PRO plot_aice_jrpaper8 close, /all ;; get window_size window_size, 'letter', 'landscape', xsize, ysize ft = 9 ;; font size ;; grid 0.25ยบ io_grid='/Net/gleam/abozec/ICESTORM/GDL_DATA/OCEAN_CLIM/' alon=ncdf_lec(io_grid+'',var='glamt') alat=ncdf_lec(io_grid+'',var='gphit') ;; model model='HYCOM GLBb0.08' ;; PATH EXPERIMENT ;; field io_nc='/Net/gleam/abozec/HYCOM/JRA55-res_PAPER/' file_low='' mean_ice=ncdf_lec(io_nc+'FSU/'+file_low,var='mean_aice') vari_ice=ncdf_lec(io_nc+'FSU/'+file_low,var='vari_aice') ;; plot the mean m = MAP('PolarStereographic', CENTER_LATITUDE = 89.8004, CENTER_LONGITUDE = 325.d, $ LIMIT=[40.,0.,89.8004,360.0], TRUE_SCALE_LATITUDE = 90.d, LAYOUT = [2, 2, 1], $ FONT_SIZE = ft-2,DIMENSIONS = [xsize, ysize]) n_levels = 10. ct = COLORTABLE(72, /reverse) c = CONTOUR(mean_ice, alon, alat, /FILL, OVERPLOT=m, GRID_UNITS='degrees', RGB_TABLE=ct, $ TITLE=' Arctic Mean Ice Cover 1980-2018 '+model,$ MIN_VALUE = 0.,MAX_VALUE = 1.0, FONT_SIZE = ft) mc = MAPCONTINENTS(/FILL_BACKGROUND, FILL_COLOR='gray', LIMIT=[40.,0.,90d,360.0]) cb = COLORBAR(TARGET = c, ORIENTATION = 1, FONT_SIZE = ft) ;; South Pole m = MAP('PolarStereographic', CENTER_LATITUDE = -90., CENTER_LONGITUDE = 0.d, $ LIMIT=[-90., 0.,-45.,360.0], /CURRENT, LAYOUT = [2, 2, 2], FONT_SIZE = ft-2) levels = 10. ct = COLORTABLE(72, /reverse) c = CONTOUR(mean_ice, alon, alat, /FILL, OVERPLOT=m, GRID_UNITS='degrees', RGB_TABLE=ct, $ TITLE=' Antarctic Mean Ice Cover 1980-2018 '+model,$ min_value = 0., max_value = 1.0, axis_Style = 1, FONT_SIZE = ft) mc = MAPCONTINENTS(/CONTINENTS, /FILL_BACKGROUND, FILL_COLOR='gray', LIMIT=[-90., 0.,-45.,360.0]) cb = COLORBAR(TARGET=c,ORIENTATION=1, FONT_SIZE = ft) ;; plot the Variance poles m = MAP('PolarStereographic', CENTER_LATITUDE = 89.8004, CENTER_LONGITUDE = 325.d, $ LIMIT=[40.,0.,89.8004,360.0], TRUE_SCALE_LATITUDE = 90.d, LAYOUT = [2, 2, 3], $ /current, FONT_SIZE = ft-2) n_levels = 10. ct = COLORTABLE(72, /reverse) c = CONTOUR(vari_ice, alon, alat, /FILL, OVERPLOT=m, GRID_UNITS='degrees', RGB_TABLE=ct, $ TITLE=' Arctic Variance Ice Cover 1980-2018 '+model,$ MIN_VALUE = 0.,MAX_VALUE = 0.10, FONT_SIZE = ft,N_LEVELS=10.) mc = MAPCONTINENTS(/FILL_BACKGROUND, FILL_COLOR='gray', LIMIT=[40.,0.,90d,360.0]) cb = COLORBAR(TARGET = c, ORIENTATION = 1, FONT_SIZE = ft) ;; South Pole m = MAP('PolarStereographic', CENTER_LATITUDE = -90., CENTER_LONGITUDE = 0.d, $ LIMIT=[-90., 0.,-45.,360.0], /CURRENT, LAYOUT = [2, 2, 4], FONT_SIZE = ft-2) levels = 10. ct = COLORTABLE(72, /reverse) c = CONTOUR(vari_ice, alon, alat, /FILL, OVERPLOT=m, GRID_UNITS='degrees', RGB_TABLE=ct, $ TITLE=' Antarctic Variance Ice Cover 1980-2018 '+model,$ min_value = 0., max_value = 0.10, axis_Style = 1, FONT_SIZE = ft,N_LEVELS=10.) mc = MAPCONTINENTS(/CONTINENTS, /FILL_BACKGROUND, FILL_COLOR='gray', LIMIT=[-90., 0.,-45.,360.0]) cb = COLORBAR(TARGET=c,ORIENTATION=1, FONT_SIZE = ft) stop end