi:10.3389/fmars.2024.1465808.
Li, Y., H. Liu, P. Lin, E.P. Chassignet, Z. Yu, and F. Wu, 2024. Quantifying the role of the eddy transfer coefficient in simulating the response of the Southern Ocean meridional overturning circulation to enhanced westerlies in a coarse-resolution model. Adv. Atmos. Sci., doi:10.1007/s00376-024-3278-8.
Ivanov, L., A. Bozec, E.P. Chassignet, S. Longridge, R. Ramos, A. Srinivasan, and M. Iskandarani, 2024. Process-oriented validation of HYCOM-TSIS reanalysis runs for the northern Gulf of Mexico. Offshore Technology Conference, Houston, Texas, OTC-35402-MS, doi:10.4043/35402-MS.
Wang, H., R.W. Hallberg, A.J. Wallcraft, B.K. Arbic, and E.P. Chassignet, 2024. Improving global barotropic tides with sub-grid scale topography. J. Adv. Mod. Earth Syst., 16, e2023MS004056, doi:10.1029/ 2023MS004056.
Raja, K.J., M.J. Buijsman, A. Bozec, R.W. Helber, J.F. Shriver, A.J. Wallcraft, E.P. Chassignet, and B.K. Arbic, 2024. Spurious internal wave generation during data assimilation in eddy resolving ocean model simulations. Ocean Modelling, 188, 102340, doi:10.1016/j.ocemod.2024.102340.
Olvera-Prado, E.R., S.L. Morey, and E.P. Chassignet, 2024. Contribution of the wind and loop current eddies to the circulation in the western Gulf of Mexico. Front. Mar. Sci., 11:1185849, doi:10.3389/fmars.2024.1185849.
Xu, X., E.P. Chassignet, P. Miron, and O. Zavala-Romero, 2024. Seasonality of marine litter hotspots in the wider Caribbean region. J. Mar. Sci. Eng., 12, 319, doi:10.3390/jmse12020319.
Wang, Q., Q.Shu, A. Bozec, E.P. Chassignet, P.G. Fogli, B. Fox-Kemper, A. McC. Hogg, D. Iovino, A. E. Kiss, N. Koldunov, J. Le Sommer, Y. Li, P. Lin, H. Liu, I. Polyakov, P. Scholz, D. Sidorenko, S. Wang, and X. Xu, 2024. Impact of increased resolution on Arctic Ocean simulations in Ocean Model Intercomparison Project phase 2 (OMIP-2). Geosci. Model Dev., 17, 347-379, doi:10.5194/gmd-17-347-2024.
Ciliberti, S.A., E. Alvarez Fanjul, J. Pearlman, K. Wilmer-Becker, P. Bahurel, F. Ardhuin, A. Arnaud, M. Bell, S. Berthou, L. Bertino, A. Capet, E.P. Chassignet, S. Ciavatta, M. Cirano, E. Clementi, G. Cossarini, G. Coro, S. Corney, F. Davidson, M. Drevillon, Y. Drillet, R. Dussurget, G. El Serafy, K. Fennel, M. Garcia Sotillo, P. Heimbach, F. Hernandez, P. Hogan, I. Hoteit, S. Joseph, S. Josey, P.-Y. Le Traon, S. Libralato, M. Mancini, P. Matte, A. Melet, Y. Miyazawa, A.M. Moore, A. Novellino, A. Porter, H. Regan, L. Romero, A. Schiller, J. Siddorn, J. Staneva, C. Thomas-Courcoux, M. Tonani, J.M. Garcia-Valdecasas, J. Veitch, K. von Schuckmann, L. Wan, J. Wilkin, and R. Zufic, 2023. Evaluation of operational ocean forecasting systems from the perspective of the users and the experts. In "7th edition of the Copernicus Ocean State Report (OSR7)", K. von Schuckmann, L. Moreira, P.-Y. Le Traon, M. Grégoire, M. Marcos, J. Staneva, P. Brasseur, G. Garric, P. Lionello, J. Karstensen, and G. Neukermans (Eds), Copernicus Publications, State Planet, 1-osr7-2-2023, doi:10.5194/sp-1-osr7-2-2023.
Xu, X., E.P. Chassignet, and A.J. Wallcraft, 2023. Impact of vertical resolution on representing baroclinic modes and water mass distribution in the North Atlantic circulation. Ocean Modelling, 186, 102261, doi:10.1016/j.ocemod.2023.102261.
Fine, E.C., J.L. McClean, D.P. Ivanova, A.P. Craig, E.P. Chassignet, and E.Z. Hunke, 2023. Arctic ice-ocean interactions in an 8-to-2 kilometer resolution global model. Ocean Modelling, 184, 102228, doi:10.1016/j.ocemod.2023.102228.
Chassignet, E.P., X. Xu, A. Bozec, and T. Uchida 2023. Impact of the New England seamount chain on Gulf Stream pathway and variability. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 53, 1871-1886, doi:10.1175/JPO-D-23-0008.1.
Treguier, A.M, C. de Boyer Montégut, A. Bozec, E.P. Chassignet, B. Fox-Kemper, A. McC. Hogg, D. Iovino, A. E. Kiss, J. Le Sommer, Y. Li, P. Lin, C. Lique, H. Liu, G. Serazin, D. Sidorenko, Q. Wang, X. Xu, and S. Yeager, 2023. The mixed layer depth in the Ocean Model Intercomparison Project (OMIP): Impact of resolving mesoscale eddies. Geosci. Model Dev., 16, 3849-3872, doi:10.5194/gmd-16-3849-2023.
Sandifer, P.A., Brooks, B.W., Canonico, G., E.P. Chassignet, B. Kirkpatrick, D.E. Porter, L.H. Schwacke, and G.I. Scott, 2023. Observing and monitoring the ocean. In "Oceans and Human Health: Opportunities and Impacts", L. Fleming, W.H. Gerwick, M. Gribble, H.C. Goh, H. Solo-Gabriele, B. Maycock, and L.B. Alcantara Creencia (Eds), Elsevier, 19, 549-596, doi:10.1016/B978-0-323-95227-9.00026-9.
Dukhovskoy, D.S., E.P. Chassignet, A. Bozec, and S.L. Morey, 2023. Assessment of predictability of the Loop Current in the Gulf of Mexico from observing system experiments and observing system simulation experiments. Front. Mar. Sci., 10:1153824, doi:10.3389/fmars.2023.1153824.
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Morrison, T.J., D.S. Dukhovskoy, J.L. McClean, S.T. Gille, and E.P. Chassignet, 2023. Mechanisms of heat flux across the Southern Greenland continental shelf in 1/10° and 1/12° ocean/sea-ice simulations. J. Geophys. Res., 128, e2022JC019021, doi:10.1029/2022JC019021.
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Chen, X., W. Dewar, E.P. Chassignet, M. Bourassa, S. Morey, and G. Gopalakirshnan, 2022. On the feedback between air-sea turbulent momentum flux and oceanic submesoscale processes. J. Geophys. Res., 127, e2022JC018767, doi:10.1029/2022JC018767.
Xu, X., E.P. Chassignet, A.J. Wallcraft, B.K. Arbic, M.C. Buijsman, and M. Solano, 2022. On the spatial variability of the sea surface height wavenumber spectra in the Atlantic Ocean. J. Geophys. Res., 127, e2022JC018769, doi:10.1029/1272022JC018769.
Hiron, L., P. Miron, L.K. Shay, W.E. Johns, E.P. Chassignet, and A. Bozec, 2022. Lagrangian coherence, source of water, and cross-shelf exchange associated with Loop Current Frontal Eddies in the Gulf of Mexico. Prog. Oceanogr., 208, 102876, doi:10.1016/j.pocean.2022.102876.
Uchida, T., J. Le Sommer, C. Stern, R. Abernathey, C. Holdgraf, A. Albert, L. Brodeau, E.P. Chassignet, X. Xu, J. Gula, G. Roullet, N. Koldunov, S. Danilov, Q. Wang, D. Menemenlis, C. Bricaud, B. Arbic, J. Shriver, F. Qiao, B. Xiao, A. Biastoch, R. Schubert, B. Fox-Kemper, and W. Dewar, 2022. Cloud-based framework for inter-comparing submesoscale-permitting realistic ocean models. Geosci. Model Dev., 15, 5829-5856, doi:10.5194/gmd-15-5829-2022.
Srinivasan, A., T.M. Chin, E.P. Chassignet, M. Iskandarani, and N. Groves, 2022. A statistical interpolation code for ocean analysis and forecasting. J. Atmos. Oce. Tech., 39(3), 367-386, doi:10.1175/JTECH-D-21-0033.1.
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Dukhovskoy, D.S., I. Yashayaev, E.P. Chassignet, P.G. Myers, G. Platov, and A. Proshutinsky, 2021. Time scales of the Greenland freshwater anomaly in the Subpolar North Atlantic. J. Climate, 34(22), 8971-8987, doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-20-0610.1.
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Shropshire, T.A., S.L. Morey, E.P. Chassignet, V.J. Coles, M. Karnauskas, E. Malca, R. Laiz-Carrion, O. Fiksen, P. Reglero, J.M. Quintanilla Hervas, T. Gerard, J. Lampkin, and M.R. Stukel, 2021. Trade-offs between risks of predation and starvation in larvae make the shelf break an optimal spawning location for Atlantic Bluefin tuna. J. Plankton. Res., fbab041, doi:10.1093/plankt/fbab041.
Solo-Gabriele, H., T. Fiddaman, C. Mauritzen, C. Ainsworth, D.M. Abramson, I. Berenshtein, E.P. Chassignet, S.S. Chen, R.N. Comny, C.D. Court, W.K. Dewar, J.W. Farrington, M. Feldman, A.C. Ferguson, W. Fetherston-Resch, D. French-McCay, C. Hale, R. He, V.H. Kourafalou, K. Lee, Y. Liu, M. Masi, E.S. Maung-Douglass, S.L. Morey, S.A. Murawski, C.B. Paris, N. Perlin, E.L. Pulster, A. Quigg, D.J. Reed, J.J. Ruzicka, P.A. Sandifer, J.G. Shepherd, B.H. Singer, M.R. Stukel, T.T. Sutton, R.H. Weisberg, D. Wiesenburg, C. Wilson, M. Wilson, K.M. Wowk, C. Yannoff, and D. Yoskowitz, 2021. Towards integrated modeling of the long-term impacts of oil spills. Mar. Policy, 131,104554, doi:10.1016/j.marpol.2021.104554.
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Boufadel, M., A. Bracco, E.P. Chassignet, S.S. Chen, E. D'Asaro, W.K. Dewar, O. Garcia-Pineda, D. Justic, J. Katz, V.H. Kourafalou, I.R. MacDonald, T.M. Özgökmen, C.B. Paris-Limouzy, S.S. Socolofsky, D. Halpern, and J.G. Shepherd, 2021. Physical transport processes that affect the distribution of oil in the Gulf of Mexico: Observations and modeling. Oceanography, 34(1), 58-75, doi:10.5670/oceanog.2021.117.
Ajayi, A.O., J. Le Sommer, E.P. Chassignet, J.-M. Molines, X. Xu, A. Albert, and W. Dewar, 2021. Diagnosing cross-scale kinetic energy exchanges from two submesoscale permitting ocean models. J. Adv. Model. Earth Syst., 13, e2019MS001923, doi:10.1029/2019MS001923.
Chassignet, E.P., 2021. Ocean modeling. In "Preparing a Workforce for the New Blue Economy: People, Products, and Policies", L. Hotaling and R.W. Spinrad (Eds), Elsevier, 47-61, doi:10.1016/B978-0-12-821431-2.00055-X.
Ainsworth, C.H., E.P. Chassignet, D. French-McCay, C.J. Beegle-Krause, I. Berenshtein, J. Englehardt, T. Fiddaman, H. Huang, M. Huettel, D. Justic, V.H. Kourafalou, Y. Liu, C. Mauritzen, S.A. Murawski, S. Morey, T. Özgökmen, C.B. Paris, J. Ruzicka, S. Saul, J.G. Shepherd, S. Socolofsky, H. Solo-Gabriele, T.T. Sutton, R.H. Weisberg, C. Wilson, L. Zheng, and Y. Zheng, 2021. Ten years of modeling the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. Env. Model. Soft., 142, doi:10.1016/j.envsoft.2021.105070.
Chassignet, E.P., X. Xu, and O. Zavala-Romero, 2021. Tracking marine litter with a global model: Where does it go? Where does it come from? Front. Mar. Sci., 8:667591, doi:10.3389/fmars.2021.667591.
Zeng, L., E.P. Chassignet, X. Xu, and D. Wang, 2021. Multi-decadal changes in the South China Sea mixed layer salinity. Clim. Dyn., doi:10.1007/s00382-021-05711-1.
Dukhovskoy, D.S., S.L. Morey, E.P. Chassignet, X. Chen, V.J. Coles, L. Cui, C.K. Harris, R. Hetland, T.-J. Hsu, A.J. Manning, M. Stukel, K. Thyng, and J. Wang, 2021. Development of the CSOMIO coupled ocean-oil-sediment-biology model. Front. Mar. Sci., 8:629299, doi:10.3389/fmars.2021.629299.
Özgökmen, T.M., A. Bracco, E.P. Chassignet, H. Chang, S.S. Chen, E. D'Asaro, B. Fox-Kemper, A.C. Haza, G. Jacobs, G. Novelli, and A. Poje, 2021. Basin-scale and near-surface circulation in the Gulf of Mexico. International Oil Spill Conference Proceedings, 1, 686903, doi:10.7901/2169-3358-2021.1.686903.
Hewitt, H.T., M. Roberts, P. Mathiot, A. Biastoch, E. Blockley, E.P. Chassignet, B. Fox-Kemper, Pat Hyder, D.P. Marshall, E. Popova, A.-M. Treguier, L. Zanna, A. Yool, Y. Yu, R. Beadling, M. Bell, T. Kuhlbrodt, T. Arsouze, A. Bellucci, F. Castruccio, B. Gan, D. Putrasahan, C.D. Roberts, L. Van Roekel, and Q. Zhang, 2020. Resolving and parameterising the ocean mesoscale in Earth System Models. Curr. Clim. Change Rep., doi:10.1007/s40641-020-00164-w.
Chassignet, E.P., S.G. Yeager, B. Fox-Kemper, A. Bozec, F. Castruccio, G. Danabasoglu, C. Horvat, W.M. Kim, N. Koldunov, Y. Li, P. Lin, H. Liu, D. Sein, D. Sidorenko, Q. Wang, and X. Xu, 2020. Impact of horizontal resolution on global ocean-sea-ice model simulations based on the experimental protocols of the Ocean Model Intercomparison Project phase 2 (OMIP-2). Geosci. Model Dev., 13, 4595-4637, doi:10.5194/gmd-13-4595-2020. Supplement.
Barker, C.H., V.H. Kourafalou, CJ Beegle-Krause, Y.S. Androulidakis, M. Boufadel, M. Bourassa, S. Buschang , E.P. Chassignet, K.-F. Dagestad, D. Danmeier, A. Dissanayake, J. Galt, G. Jacobs, G. Marcotte, T. Özgökmen, N. Pinardi, R. Schiller, S. Socolofsky, D. Thrift-Viveros, B. Zelenke, A. Zhang, and Y. Zheng, 2020. Progress in operational modeling in support of oil spill response. J. Mar. Sci. Eng., 8, 668, doi:10.3390/jmse8090668.
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Xu, X., E.P. Chassignet, Y.L. Firing, and K.A. Donohue, 2020. Antarctic Circumpolar Current transport through Drake Passage: What can we learn from comparing high-resolution model results to observations? J. Geophys. Res., 125, e2020JC016365, doi:10.1002/essoar.10503007.1.
Shropshire, T.A., S.L. Morey, E.P. Chassignet, A. Bozec, V.J. Coles, M.R. Landry, R. Swalethorp, G. Zapfe, and M.R. Stukel, 2020. Quantifying spatiotemporal variability in zooplankton dynamics in the Gulf of Mexico with a physical-biogeochemical model. Biogeosciences, 17, 3385-3407, doi:10.5194/bg-17-3385-2020.
Ajayi, A.O., J. Le Sommer, E.P. Chassignet, J.-M. Molines, X. Xu, A. Albert, and E. Cosme, 2020. Spatial and temporal variability of the North Atlantic eddy field from two kilometric-resolution ocean models. J. Geophys. Res., 125, e2019JC015827, doi:10.1029/2019JC015827.
Morey, S., G. Gopalakrishnan, E. Pallas Sanz, J. Marcos Azevedo Correia de Souza, K. Donohue, P. Perez-Brunius, D. Dukhovskoy, E.P. Chassignet, B. Cornuelle, A. Bower, H. Furey, P. Hamilton, and J. Candela, 2020. Assessment of numerical simulations of deep circulation and variability in the Gulf of Mexico using recent observations. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 50, 1045-1064, doi:10.1175/JPO-D-19-0137.1.
Vinayachandran, P.N., F. Davidson, and E.P. Chassignet, 2020. Towards joint assessments, modern capabilities, and new links for ocean prediction systems. Bull. Amer. Met. Soc., E485-E487, doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-19-0276.1.
Chassignet, E.P., S.G. Yeager, B. Fox-Kemper, A. Bozec, F. Castruccio, G. Danabasoglu, W.M. Kim, N. Koldunov, Y. Li, P. Lin, H. Liu, D. Sein, D. Sidorenko, Q. Wang, and X. Xu, 2020. Impact of horizontal resolution on the energetics of global ocean-sea-ice model simulations. CLIVAR Variations/Exchanges, 18(1), 23-30, doi:10.5065/g8w0-fy32.
Rahaman, H., U. Srinivasu, S. Panickal, J.V. Durgadoo, S.M. Griffies, M. Ravichandran, A. Bozec, A. Cherchi, A. Voldoire, D. Sidorenko, E.P. Chassignet, G. Danabasoglu, H. Tsujino, K. Getzlaff, M. Ilicak, M. Bentsen, M.C. Long, P.G. Fogli, R. Farneti, S.Danilov, S.J. Marsland, S. Valcke, S.G. Yeager, and Q. Wang, 2020. An assessment of the Indian Ocean mean state and seasonal cycle in a suite of interannual CORE-II simulations. Ocean Modelling, 145, doi:10.1016/j.ocemod.2019.101503.
Davidson, F., A.A. Azcarate, A. Barth, G.B. Brassington, E.P. Chassignet, E. Clementi, P. De Mey-Fremaux, P. Divakaran, C. Harris, F. Hernandez, P. Hogan, L.R. Hole, J. Holt, G. Liu, Y. Lu, P. Lorente, J. Maksymczuk, M. Martin, A. Mehra, H. Mo, A. Moore, P. Oddo, A. Pascual, A.-C. Pequignet, V. Kourafalou, A. Ryan, J. Siddorn, G. Smith, D. Spindler, T. Spindler, E. Stanev, J. Staneva, A. Storto, C. Tanajura, P.N. Vinayachandran, L. Wan, H. Wang, Y. Zhang, X. Zhu, and Z. Zu, 2019. Synergies in operational oceanography: The intrinsic need for sustained ocean observations. Front. Mar. Sci., 6:450, doi:10.3389/fmars.2019.00450.
Robinson, W., P. Chang, E.P. Chassignet, and S. Speich, 2019. Ocean mesoscale eddy interactions with the atmosphere: A joint US CLIVAR and CLIVAR workshop report, 2019-2, 22pp., doi:10.5065/ebjm-5q77.
Dukhovskoy, D.S., P.G. Myers, G. Platov, M.-L. Timmermans, A. Proshutinsky, I. Yashayaev, A. Proshutinsky, J. L. Bamber, I. L. Bashmachnikov, E.P. Chassignet, C.M. Lee, and A.J. Tedstone, 2019. Role of Greenland freshwater anomaly in the recent freshening of the Subpolar North Atlantic. J. Geophys. Res., 124, 3333-3360, doi:10.1029/2018JC014686.
Ali, A., K.H. Christensen, O. Breikvik, M. Malila, R.P. Raj, L. Bertino, E.P. Chassignet, and M. Bakhoday-Paskyabi, 2019. A comparison of Langmuir turbulence parameterizations and key wave effects in a numerical model of the North Atlantic and Arctic Oceans. Ocean Modelling, 137, 76-97, doi:10.1016/j.ocemod.2019.02.005.
Chassignet, E.P., J. Le Sommer, and A.J. Wallcraft, 2019. General circulation models. In "Encyclopedia of Ocean Sciences (3rd edition)", K.J. Cochran, H.J. Bokuniewicz, and P.L. Yager (Eds.), 5, 486-490, doi:10.1016/B978-0-12-409548-9.11410-1.
Fox-Kemper, B., A. Adcroft, C.W. Böning, E.P. Chassignet, E. Curchitser, G. Danabasoglu, C. Eden, M.H. England, R. Gerdes, R.J. Greatbatch, S.M. Griffies, R. Hallberg, E. Hanert, P. Heimbach, H.T. Hewitt, C.N. Hill, Y. Komuro, S. Legg, J. Le Sommer, S. Masina, S.J. Marsland, S.G. Penny, F. Qiao, T.D. Ringler, A.M. Treguier, H. Tsujino, P. Uotila, and S.G. Yeager, 2019. Challenges and prospects in ocean circulation models. Front. Mar. Sci., 6:65, doi:10.3389/fmars.2019.00065.
LaCasce, J., J. Escartin, E.P. Chassignet, and X. Xu, 2019. Jet instability over smooth, corrugated, and realistic bathymetry. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 49, 585-604, doi:10.1175/JPO-D-18-0129.1.
Xu, X., E.P. Chassignet, and F. Wang, 2019. On the variability of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation transports in coupled CMIP5 simulations. Clim. Dyn., 52(11), 6511-6531, doi:10.1007/s00382-018-4529-0.
Ye, L., A.J. Manning, T.-J. Hsu, S. Morey, E.P. Chassignet, and T. Ippolito, 2018. Novel application of laboratory instrumentation characterizes mass settling dynamics of oil-mineral aggregates (OMAs) and oil-mineral-microbial interactions. Mar. Technol. Soc. J., 52(6), 87-90, doi:10.4031/MTSJ.52.6.14.
Xu, X., P.B. Rhines, and E.P. Chassignet, 2018. On mapping the diapycnal water mass transformation of the North Atlantic Ocean. J. Phys. Oceanogr, 48, 2233-2258, doi:10.1175/JPO-D-17-0223.1.
Xu, X., A. Bower, H. Furey, and E.P. Chassignet, 2018. Variability of the Iceland-Scotland overflow water transport through the Charlie-Gibbs Fracture Zone: Results from an eddying simulation and observations. J. Geophys. Res., 123, doi:10.1029/2018JC013895.
Guerra, L.A.A., A.M. Paiva, and E.P. Chassignet, 2018. On the translation of Agulhas rings to the western South Atlantic Ocean. Deep-Sea Res. I, 139, 104-113, doi:10.1016/j.dsr.2018.08.005.
Tsujino H., S. Urakawa, H. Nakano, R.J. Small, W.M. Kim, S.G. Yeager, G. Danabasoglu, T. Suzuki, J.L. Bamber, M. Bentsen, C. Böning, A. Bozec, E.P. Chassignet, E. Curchitser, F. Boeira Dias, P.J. Durack, S.M. Griffies, Y. Harada, M. Ilicak, S.A. Josey, C. Kobayashi, S. Kobayashi, Y. Komuro, W.G. Large, J. Le Sommer, S.J. Marsland, S. Masina, M. Scheinert, H. Tomita, M. Valdivieso, and D. Yamazaki, 2018. JRA-55 based surface dataset for driving ocean-sea-ice models (JRA55-do). Ocean Modelling, 130, 79-139, doi:10.1016/j.ocemod.2018.07.002.
Chassignet, E.P., A. Pascual, J. Tintoré, and J. Verron (Eds.), 2018. New Frontiers in Operational Oceanography. GODAE OceanView, 811 pp, doi:10.17125/gov2018
Le Sommer, J., E.P. Chassignet, and A.J. Wallcraft, 2018. Ocean circulation modeling for operational oceanography: Current status and future challenges. In "New Frontiers in Operational Oceanography", E. Chassignet, A. Pascual, J. Tintoré, and J. Verron (Eds.), GODAE OceanView, 289-306, doi:10.17125/gov2018.ch12.
Robinson, W., S. Speich, and E.P. Chassignet, 2018. Exploring the interplay between ocean eddies and the atmosphere. EOS, 99, doi:10.1029/2018EO100609.
Zeng, L., E.P. Chassignet, R.W. Schmitt, X. Xu, and D. Wang, 2018. Salinification in the South China Sea since late 2012: a reversal of the freshening since 1990s. Geophys. Res. Lett., 45, 2744-2751, doi:10.1002/2017GL076574.
Van Sebille, E., S.M. Griffies, R. Abernathey, T.P. Adams, P. Berloff, A. Biastoch, B. Blanke, E.P. Chassignet, Y. Cheng, C.J. Cotter, E. Deleersnijder, K. Döös, H. Drake, S. Drijfhout, S.F. Gary, A.W. Heemink, J. Kjellsson, I.M. Koszalka, M. Lange, C. Lique, G.A. MacGilchrist, R. Marsh, G.C Mayorga Adame, R. McAdam, F. Nencioli, C.B. Paris, M.D. Piggott, J.A. Polton, S. Rühs, S.H. Shah, M.D. Thomas, J. Wang, P.J. Wolfram, L. Zanna, and J.D. Zika, 2018. Lagrangian ocean analysis: Fundamentals and practices. Ocean Modelling, 121, 49-75, doi:10.1016/j.ocemod.2017.11.008.
Chassignet, E.P., J.W. Jones, V. Misra, and J. Obeysekera (Eds.), 2017. Florida's Climate: Changes, Variations, and Impacts. Florida Climate Institute, 622 pp, doi:10.17125/fci2017
Hewitt, H.T., M.J. Bell, E.P. Chassignet, A. Czaja, D. Ferreira, S.M. Griffies, P. Hyder, J. McClean, A.L. New, and M.J. Roberts, 2017. Will high-resolution global ocean models benefit coupled predictions on short-range to climate timescales? Ocean Modelling, 120, 120-136, doi:10.1016/j.ocemod.2017.11.002.
MacKinnon, J.A., M.H. Alford, J.K. Ansong, B.K. Arbic, A. Barna, B.P. Briegleb, F.O. Bryan, M.C. Buijsman, E.P. Chassignet, S. Diggs, P. Gent, S.M. Griffies, R.W. Hallberg, S.R. Jayne, M. Jochum, J.M. Klymak, E. Kunze, W.G. Large, S. Legg, B. Mater, A.V. Melet, L.M. Merchant, R. Musgrave, J.D. Nash, N.J. Norton, A. Pickering, R. Pinkel, K. Polzin, H.L. Simmons, L.C. St. Laurent, O.M. Sun, D.S. Trossman, A.F. Waterhouse, C.B. Whalen, and Z. Zhao, 2017. Climate process team on internal-wave driven ocean mixing. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 98:11, 2429-2454, doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-16-0030.1.
Treguier, A.M., E.P. Chassignet, A. Le Boyer, and N. Pinardi, 2017. Modeling and forecasting the "weather of the ocean" at the mesoscale. In "THE SEA: THE SCIENCE OF OCEAN PREDICTION", J. Mar. Res., 75, 301-329, doi:10.1357/002224017821836842.
Chassignet, E.P., and X. Xu, 2017. Impact of horizontal resolution (1/12° to 1/50°) on Gulf Stream separation, penetration, and variability. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 47, 1999-2021, doi:10.1175/JPO-D-17-0031.1.
Trossman, D.S., B.K. Arbic, D.N. Straub, J.G. Richman, E.P. Chassignet, A.J. Wallcraft, and X. Xu, 2017. The role of rough topography in mediating impacts of bottom drag in eddying ocean circulation models. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 47, 1941-1959, doi:10.1175/JPO-D-16-0229.1.
Deremble, B., W.K. Dewar, and E.P. Chassignet, 2016. Vorticity dynamics near sharp topographic features. J. Mar. Res., 74, 249-276, doi:10.1357/002224016821744142.
Hiester, H.R., S.L. Morey, D.S. Dukhovskoy, E.P. Chassignet, V.H. Kourafalou, and C. Hu, 2016. A topological approach for quantitative comparisons of ocean model fields to satellite ocean color data. Method. Oceanogr., 17, 232-250, doi:10.1016/j.mio.2016.09.005.
Rosburg, K.C., K.A. Donohue, and E.P. Chassignet, 2016. Three-dimensional model-observation intercomparison in the Loop Current region. Dyn. Atmos. Oceans, 76, 283-305, doi:10.1016/j.dynatmoce.2016.05.001.
Xu, X., P.B. Rhines, and E.P. Chassignet, 2016. Temperature-salinity structure of the North Atlantic circulation and associated heat and freshwater transports. J. Climate, 29, 7723-7741, doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-15-0798.1.
Griffies, S., G. Danabasoglu, P. Durack, A. Alistair, C. Böning, E.P. Chassignet, E. Curchitser, J. Deshayes, H. Drange, B. Fox-Kemper, P. Gleckler, J. Gregory, H. Haak, R. Hallberg, H. Hewitt, D. Holland, T. Ilyina, Y. Komuro, J. Krasting, W. Large, S. Marsland, S. Masina, T. McDougall, J. Orr, A. Pirani, F. Qiao, R. Stouffer, K. Taylor, H. Tsujino, P. Uotila, M. Valdivieso, M. Winton, S. Yeager, V. Balaji, J. Jungclaus, A.M. Treguier, and A.J.G. Nurser, 2016. OMIP contribution to CMIP6: Experimental and diagnostic protocol for the physical component of the Ocean Model Intercomparison Project. Geosci. Model Dev., 9, 3231-3296, doi:10.5194/gmd-2016-77.
Özgökmen,, T.M., E.P. Chassignet, C. Dawson, D. Dukhovskoy, G. Jacobs, J. Ledwell, O. Garcia-Pinada, I. MacDonald, S.L. Morey, M. Olascoaga, A.C. Poje, M. Reed, and J. Skancke, 2016. Over what area did the oil and gas spread during the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill? Oceanography, 29(3), 96-107, doi:10.5670/oceanog.2016.74.
Tseng, Y., H. Lin, H. Chen, K. Thompson, M. Bentsen, C. Böning, A. Bozec, C. Cassou, E.P. Chassignet, C.H. Chow, G. Danabasoglu, S. Danilov, R. Farneti, P.G. Fogli, Y. Fujii, S.M. Griffies, M. Illicak, T. Jung, S. Masina, A. Navarra, L. Patara, B.L. Samuels, M. Scheinert, D. Sidorenko, C.-H. Sui, H. Tsujino, S. Valcke, A. Voldoire, and Q. Wang, 2016. North and Equatorial Pacific Ocean circulation in the CORE-II hindcast simulations. Ocean Modelling, 104, 143-170, doi:10.1016/j.ocemod.2016.06.003.
Gonçalves, R.C., M. Iskandarani, A. Srinivasan, W.C. Thacker, E.P. Chassignet, and O.M. Knio, 2016. A framework to quantify uncertainty in simulations of oil transport in the ocean. J. Geophys. Res., 121, 2058-2077, doi:10.1002/2015JC011311.
National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2016. Next Generation Earth System Prediction: Strategies for Subseasonal to Seasonal Forecasts. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press, 290 pp, doi: 10.17226/21873.
Wang Q., M. Ilicak, R. Gerdes, H. Drange, Y. Aksenov, D. Bailey, M. Bentsen, A. Biastoch, A. Bozec, C. Böning, C. Cassou, E.P. Chassignet, A.C. Coward, B. Curry, G. Danabasoglu, S. Danilov, E. Fernandez, P.G. Fogli, Y. Fujii, S.M. Griffies, D. Iovino, A. Jahn, T. Jung, W.G. Large, C. Lee, C. Lique, J. Lu, S. Masina, A.J.G. Nurser, C. Roth, D. Salas y Melia, B.L. Samuels, P. Spence, H. Tsujino, S. Valcke, A. Voldoire, X. Wang, and S.G. Yeager, 2016. An assessment of the Arctic Ocean in a suite of interannual CORE-II simulations. Part I: Sea ice and solid freshwater. Ocean Modelling, 99, 110-132, doi:10.1016/j.ocemod.2015.12.008.
Wang Q., M. Ilicak, R. Gerdes, H. Drange, Y. Aksenov, D. Bailey, M. Bentsen, A. Biastoch, A. Bozec, C. Böning, C. Cassou, E.P. Chassignet, A.C. Coward, B. Curry, G. Danabasoglu, S. Danilov, E. Fernandez, P.G. Fogli, Y. Fujii, S.M. Griffies, D. Iovino, A. Jahn, T. Jung, W.G. Large, C. Lee, C. Lique, J. Lu, S. Masina, A.J.G. Nurser, C. Roth, D. Salas y Melia, B.L. Samuels, P. Spence, H. Tsujino, S. Valcke, A. Voldoire, X. Wang, and S.G. Yeager, 2016. An assessment of the Arctic Ocean in a suite of interannual CORE-II simulations. Part II: Liquid freshwater. Ocean Modelling, 99, 86-109, doi:10.1016/j.ocemod.2015.12.009.
Ilicak, M., H. Drange, Q. Wang, R. Gerdes, Y. Aksenov, D. Bailey, M. Bentsen, A. Biastoch, A. Bozec, C. Böning, C. Cassou, E.P. Chassignet, A.C. Coward, B. Curry, G. Danabasoglu, S. Danilov, E. Fernandez, P.G. Fogli, Y. Fujii, S.M. Griffies, D. Iovino, A. Jahn, T. Jung, W.G. Large, C. Lee, C. Lique, J. Lu, S. Masina, A.J.G. Nurser, C. Roth, D. Salas y Melia, B.L. Samuels, P. Spence, H. Tsujino, S. Valcke, A. Voldoire, X. Wang, and S.G. Yeager, 2016. An assessment of the Arctic Ocean in a suite of interannual CORE-II simulations. Part III: Hydrography and fluxes. Ocean Modelling, 100, 121-141, doi:10.1016/j.ocemod.2016.02.004.
Dukhovskoy, D.S., P.G. Myers, G. Platov, M.-L. Timmermans, A. Proshutinsky, B. Curry, J.L. Bamber, E.P. Chassignet, X. Hu, C.M. Lee, and R. Somavilla, 2016. Greenland freshwater pathways in the sub-Arctic Seas from model experiments with passive tracers. J. Geophys. Res., 121, 877-907, doi:10.1002/2015JC011290.
Danabasoglu, G., S.G. Yeager, W.M. Kim, E. Behrens, M. Bentsen, D. Bi, A. Biastoch, R. Bleck, C. Böning, A. Bozec, V.M. Canuto, C. Cassou, E.P. Chassignet, A.C. Coward, S. Danilov, N. Diansky, H. Drange, R. Farneti, E. Fernandez, P.G. Fogli, G. Forget, Y. Fujii, S.M. Griffies, A. Gusev, P. Heimbach, A. Howard, T. Jung, M. Kelley, W.G. Large, A. Leboissetier, J. Lu, G. Madec, S.J. Marsland, S. Masina, A. Navarra, A.J.G. Nurser, A. Pirani, A. Romanou, D. Salas y Melia, B.L. Samuels, M. Scheinert, D. Sidorenko, S. Sun, A.-M. Treguier, H. Tsujino, P. Uotila, S. Valcke, A. Voldoire, and Q. Wang, 2016. North Atlantic simulations in Coordinated Ocean-ice Reference Experiments phase II (CORE-II). Part II: Inter-Annual to Decadal Variability. Ocean Modelling, 97, 65-90, doi:10.1016/j.ocemod.2015.11.007.
Xu, X., P.B. Rhines, E.P. Chassignet, and W.J. Schmitz Jr., 2015. Spreading of Denmark Strait overflow water in the western subpolar North Atlantic: Insights from eddy-resolving simulations with a passive tracer. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 45, 2913-2932, doi:10.1175/JPO-D-14-017.
Brassington, G.B., M.J. Martin, H.L. Tolman, S. Akella, M. Balmaseda, C.R.S. Chambers, E.P. Chassignet, J.A. Cummings, Y. Drillet, P.A.E.M. Janssen, P. Laloyaux, D. Lea, A. Mehra, I. Mirouze, H. Ritchie, G. Samson, P.A. Sandery, G.C. Smith, M. Suarez, and R. Todling, 2015. Progress and challenges in short- to medium-range coupled prediction. J. Oper. Oceanogr., 8:sup2, s239-s258, doi:10.1080/1755876X.2015.104987.
Downes, S.M, R. Farneti, P. Uotila, S.M. Griffies, S.J. Marsland, D. Bailey, E. Behrens, M. Bentsen, D. Bi, A. Biastoch, C. Böning, A. Bozec, V.M. Canuto, E.P. Chassignet, G. Danabasoglu, S. Danilov, N. Diansky, H. Drange, P.G. Fogli, A. Gusev, A. Howard, M. Ilicak, T. Jung, M. Kelley, W.G. Large, A. Leboissetier, M. Long, J. Lu, S. Masina, A. Mishra, A. Navarra, A.J.G. Nurser, L. Patara, B.L. Samuels, D. Sidorenko, P. Spence, H. Tsujino, Q. Wang, and S.G. Yeager, 2015. An assessment of Southern Ocean water masses and sea ice during 1988-2007 in a suite of inter-annual CORE-II simulations. Ocean Modelling, 94, 67-94, doi:10.1016/j.ocemod.2015.07.022.
Farneti R., S.M. Downes, S.M. Griffies, S.J. Marsland, E. Behrens, M. Bentsen, D. Bi, A. Biastoch, C. Böning, A. Bozec, V.M. Canuto, E.P. Chassignet, G. Danabasoglu, S. Danilov, N. Diansky, H. Drange, P.G. Fogli, A. Gusev, R.W. Hallberg, A. Howard, M. Ilicak, T. Jung, M. Kelley, W.G. Large, A. Leboissetier, M. Long, J. Lu, S. Masina, A. Mishra, A. Navarra, A.J.G. Nurser, L. Patara, B.L. Samuels, D. Sidorenko, H. Tsujino, P. Uotila, Q. Wang, and S.G. Yeager, 2015. An assessment of Antarctic Circumpolar Current and Southern Ocean Meridional Overturning Circulation during 1958-2007 in a suite of inter-annual CORE-II simulations. Ocean Modelling, 93, 84-120, doi:10.1016/j.ocemod.2015.07.009.
Dukhovskoy, D.S., R.R. Leben, E.P. Chassignet, C. Hall, S.L. Morey and R. Nedbor-Gross, 2015. Characterization of the uncertainty in the Gulf of Mexico loop current description using a multidecadal numerical simulation and altimeter observations. Deep-Sea Res. I, 100, 140-158, doi:10.1016/j.dsr.2015.01.005.
Nguyen, T.T., S.L. Morey, D.S. Dukhovskoy, and E.P. Chassignet, 2015. Non-local impacts of the Loop Current on cross-slope near-bottom flow in the northeastern Gulf of Mexico. Geophys. Res. Lett., 42, doi:10.1002/ 2015GL063304.
Jones, C.S., C. Cenedese, E.P. Chassignet, P.F. Linden, and B.R. Sutherland, 2015. Gravity current propagation up a valley. J. Fluid Mech., 762, 417-434, doi:10.1017/jfm.2014.627.
Todd, A., S.L. Morey, and E.P. Chassignet, 2014. Circulation dynamics and cross-shelf transport mechanisms in the Florida Big Bend. J. Mar. Res., 72, 445-475.
Arruda, W., V. Zharkov, B. Deremble, D. Nof, and E.P. Chassignet, 2014. A new model of current retroflection applied to the westward protrusion of the Agulhas. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 44, 3118-3138.
Wu, Z., E.P. Chassignet, F. Ji, and J. Huang, 2014. Reply to 'Spatiotemporal patterns of warming'. Nature Climate Change, 4, 846-848, doi:10.1038/nclimate2374.
Zavala-Romero, O., A. Ahmed, E.P. Chassignet, J. Zavala-Hidalgo, A.F. Eguiarte, and A. Meyer-Baese, 2014. OWGIS: An Open Source Java web application to build self-contained WebGIS sites. Environ. Model. Softw., 62, 210-220, doi:10.1016/j.envsoft.2014.08.029.
Nedbor-Gross, R., D.S. Dukhovskoy, M.A. Bourassa, S.L. Morey, and E.P. Chassignet, 2014. Investigation of the relationship between the Yucatan Channel transport and the Loop Current area in a multi-decadal numerical simulation. Mar. Technol. Soc. J., 48(4), 15-26, doi:10.4031/MTSJ.48.4.8.
Coleman, F.C., J.P. Chanton, and E.P. Chassignet, 2014. Ecological Connectivity in Northeastern Gulf of Mexico - The Deep-C Initiative. International Oil Spill Conference Proceedings: May 2014, 2014(1), 1972-1984, doi:10.7901/2169-3358-2014.1.1972.
Xu, X., E.P. Chassignet, W.E. Johns, W.J. Schmitz Jr., and E.J. Metzger, 2014. Intraseasonal to interannual variability of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation from eddy-resolving simulations and observations. J. Geophys. Res., 119, doi:10.1002/2014JC009994.
Chassignet, E.P., X. Xu, and G. Danabasoglu, 2014. Overflow parameterisations in climate models. CLIVAR Exchanges, 19(2), 34-37.
Arbic, B.K., M.C. Buijsman, E.P. Chassignet, S.T. Garner, S.R. Jayne, E.J. Metzger, J.G. Richman. J.F. Shriver, P.G. Timko, D.S. Trossman, and A.J. Wallcraft, 2014. Inserting tides and topographic wave drag into high-resolution eddying simulations. CLIVAR Exchanges, 19(2), 30-33.
Chassignet, E.P., J.G. Richman, E.J. Metzger, X. Xu, P.G. Hogan, B.K. Arbic, and A.J. Wallcraft, 2014. HYCOM high-resolution eddying simulations. CLIVAR Exchanges, 19(2), 22-25.
Ji, F., Z. Wu, J. Huang, and E.P. Chassignet, 2014. Evolution of land surface air temperature trend. Nature Climate Change, 4, 462-466, doi:10.1038/nclimate2223.
Griffies, S.M., J. Yin, P.J. Durack, P. Goddard, S.C. Bates, E. Behrens, M. Bentsen, D. Bi, A. Biastoch, C. Böning, A. Bozec, E.P. Chassignet, G. Danabasoglu, S. Danilov, C. Domingues, H. Drange, R. Farneti, E. Fernandez, R.J. Greatbatch, D.M. Holland, M. Ilicak, J. Lu, S.J. Marsland, A. Mishra, K. Lorbacher, A.J.G. Nurser, D. Salas y Melia, J.B. Palter, B.L. Samuels, J. Schröter, F.U. Schwarzkopf, D. Sidorenko, A.-M. Treguier, Y. Tseng, H. Tsujino, P. Uotila, S. Valcke, A. Aurore, Q. Wang, M. Winton, and X. Zhang, 2014. An assessment of global and regional sea level for years 1993-2007 in a suite of interannual CORE-II simulations. Ocean Modelling, 78, 35-89, doi:10.1016/j.ocemod.2014.03.004.
Danabasoglu, G., S.G. Yeager, D. Bailey, E. Behrens, M. Bentsen, D. Bi, A. Biastoch, C. Böning, A. Bozec, V.M. Canuto, C. Cassou, E.P. Chassignet, A.C. Coward, S. Danilov, N. Diansky, H. Drange, R. Farneti, E. Fernandez, P.G. Fogli, G. Forget, Y. Fujii, S.M. Griffies, A. Gusev, P. Heimbach, A. Howard, T. Jung, M. Kelley, W.G. Large, A. Leboissetier, J. Lu, G. Madec, S.J. Marsland, S. Masina, A. Navarra, A.J.G. Nurser, A. Pirani, D. Salas y Melia, B.L. Samuels, M. Scheinert, D. Sidorenko, A.-M. Treguier, H. Tsujino, P. Uotila, S. Valcke, A. Voldoire, and Q. Wang, 2014. North Atlantic simulations in Coordinated Ocean-ice Reference Experiments phase II (CORE-II). Part I: Mean states. Ocean Modelling, 73, 76-107, doi:10.1016/j.ocemod.2013.10.005.
Yan, Y., E.P. Chassignet, Y. Qi, and W.K. Dewar, 2013. Freshening of subsurface waters in the Northwest Pacific subtropical gyres: Observations and dynamics. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 43, 2733-2751, doi:10.1175/JPO-D-13-03.1.
Griffies, S.M., J. Yin, S.C. Bates, E. Behrens, M. Bentsen, D. Bi, A. Biastoch, C. Böning, A. Bozec, E.P. Chassignet, G. Danabasoglu, S. Danilov, C. Domingues, H. Drange, P.J. Durack, R. Farneti, E. Fernandez, P. Goddard, R.J. Greatbatch, D.M. Holland, M. Ilicak, J. Lu, S.J. Marsland, A. Mishra, K. Lorbacher, A.J.G. Nurser, D. Salas y Melia, J.B. Palter, B.L. Samuels, J. Schröter, F.U. Schwarzkopf, D. Sidorenko, A.-M. Treguier, Y. Tseng, H. Tsujino, P. Uotila, S. Valcke, A. Aurore, Q. Wang, M. Winton, and X. Zhang, 2013. An assessment of global and regional sea level in a suite of interannual CORE-II simulations: a synopsis. CLIVAR Exchanges, 18(2), 11-15.
Michael, J.-P., V. Misra, and E.P. Chassignet, 2013. The El Nino and Southern Oscillation in the historical centennial integrations of the new generation of climate models. Reg. Environ. Change, 13, (Suppl. 1) S121-S130, doi:10.1007/s10113-013-0452-4.
Winterbottom, H.R., E.W. Uhlhorn and E.P. Chassignet, 2012. A design and an application of a regional coupled atmosphere-ocean model for tropical cyclone prediction. J. Adv. Model. Earth Syst., 4, M10002, doi:10.1029/2012MS000172.
Misra, V., J.-P. Michael, R. Boyles, E.P. Chassignet, M. Griffin, and J.J. O'Brien, 2012. Reconciling the spatial distribution of the surface temperature trends in the Southeastern United States. J. Climate, 25, 3610-3618, doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-11-00170.1
Chassignet, E.P., C. Cenedese, and J. Verron (Eds.), 2012. Buoyancy-Driven Flows. Cambridge University Press, 436 pp.
Nof, D., V. Zharkov, J. Ortiz, N. Paldor, W. Arruda, and E.P. Chassignet, 2011: The arrested Agulhas retroflection. J. Mar. Res., 69(4-6), 659-691, doi:10.1357/002224011799849453.
Winterbottom, H.R., and E.P. Chassignet, 2011. A vortex isolation and removal algorithm for numerical weather prediction model tropical cyclone applications. J. Adv. Model. Earth Syst., 3, M11003, 8 pp, doi:10.1029/2011MS000088.
Jia, Y., P.H.R. Calil, E.P. Chassignet, E.J. Metzger, J.T. Potemra, K.J. Richards, and A.J. Wallcraft, 2011. Generation of mesoscale eddies in the lee of the Hawaiian Islands. J. Geophys. Res., 116, C11009, doi:10.1029/2011JC007305.
Bozec, A., M.S. Lozier, E.P. Chassignet, and G.R. Halliwell, 2011. On the variability of the Mediterranean Outflow Water in the Atlantic Ocean from 1948 to 2006. J. Geophys. Res., 116, C09033, doi:10.1029/2011JC007191.
Nof, D., Y. Jia, E.P. Chassignet, and A. Bozec, 2011. Fast wind-induced migration of Leddies in the South China Sea. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 41, 1683-1693, doi:10.1175/2011JPO4530.1.
Jia, Y., and E.P. Chassignet, 2011. Seasonal variation of eddy shedding from the Kuroshio intrusion in the Luzon Strait. J. Oceanogr., 67(5), doi:10.1007/s10872-011-0060-1, 601-611.
Ren, L., K. Speer, and E.P. Chassignet, 2011. The mixed layer salinity budget and sea ice in the Southern Ocean. J. Geophys. Res., 116, C08031, doi:10.1029/2010JC006634.
Hurlburt, H.E., E.J. Metzger, J.G. Richman, E.P. Chassignet, Y. Drillet, M.W. Hecht, O. Le Galloudec, J.F. Shriver, X. Xu, and L. Zamudio, 2011. Dynamical evaluation of ocean models using the Gulf Stream as an example. In "Operational Oceanography in the 21st Century", A. Schiller and G. Brassington (Eds.), Springer, 545-610.
Chassignet, E.P., 2011. Isopycnic and hybrid ocean modeling in the context of GODAE. In "Operational Oceanography in the 21st Century", A. Schiller and G. Brassington (Eds.), Springer, 263-294.
Srinivasan, A., E.P. Chassignet, L. Bertino, J.M. Brankart, P. Brasseur, T.M. Chin, F. Counillon, J.A. Cummings, A.J. Mariano, O.M. Smedstad, and W.C. Thacker, 2011. A comparison of sequential assimilation schemes for ocean prediction with the HYbrid Coordinate Ocean Model (HYCOM). Part I: Twin experiments. Ocean Modelling, 37, 85-111, doi:10.1016/j.ocemod.2011.01.006.
Stefanova, L., V. Misra, J.J. O'Brien, E.P. Chassignet, and S. Hameed, 2011. Hindcast skill and predictability for precipitation and two-meter air temperature anomalies in global circulation models over the Southeast United States. Climate Dynamics, doi:10.1007/s00382-010-0988-7.
Xu, X., W.J. Schmitz Jr., H.E. Hurlburt, P.J. Hogan, and E.P. Chassignet, 2010. Transport of Nordic Seas overflow water into and within the Irminger Sea: An eddy-resolving simulations and observations. J. Geophys. Res., 115, C12048, doi:10.1029/2010JC006351.
Scott, R.B., B.K. Arbic, E.P. Chassignet, A.C. Coward, M. Maltrud, A. Srinivasan, and A. Varghese, 2010. Total kinetic energy in four global eddying ocean circulation models and over 5000 current meter records. Ocean Modelling, 32, 157-169, doi:10.1016/j.ocemod.2010.01.005.
Goni, G., M. DeMaria, J. Knaff, C. Sampson, J. Price, A. Mehra, I. Ginis, I.-I. Lin, P. Sandery, S. Ramos-Buarque, M.M. Ali, F. Bringas, S. Aberson, R. Lumpkin, G. Halliwell, C. Lauer, E.P. Chassignet, A. Mavume, and K. Kang, 2010. The ocean observing system for tropical cyclone intensification forecasts and studies. In Proceedings of OceanObs'09: Sustained Ocean Observations and Information for Society (Vol. 2),, Venice, Italy, 21-25 September 2009, ESA Publication WPP-306.
Griffies, S.M., A.J. Adcroft, H. Banks, C.W. Boening, E.P. Chassignet, G. Danabasoglu, S. Danilov, E. Deleersnijder, H. Drange, M. England, B. Fox-Kemper, R. Gerdes, A. Gnanadesikan, R.J. Greatbatch, R.W. Hallberg, E. Hanert, M.J. Harrison, S. Legg, C.M. Little, G. Madec, S.J. Marsland, M. Nikurashin, A. Pirani, H.L. Simmons, J. Schroter, B.L. Samuels, A.-M. Treguier, J.R. Toggweiler, H. Tsujino, G.K. Vallis, and L. White, 2010. Problems and prospects in large-scale ocean circulation models. In Proceedings of OceanObs'09: Sustained Ocean Observations and Information for Society (Vol. 2),, Venice, Italy, 21-25 September 2009, ESA Publication WPP-306.
Dombrowsky, E., L. Bertino, G.B. Brassington, E.P. Chassignet, F. Davidson, H.E. Hurlburt, M. Kamachi, T. Lee, M.J. Martin, S. Mei, and M. Tonani, 2009. GODAE systems in operation. Oceanography, 22(3), 80-95.
Hurlburt, H.E., G.B. Brassington, Y. Drillet, M. Kamachi, M. Benkiran, R. Bourdalle-Badie, E.P. Chassignet, O. LeGalloudec, J.-M. Lellouche, E.J. Metzger, P.R. Oke, T. Pugh, A. Schiller, O.M. Smedstad, B. Tranchant, H. Tsujino, N. Usui, and A.J. Wallcraft, 2009. High resolution global and basin-scale ocean analyses and forecasts. Oceanography, 22(3), 110-127.
Hernandez, F., L. Bertino, G.B. Brassington, E.P. Chassignet, J. Cummings, F. Davidson, M. Drevillon, G. Garric, M. Kamachi, J.-M. Lellouche, R. Mahdon, M.J. Martin, A. Ratsimandresy, and C. Regnier, 2009. Validation and intercomparison studies within GODAE. Oceanography, 22(3), 128-143.
Goni, G., M. DeMaria, J. Knaff, C. Sampson, I. Ginis, F. Bringas, A. Mavume, C. Lauer, I.-I. Lin, P. Sandery, S. Ramos-Buarque, K. Kang, A. Mehra, E.P. Chassignet, and G. Halliwell, 2009. Applications of satellite-derived ocean measurements to tropical cyclone intensity forecasting. Oceanography, 22(3), 190-197.
Chassignet, E.P., H.E. Hurlburt, E.J. Metzger, O.M. Smedstad, J. Cummings, G.R. Halliwell, R. Bleck, R. Baraille, A.J. Wallcraft, C. Lozano, H.L. Tolman, A. Srinivasan, S. Hankin, P. Cornillon, R. Weisberg, A. Barth, R. He, F. Werner, and J. Wilkin, 2009. U.S. GODAE: Global Ocean Prediction with the HYbrid Coordinate Ocean Model (HYCOM). Oceanography, 22(2), 64-75.
Cornillon, P., J. Adams, M.B. Blumenthal, E.P. Chassignet, E. Davis, S. Hankin, J. Kinter, R. Mendelssohm, J.T. Potemra, A. Srinivasan, and J. Sirott, 2009. NVODS and the development of OPeNDAP - an integrative tool for oceanographic data systems. Oceanography, 22(2), 116-127.
Metzger, E.J., H.E. Hurlburt, A.J. Wallcraft, O.M. Smedstad, J.A. Cummings, and E.P. Chassignet, 2009. Predicting "Ocean Weather" using the 1/12 degree global HYbrid Coordinate Ocean Model (HYCOM). HPCinsight, Fall 2009, 46-48.
Hurlburt, H.E., Y. Drillet, G.B. Brassington, M. Benkiran, E.P. Chassignet, J.A. Cummings, M. Drevillon, H. Etienne, O. LeGalloudec, E.J. Metzger, P.R. Oke, T. Pugh, A. Schiller, J.F. Shriver, O.M. Smedstad, B. Tranchant, A.J. Wallcraft, and G. Warren, 2009. Global high resolution analyses and forecasts at the mesoscale. In "Proceedings Final GODAE Symposium", 95-111.
Misra, V., S. Chan, R. Wu, and E.P. Chassignet, 2009. Air-sea interaction over the Atlantic warm pool in the NCEP CFS. Geophys. Res. Lett., 36, L15702, doi:10.1029/2009GL038737.
Legg, S., Y. Chang, E.P. Chassignet, G. Danabasoglu, T. Ezer, A.L. Gordon, S. Griffes, R. Hallberg, L. Jackson, W. Large, T. Özgökmen, H. Peters, J. Price, U. Riemenschneider, W. Wu, X. Xu, J. Yang, 2009. Improving oceanic overflow representation in climate models: the Gravity Current Entrainment Climate Process Team. Bull. Amer. Met. Soc., 90(4), 657-670, doi: 10.1175/2008BAMS2667.1.
Rousset, C., M.-N. Houssais, and E.P. Chassignet, 2009. A multi-model study of the restratification phase in an idealized convection basin. Ocean Modelling, 26, 115-133, doi:10.1016/j.ocemod.2008.08.005.
Griffies, S.M., A. Biastoch, C. Boening, F. Bryan, G. Danabasoglu, E.P. Chassignet, M.H. England, R. Gerdes, H. Haak, R.W. Hallberg, W. Hazeleger, J. Jungclaus, W.G. Large, G. Madec, A. Pirani, B.L. Samuels, M. Scheinert, A.S. Gupta, C.A. Severijns, H.L. Simmons, A.-M. Treguier, M. Winton, S. Yeager, and J. Yin, 2009. Coordinated Ocean-Ice Reference Experiments (COREs). Ocean Modelling, 26, 1-46, doi:10.1016/j.ocemod.2008.08.007.
Kara, A.B., E.J. Metzger, H.E. Hurlburt, A.J. Wallcraft, and E.P. Chassignet, 2008. Multistatistics metric evaluation of ocean general circulation model sea surface temperature: Application to 0.08° Pacific Hybrid Coordinate Ocean Model simulations. J. Geophys. Res., 113, C12018, doi:10.1029/2008JC004878.
Magaldi, M., T.M. Özgökmen, A. Griffa, E.P. Chassignet, M. Iskandarani, and H. Peters, 2008. Turbulent flow regimes behind a coastal cape in a stratified and rotating environment. Ocean Modelling, 25, 65-82, doi:10.1016/j.ocemod.2008.06.006.
Chassignet, E.P., and D.P. Marshall, 2008. Gulf Stream separation in numerical ocean models. In "Ocean Modeling in an Eddying Regime", M. Hecht and H. Hasumi (Eds.), AGU Monograph Series, 39-62, doi:10.1029/177GM05.
Hurlburt H.E., E.P. Chassignet, J.A. Cummings, A.B. Kara, E.J. Metzger, J.F. Shriver, O.M. Smedstad, A.J. Wallcraft, and C.N. Barron, 2008. Eddy-resolving global ocean prediction. In "Ocean Modelingin an Eddying Regime", M. Hecht and H. Hasumi (Eds.), AGU Monograph Series, 353-382.
Wallcraft, A.J., A.B. Kara, H.E. Hurlburt, E.P. Chassignet, and G.R. Halliwell, 2008. Value of bulk heat flux parameterizations for ocean SST prediction. J. Mar. Sys., 74, doi:10.1016/j.marsys.2008.01.009.
LaRow, T.E., Y.-K. Lim, D.W. Shin, E.P. Chassignet, and S. Cocke, 2008. Atlantic basin seasonal hurricane simulations. J. Climate, 21, 3191-3206.
Kara, A.B., A.J. Wallcraft, P.J. Martin, and E.P. Chassignet, 2008. Performance of mixed layer models in simulating SST in the Equatorial Pacific Ocean. J. Geophys. Res., 113, C02020, doi:10.1029/2007JC004250.
Lim, Y.-K., D.W. Shin, S. Cocke, T.E. LaRow, J.T. Schoof, J.J. O’Brien, and E.P. Chassignet, 2007. Dynamically and statistically downscaled forecasts of maximum surface air temperature over the southeast United States. J. Geophys. Res., 112, D24102, doi:10.1029/2007JD008764.
Xu, X., E.P. Chassignet, J.F. Price, T.M. Özgökmen, and H. Peters, 2007. A regional modeling study of the entraining Mediterranean outflow. J. Geophys. Res., 112, C12005, doi:10.1029/2007JC004145.
Aretxabaleta, A., B.O. Blanton, H.E. Seim, F.E. Werner, J.R. Nelson, and E.P. Chassignet, 2007. Cold event in the South Atlantic Bight during summer of 2003: Model simulations and implications. J. Geophys. Res., 112, C05022, doi:10.1029/2006JC003903.
Chassignet, E.P., H.E. Hurlburt, O.M. Smedstad, G.R. Halliwell, P.J. Hogan, A.J. Wallcraft, R. Baraille, and R. Bleck, 2007. The HYCOM (HYbrid Coordinate Ocean Model) data assimilative system. J. Mar. Sys., 65, 60-83.
Xu, X., Y.S. Chang, H. Peters, T.M. Özgökmen, and E.P. Chassignet, 2006. Parameterization of gravity current entrainment for ocean circulation models using a high-order 3D nonhydrostatic spectral element model. Ocean Modelling, 14, 19-44.
Cherubin, L.M., Y. Morel, and E.P. Chassignet, 2006. Loop Current ring shedding: The formation of cyclones and the effect of topography. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 36, 569-591.
Peng, G., E.P. Chassignet, Y.O. Kwon, and S.C. Riser, 2006. Investigation of variability of the North Atlantic Subtropical Mode Water using profiling float data and numerical model output. Ocean Modelling, 13, 65-85.
Rothstein, L.M., J.J. Cullen, M. Abott, E.P. Chassignet, K. Denman, S. Doney, H. Ducklow, K. Fennel, M. Follows, D. Haidvogel, E. Hoffman, D. Karl, J. Kindle, I. Lima, M. Maltrud, C. McClain, D. McGillicuddy, J. Olascoaga, Y. Spitz, J. Wiggert, and J. Yoder, 2006. Modeling ocean ecosystems - the PARADIGM program. Oceanography, 19(1), 16-45.
Chassignet, E.P., H.E. Hurlburt, O.M. Smedstad, G.R. Halliwell, A.J. Wallcraft, E.J. Metzger, B.O. Blanton, C. Lozano, D.B. Rao, P.J. Hogan, and A. Srinivasan, 2006. Generalized vertical coordinates for eddy-resolving global and coastal ocean forecasts. Oceanography, 19(1), 20-31.
Chassignet, E.P., S. Doney, R. Hallberg, D. McGillicuddy, and J. McWilliams, 2006. Enabling a community environment for advanced oceanic modeling. White Paper submitted to the National Science Foundation.
Chassignet, E.P., and J. Verron (Eds.), 2006. Ocean Weather Forecasting: An Integrated View of Oceanography. Springer, 577 pp.
Chassignet, E.P., H.E. Hurlburt, O.M. Smedstad, G.R. Halliwell, P.J. Hogan, A.J. Wallcraft, and R. Bleck, 2006. Ocean prediction with the HYbrid Coordinate Ocean Model (HYCOM). In "Ocean Weather Forecasting: An Integrated View of Oceanography", E.P Chassignet and J. Verron (Eds.), Springer, 413-426.
Veneziani, M., A. Griffa, A.M. Reynolds, Z.D. Garraffo, and E.P. Chassignet, 2005. Parameterizations of Lagrangian spin statistics and particle dispersion in presence of coherent vortices. J. Mar. Res., 63, 1057-1083.
Chassignet, E.P., H.E. Hurlburt, O.M. Smedstad, C.N. Barron, D.S. Ko, R.C. Rhodes, J.F. Shriver, A.J. Wallcraft, and R.A. Arnone, 2005. Assessment of data assimilative ocean models in the Gulf of Mexico using ocean color. In "Circulation in the Gulf of Mexico: Observations and models", W. Sturges and A. Lugo-Fernadez (Eds.), AGU Monograph Series, 161, 87-100.
Veneziani, M., A. Griffa, Z.D. Garraffo, and E.P. Chassignet, 2005. Lagrangian spin parameter and coherent structures from trajectories released in a high-resolution ocean model. J. Mar. Res., 63, 753-788.
Chang, Y., X. Xu, T.M. Özgökmen, E.P. Chassignet, H. Peters, and P.F. Fisher, 2005. Comparison of gravity current mixing parameterizations and calibration using a high-resolution 3D nonhydrostatic spectral element model. Ocean Modelling, 10, 342-368.
Treguier, A.M., S. Theetten, E.P. Chassignet, T. Penduff, R. Smith, L. Talley, J.O. Beisman, and C. Boening, 2005. The North Atlantic subpolar gyre in four high-resolution models. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 35, 757-774.
Cherubin, L.M., W. Sturges, and E.P. Chassignet, 2005. Deep flow variability in the vicinity of the Yucatan Straits from a high-resolution MICOM simulation. J. Geophys. Res., 110, C04009, doi:10.1029/2004JC002280.
Hurlburt, H.E., J.F. Shriver, O.M. Smedstad, A.J. Wallcraft, R.A. Arnone, C.N. Barron, E.P. Chassignet, P.M. Flynn, D.-S. Ko, R.C. Rhodes, and L.F. Smedstad, 2005. Comparing ocean prediction system skill using ocean color. NRL Review, 207-212.
Nauw, J.J., H.A. Dijkstra, and E.P. Chassignet, 2004. Frictionally induced asymmetries in wind-driven flows. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 34, 2057-2072.
Foltz, G.R., J.A. Carton, and E.P. Chassignet, 2004. Tropical instability vortices in the Atlantic Ocean. J. Geophys. Res., 109, C03029, doi:10.1029/2003JC001942.
Romanou, A., E.P. Chassignet, and W. Sturges, 2004. The Gulf of Mexico circulation within a high resolution numerical simulation of the North Atlantic Ocean. J. Geophys. Res., 109, C01003, doi:10.1029/2003JC001770.
Garraffo, Z.D., W.E. Johns, E.P. Chassignet, and G.J. Goni, 2003. North Brazil Current rings and transport of southern waters in a high resolution numerical simulation of the North Atlantic. In "Interhemispheric Water Exchange in the Atlantic ocean", G. Goni and P. Malanotte-Rizzoli (Eds.), Elsevier Oceanographic Series, 375-409.
Chassignet, E.P., L.T. Smith, G.R. Halliwell, and R. Bleck, 2003. North Atlantic simulations with the HYbrid Coordinate Ocean Model (HYCOM): Impact of the vertical coordinate choice, reference density, and thermobaricity. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 33, 2504-2526.
Bracco, A., E.P. Chassignet, Z.D. Garraffo, and A. Provenzale, 2003. Lagrangian velocity distributions in a high-resolution numerical simulation of the North Atlantic. J. Oce. Atmos. Tech. , 20, 1212-1220.
Papadakis, M.P., E.P. Chassignet, and R.W. Hallberg, 2003. Numerical simulations of the Mediterranean Sea outflow: Impact of the entrainment parameterization in an isopycnic coordinate ocean model. Ocean Modelling, 5, 325-356.
Visbeck, M., E.P. Chassignet, R. Curry, T. Delworth, R. Dickson, and G. Krahman, 2002. The ocean's response to North Atlantic Oscillation variability. In "The North Atlantic Oscillation: Climatic Significance and Environmental Impact", J. W. Hurrel, Y. Kushnir, G. Ottersem, and M. Visbek (Eds.), AGU Monograph Series, 134, 113-145.
Chassignet, E.P., M.J. Bell, P. Brasseur, G. Evensen, S.M. Griffies, H.E. Hurlburt, C. LeProvost, G. Madec, J. McClean, J. Verron, and A. Wallcraft, 2002. The modeling component of ocean forecasting. In "En Route to GODAE", Symposium on the Global Ocean Data Assimilation Experiment, Biarritz, France, June 13-15, 2002.
Jacob, J.P., E.P. Chassignet, and W.K. Dewar, 2002. Influence of topography on the propagation of isolated eddies. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 32, 2848-2869.
Paiva, A. M., and E. P. Chassignet, 2002. North Atlantic modeling of low-frequency variability in mode water formation. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 32, 2666-2680.
Özgökmen, T.M., and E.P. Chassignet, 2002. Dynamics of two-dimensional turbulent bottom gravity currents. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 32, 1460-1478.
Chassignet, E.P., and Z.D. Garraffo, 2001. Viscosity parameterization and the Gulf Stream separation. In "From Stirring to Mixing in a Stratified Ocean". Proceedings of the 12th 'Aha Huliko'a Hawaiian Winter Workshop. U. of Hawaii. P. Muller and D. Henderson (Eds.), 37-41.
Paiva, A.M., and E.P. Chassignet, 2001. The impact of surface flux parameterizations on the modeling of the North Atlantic Ocean. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 31, 1860-1879.
Garraffo, Z.D., A. Griffa, A.J. Mariano, and E.P. Chassignet, 2001. Lagrangian data in a high resolution model of the North Atlantic. II: On the pseudo-Eulerian averaging of Lagrangian data. J. Mar. Sys., 29, 177-200.
Garraffo, Z.D., A.J. Mariano, A. Griffa, C. Veneziani, and E.P. Chassignet, 2001. Lagrangian data in a high resolution numerical simulation of the North Atlantic. I: Comparison with in-situ drifter data. J. Mar. Sys., 29, 157-176.
Özgökmen, T.M., E.P. Chassignet, and C.G.H. Rooth, 2001. On the connection between the Mediterranean outflow and the Azores Current. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 31, 461-480.
Griffies, S.M., C. Böning, F.O. Bryan, E.P. Chassignet, R. Gerdes, H. Hasumi, A. Hirst, A.-M. Treguier, and D. Webb, 2000. Developments in ocean climate modelling. Ocean Modelling, 2, 123-192.
Stammer, D., and E.P. Chassignet, 2000. Ocean state estimation and prediction in support of oceanographic research. Oceanography, 13, 51-56.
Paiva, A.M., E.P. Chassignet, and A.J. Mariano, 2000. Numerical simulations of the North Atlantic subtropical gyre: Sensitivity to boundary conditions and horizontal resolution. Dyn. Atmos. Oceans, 32, 209-238.
Chassignet, E.P., H. Arango, D. Dietrich, T. Ezer, M. Ghil, D.B. Haidvogel, C.-C. Ma, A. Mehra, A.M. Paiva, and Z. Sirkes, 2000. DAMÉE-NAB: The base experiments. Dyn. Atmos. Oceans, 32, 155-184.
Chassignet, E.P., and P. Malanotte-Rizzoli (Eds.), 2000. Ocean circulation model evaluation experiments for the North Atlantic basin. Elsevier Science Ltd., special issue of Dyn. Atmos. Oceans, 32, 155-432.
Stern, M.E., and E.P. Chassignet, 2000. Mechanism of eddy separation from coastal currents. J. Mar. Res., 58, 1-27.
Pratt, L.J., K.R. Helfrich, and E.P. Chassignet, 2000. Hydraulic adjustment to an obstacle in a rotating channel. J. Fluid Mech., 404, 117-149.
Smith, L.T., E.P. Chassignet, and R. Bleck, 2000. The impact of lateral boundary conditions and horizontal resolution on North Atlantic water mass transformations and pathways in an isopycnic coordinate ocean model. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 30, 137-159.
Sun S., R. Bleck, C.G. Rooth, J. Dukowicz, E.P. Chassignet, and P. Killworth, 1999. Inclusion of thermobaricity in isopycnic-coordinate ocean models. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 29, 2719-2729.
Paiva, A.M., J.T. Hargrove, E.P. Chassignet, and R. Bleck, 1999. Turbulent behavior of a fine mesh (1/12°) numerical simulation of the North Atlantic. J. Mar. Sys., 21, 307-320.
Chin, T.M., A.J. Mariano, and E.P. Chassignet, 1999. Spatial regression and multiscale approximations for sequential data assimilation in ocean models. J. Geophys. Res., 104, 7991-8014.
Chassignet, E.P., and J. Verron (Eds.), 1998. Ocean Modeling and Parameterization. Kluwer Academic Publishers, 451 pp.
Özgökmen, T., and E.P. Chassignet, 1998. Emergence of inertial gyres in a two-layer quasi-geostrophic model. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 28, 461-484.
Özgökmen, T., E.P. Chassignet, and A. Paiva, 1997. Impact of wind forcing, bottom topography, and inertia on mid-latitude jet separation in a quasi-geostrophic model. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 27, 2460-2476.
Stern, M.E., E.P. Chassignet, and J.A. Whitehead, 1997. The wall jet in a rotating fluid. J. Fluid Mech., 335, 1-28.
Chassignet, E.P., L.T. Smith, R. Bleck, and F.O. Bryan, 1996. A model comparison: Numerical simulations of the North and Equatorial Atlantic oceanic circulation in depth and isopycnic coordinates. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 26, 1849-1867.
Griffa, A., E.P. Chassignet, V. Coles, and D.B. Olson, 1996. Inertial gyres solutions from a primitive equation ocean model. J. Mar. Res., 54, 653-677.
O'Brien, E.W., and E.P. Chassignet, 1995. Extratropical large-scale air sea interaction in a coupled and uncoupled ocean-atmosphere model. Climate Dyn., 12, 53-65.
Chassignet, E.P., R. Bleck, and C.G.H. Rooth, 1995. The influence of layer outcropping on the separation of boundary currents. Part II: The wind- and buoyancy-driven experiments. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 25, 2404-2422.
Roubicek, A.J., E.P. Chassignet, and A. Griffa, 1995.Topographic stress parameterization in a primitive equation ocean model: Impact on mid-latitude jet separation. In "Topographic Effects in the Ocean". Proceedings of the 8th 'Aha Huliko'a Hawaiian Winter Workshop. U. of Hawaii. P. Muller and D. Henderson (Eds.), 239-251.
Chassignet, E.P., 1995. Vorticity dissipation by western boundary currents in the presence of outcropping layers. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 25, 242-255.
Bleck, R., and E.P. Chassignet, 1994. Simulating the oceanic circulation with isopycnic coordinate models. The Oceans: Physiochemical Dynamics and Resources. The Pennsylvania Academy of Science, 17-39.
Smith, L.T., E.P. Chassignet, and D.B. Olson, 1994. Wind-forced variations in the Brazil-Malvinas Confluence region as simulated in a coarse resolution numerical model of the South Atlantic. J. Geophys. Res., 99, 5095-5117.
Sun, S., R. Bleck, and E.P. Chassignet, 1993. Layer outcropping in numerical models of stratified flows. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 23, 1877-1884.
Chassignet, E.P., and R. Bleck, 1993. The influence of layer outcropping on the separation of boundary currents. Part I: The wind-driven experiments. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 23, 1485-1507.
Chassignet, E.P., W.R. Holland, and A. Capotondi, 1992. Impact of the altimeter orbit on the reproduction of oceanic rings: Application to a regional model of the Gulf Stream. Oceanologica Acta, 15, 479-490.
Chassignet, E.P., 1992. Rings in numerical models of ocean general circulation: A statistical study. J. Geophys. Res., 97, 9479-9492.
Chassignet, E.P., and P.R. Gent, 1991. The influence of boundary conditions on mid-latitude jet separation in ocean numerical models. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 21, 1290-1299.
Chassignet, E.P., and B. Cushman-Roisin, 1991. On the influence of a lower layer on the propagation of nonlinear oceanic eddies. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 21, 939-957.
Chassignet, E.P., D.B. Olson, and D.B. Boudra, 1990. Motion and evolution of oceanic rings in a numerical model and in observations. J. Geophys. Res., 95, 22121-22140.
Cushman-Roisin, B., E.P. Chassignet, and B. Tang, 1990. Westward motion of mesoscale eddies. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 20, 758-768.
Boudra, D.B., K.A. Maillet, and E.P. Chassignet, 1989. Numerical modeling of Agulhas retroflection and ring formation with isopycnal outcropping. In "Mesoscale/synoptic coherent structures in geophysical turbulence", Nihoul and Jamart (Eds.), Elsevier Oceanography Series, 50, 315-336.
Chassignet, E.P., D.B. Olson, and D.B. Boudra, 1989. Evolution of rings in numerical models and observations. In Mesoscale/synoptic coherent structures in geophysical turbulence, Nihoul and Jamart (Editors), Elsevier Oceanography Series, 50, 337-356.
Chassignet, E.P., and D.B. Boudra, 1988. Dynamics of Agulhas retroflection and ring formation in a numerical model. Part II. Energetics and ring formation. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 18, 304-319.
Boudra, D.B., and E.P. Chassignet, 1988. Dynamics of Agulhas retroflection and ring formation in a numerical model. Part I. The vorticity balance. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 18, 280-303.
Chassignet, E.P., and D.B. Boudra, 1987. Dynamics of Agulhas retroflection and ring formation in a quasi-isopycnic coordinate numerical model. In "Three-dimensional models of marine and estuarine dynamics", Nihoul and Jamart (Eds.), Elsevier Oceanography Series, 45, 169-194.