latest edit: 2/10/2011 by Lydia Stefanova Welcome to the CLARReS10 (short for "COAPS Land-Atmosphere Regional REanalysis for the Southeast at 10km resolution") data repository located at In this project, two regional reanalyses have been created by dynamically downscaling two existing global reanalyses: the NCEP/DOE Reanalysis II (hereafter R2) and the ECMWF-ERA40 (hereafter ERA40). The dynamical model used for the regional downscaling was the NCAR/SCRIPPS Regional Spectral Model, RSM (Juang, H. H., and M. Kanamitsu, 1994). Within this model, we have used the Simplified Arakawa-Schubert Scheme (SAS; Pan and Wu, 1995) to parameterize deep convection, and the Noah land surface scheme (Ek et al, 2003) to parameterize the land surface processes. Lateral boundary conditions have been provided by either R2 (for CLARReS10/R2) or ERA40 (for CLARReS10/ERA40) at 6 hour intervals throughout the integration. Scale-selective bias correction (Kanamitsu and Kanamaru, 2007) has been used to preserve the large scale features of the boundary forcing within the regional domain. Both regional reanalyses cover the period 01Jan1979 to 31Dec2001. The regional domain, after removal of spurious sponge zone, is 24N to 36N, and 270W to 284W. Two-dimensional fields are output every hour, while three-dimensional fields (temperature, winds, humidity and geopotential) are output every three hours. The performance of CLARReS10 in reproducing the observed spatio-temporal structure of rainfall in the Southeast is ilustrated by the following manuscript (submitted to Climate Dynamics, in review) Verifications of additional fields with observations, as well as comparisons with other regional reanalysis products will be be posted at as they become available. Please use the following reference for this data set: ------------------------------------------------------- Stefanova, Lydia, Vasubandhu Misra, Steven Chan, Melissa Griffin, James J. O'Brien and Thomas J. Smith III, 2011: A proxy for high-resolution regional reanalysis for the Southeast United States: Assessment of precipitation variability. Clim. Dynamics (in review) Timetable of data availability ------------------------------- *Request additional variables by contacting Date uploaded Field Name Units 10/21/2010 Hourly precipitation pratesfc [kg/m^2/s] 10/26/2010 Hourly 2-m specific humidity spfh2m [kg/kg] 10/29/2010 U, V at 10m ugrd10m, vgrd10m [m/s] Temperature at 2m tmp2m [K] SFC Downward short wave flux dswrfsfc [W/m^2] SFC Latent heat flux lhtflsfc [W/m^2] SFC Snowfall rate water equiv. srweqsfc [kg/m^2/s] 11/17/2010 SFC Ground heat flux gfluxsfc [W/m^2] SFC Roughness sfcrsfc [m] SFC Sensible heat flux shtflsfc [W/m^2] SFC Pressure pressfc [Pa] 1/25/2011 Daily 2-m Tmin and Tmax daily/tmin2m [K] daily/tmax2m [K]