#!/bin/csh -x #PBS -N strmf_029 #PBS -j oe #PBS -o postproc.log #PBS -W umask=027 #PBS -l application=hycom #PBS -l select=1:ncpus=44:mpiprocs=44 #PBS -l place=scatter:excl #PBS -l walltime=00:10:00 #PBS -A ONRDC10855122 #PBS -q debug # set echo # # --- Get Vertical Streamfunction, heat transport and freshwater transport # --- per basin # --- z-levels, via binning of the water column method # # --- MPI version, needs to be submitted to queues. output is netCDF. # # setenv CDF_TITLE "HYCOM" setenv CDF_INST "Naval Research Laboratory" # # --- D,y,d select the archive files. # get domain size setenv IDM 4500 setenv JDM 3298 setenv KDM 36 # get HYCOM-tools setenv TOOLS ~/HYCOM-tools/MPI setenv MPIRUN "aprun -n 44" # get date setenv Y01 "090" setenv YY `echo ${Y01} | awk '{printf("%04.0f", $1+1900)}'` # where the data are setenv D /p/work/xbxu/hycom/GLBb0.08/expt_03.9/data/meanstd/ # where the streamfunciton and heat transport output will be setenv O /p/work/abozec/hycom/GLBb0.08/expt_03.9/data/ setenv E 039 setenv YY `echo ${Y01} | awk '{printf("%04.0f", $1+1900)}'` cd ${O}/ # get Atlantic mask ln -s ../../topo/regional.atlmask.strmf.GLBb0.08.a regional.mask.a ln -s ../../topo/regional.atlmask.strmf.GLBb0.08.b regional.mask.b # get the grid and bathy file ln -s ../../topo/regional.grid.* . ln -s ../../topo/regional.depth.* . @ y=1990 while (${y} <= 1990) # setenv CDF031 ${O}/${E}_archm.${y}_bsf.nc setenv CDF032 ${O}/${E}_archm.${y}_strmf.nc ## streamfunction setenv CDF033 ${O}/${E}_archm.${y}_hst.nc ## heat and fresw. transp. /bin/rm $CDF032 $CDF033 cat < blkdat.input ${D}/${E}_archMNA.${y}.a NetCDF 000 'iexpt ' = experiment number x10 (000=from archive file) 0 'yrflag' = days in year flag (0=360J16,1=366J16,2=366J01,3-actual) ${IDM} 'idm ' = longitudinal array size ${JDM} 'jdm ' = latitudinal array size ${KDM} 'kdm ' = number of layers 1 'iorign' = i-origin of sampled subregion 1 'jorign' = j-origin of sampled subregion 0 'idmp ' = i-extent of sampled subregion (<=idm; 0 implies idm) 0 'jdmp ' = j-extent of sampled subregion (<=jdm; 0 implies jdm) 0 'uvflx ' = use uvflx if present (1=T;0=F) 80 'kz ' = number of depths to sample 0.00 'z ' = sample depth 1 10.00 'z ' = sample depth 2 20.00 'z ' = sample depth 3 30.00 'z ' = sample depth 4 40.00 'z ' = sample depth 5 50.00 'z ' = sample depth 6 60.00 'z ' = sample depth 7 70.00 'z ' = sample depth 8 80.00 'z ' = sample depth 9 90.00 'z ' = sample depth 10 100.00 'z ' = sample depth 11 110.00 'z ' = sample depth 12 120.00 'z ' = sample depth 13 130.00 'z ' = sample depth 14 140.00 'z ' = sample depth 15 150.00 'z ' = sample depth 16 160.00 'z ' = sample depth 17 170.00 'z ' = sample depth 18 180.00 'z ' = sample depth 19 190.00 'z ' = sample depth 20 200.00 'z ' = sample depth 21 210.00 'z ' = sample depth 22 220.00 'z ' = sample depth 23 230.00 'z ' = sample depth 24 240.00 'z ' = sample depth 25 250.00 'z ' = sample depth 26 260.00 'z ' = sample depth 27 270.00 'z ' = sample depth 28 280.00 'z ' = sample depth 29 290.00 'z ' = sample depth 30 300.00 'z ' = sample depth 31 350.00 'z ' = sample depth 32 400.00 'z ' = sample depth 33 450.00 'z ' = sample depth 34 500.00 'z ' = sample depth 35 550.00 'z ' = sample depth 36 600.00 'z ' = sample depth 37 650.00 'z ' = sample depth 38 700.00 'z ' = sample depth 39 750.00 'z ' = sample depth 40 800.00 'z ' = sample depth 41 850.00 'z ' = sample depth 42 900.00 'z ' = sample depth 43 950.00 'z ' = sample depth 44 1000.00 'z ' = sample depth 45 1050.00 'z ' = sample depth 46 1100.00 'z ' = sample depth 47 1150.00 'z ' = sample depth 48 1200.00 'z ' = sample depth 49 1250.00 'z ' = sample depth 50 1350.00 'z ' = sample depth 51 1450.00 'z ' = sample depth 52 1550.00 'z ' = sample depth 53 1650.00 'z ' = sample depth 54 1750.00 'z ' = sample depth 55 1850.00 'z ' = sample depth 56 1950.00 'z ' = sample depth 57 2050.00 'z ' = sample depth 58 2150.00 'z ' = sample depth 59 2250.00 'z ' = sample depth 60 2500.00 'z ' = sample depth 61 2750.00 'z ' = sample depth 62 3000.00 'z ' = sample depth 63 3250.00 'z ' = sample depth 64 3500.00 'z ' = sample depth 65 3750.00 'z ' = sample depth 66 4000.00 'z ' = sample depth 67 4250.00 'z ' = sample depth 68 4500.00 'z ' = sample depth 69 4750.00 'z ' = sample depth 70 5000.00 'z ' = sample depth 71 5250.00 'z ' = sample depth 72 5500.00 'z ' = sample depth 73 5750.00 'z ' = sample depth 74 6000.00 'z ' = sample depth 75 6250.00 'z ' = sample depth 76 6500.00 'z ' = sample depth 77 6750.00 'z ' = sample depth 78 7000.00 'z ' = sample depth 79 7250.00 'z ' = sample depth 80 0 'uvfio ' = u-flux/vflux I/O unit (0 no I/O) 0 'uvlio ' = u-transport I/O unit (0 no I/O) 32 'vvlio ' = Vert. Streamfunction I/O unit (0 no I/O) 0 'bsfio ' = barotropic strmfn. I/O unit (0 no I/O) 0 'vbtio ' = V-Barot. transport I/O unit (0 no I/O) 33 'httio ' = heat transport I/O unit (0 no I/O) 33 'sltio ' = salt transport I/O unit (0 no I/O) E-o-D ${MPIRUN} ${TOOLS}/archive/src/archv2strmf @ y=${y} + 1 end