subroutine bigrid(depth, mapflg, dp_wet,util1,util2,util3) use mod_xc ! HYCOM communication interface implicit none c real, dimension (1-nbdy:idm+nbdy,1-nbdy:jdm+nbdy) :: & depth,util1,util2,util3 real dp_wet integer mapflg c c --- set loop bounds for irregular basin in c-grid configuration c --- q,u,v,p are vorticity, u-velocity, v-velocity, and mass points, resp. c --- 'depth' = basin depth array, zero values indicate land c integer nchar parameter (nchar=120) logical lperiod,larctic,lfplane c integer i,j,nzero,isec,ifrst,ilast real rnfill,aline(nchar) real depmax character char3*3 c character fmt*13 data fmt/'(i4,1x,120i1)'/ c c --- is the domain periodic in longitude? depmax=0.0 if (i0+ii.eq.itdm) then do j= 1,jj depmax=max(depmax,depth(ii,j)) enddo endif call xcmaxr(depmax) c c --- is the domain periodic in latitude? c --- only allowed on f-plane or full globe (across the arctic). depmax=0.0 if (j0+jj.eq.jtdm) then do i= 1,ii depmax=max(depmax,depth(i,jj)) enddo endif call xcmaxr(depmax) .and. .and. mapflg.eq.4 c c --- is this consistent with nreg (from mod_xc)? if (larctic) then if (.not.lperiod) then if (mnproc.eq.1) then write(lp,'(/a/)') & 'arctic domain, but non-periodic' call flush(lp) endif call xcstop('(bigrid)') stop '(bigrid)' else nreg = 2 endif elseif (lperiod) then if (nreg.eq.-1) then ! TYPE=one or TYPE=omp if (lfplane) then nreg = 3 ! periodic/f-plane else nreg = 1 ! periodic/closed endif elseif (nreg.eq. 0) then if (mnproc.eq.1) then write(lp,'(/a/)') & 'periodic domain, but with nreg.eq.0' call flush(lp) endif call xcstop('(bigrid)') stop '(bigrid)' endif else if (nreg.eq.-1) then ! TYPE=one or TYPE=omp if (lfplane) then nreg = 4 ! closed/f-plane else nreg = 0 ! closed/closed endif elseif ( 0) then if (mnproc.eq.1) then write(lp,'(/a/)') & 'closed domain, but with' call flush(lp) endif call xcstop('(bigrid)') stop '(bigrid)' endif endif c if (mnproc.eq.1) then write(lp,'(/a,i2)') 'bigrid: nreg =',nreg if (.not.lperiod) then if (lfplane) then write(lp,'(a/)') 'bigrid: infinate closed basin' elseif (.not.larctic) then write(lp,'(a/)') 'bigrid: closed basin' else write(lp,'(a/)') 'bigrid: closed basin, arctic overlap' endif else if (lfplane) then write(lp,'(a/)') 'bigrid: doubly infinate basin' elseif (.not.larctic) then write(lp,'(a/)') 'bigrid: periodic basin' else write(lp,'(a/)') 'bigrid: global basin, arctic overlap' endif endif call flush(lp) endif c c --- nreg is defined, so now safe to update halo call xctilr(depth,1,1, nbdy,nbdy, halo_ps) c c --- allow for non-periodic and non-arctic boundaries (part I). if (.not.lfplane .and. j0.eq.0) then c --- south boundary is all land. do j=1-nbdy,0 do i=1-nbdy,ii+nbdy depth(i,j) = 0.0 enddo enddo endif c if (.not.lfplane .and. .not.larctic .and. j0+jj.eq.jtdm) then c --- north boundary is all land. do j=jj+1,jj+nbdy do i=1-nbdy,ii+nbdy depth(i,j) = 0.0 enddo enddo endif c if (.not.lperiod .and. i0.eq.0) then c --- west boundary is all land. do j=1-nbdy,jj+nbdy do i=1-nbdy,0 depth(i,j) = 0.0 enddo enddo endif c if (.not.lperiod .and. i0+ii.eq.itdm) then c --- east boundary is all land. do j=1-nbdy,jj+nbdy do i=ii+1,ii+nbdy depth(i,j) = 0.0 enddo enddo endif c c --- detect (and abort on) single-width inlets and 1-point seas. rnfill=0.0 do j=1,jj do i=1,ii nzero=0 if (depth(i,j).gt.0.0) then if (depth(i-1,j).le.0.0) nzero=nzero+1 if (depth(i+1,j).le.0.0) nzero=nzero+1 if (depth(i,j-1).le.0.0) nzero=nzero+1 if (depth(i,j+1).le.0.0) nzero=nzero+1 ************if ( then if (nzero.eq.4) then write (lp,'(a,i4,a,i4,a,i1,a)') & 'error - dh(',i0+i,',',j0+j,') has ', & nzero,' land nieghbours' rnfill=rnfill+1.0 elseif (nzero.eq.3) then write (lp,'(a,i4,a,i4,a,i1,a)') & 'warning - dh(',i0+i,',',j0+j,') has ', & nzero,' land nieghbours' * rnfill=rnfill+1.0 !only a warning, don't update rnfill end if end if enddo enddo call xcsync(flush_lp) call xcmaxr(rnfill) if ( then if (mnproc.eq.1) then write(lp,'(/a/)') & 'Must correct bathymetry before running HYCOM' call flush(lp) endif call xcstop('(bigrid)') stop '(bigrid)' endif c c --- start out with masks as land everywhere !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(j,i) !$OMP& SCHEDULE(STATIC,jblk) do j=1-nbdy,jdm+nbdy do i=1-nbdy,idm+nbdy ip(i,j)=0 iq(i,j)=0 iu(i,j)=0 iv(i,j)=0 !!Alex add wetting and drying ip_w( i,j)=0 ip_nw(i,j)=0 iu_w( i,j)=0 iu_nw(i,j)=0 iv_w( i,j)=0 iv_nw(i,j)=0 enddo enddo c c --- mass points are defined where water depth is greater than zero !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(j,i) !$OMP& SCHEDULE(STATIC,jblk) do j=1-nbdy,jj+nbdy do i=1-nbdy,ii+nbdy if (depth(i,j).gt.0.) then ip(i,j)=1 c --- wetting and drying candidates are a subset of sea points if (depth(i,j).le.dp_wet) then ip_w(i,j)=1 endif endif enddo enddo c c --- u,v points are located halfway between any 2 adjoining mass points c --- 'interior' q points require water on all 4 sides. c --- 'promontory' q points require water on 3 (or at least 2 c --- diametrically opposed) sides !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(j,i) !$OMP& SCHEDULE(STATIC,jblk) do j=1,jj do i=1,ii if (ip(i-1,j).gt.0.and.ip(i,j).gt.0) then iu(i,j)=1 endif if (ip(i,j-1).gt.0.and.ip(i,j).gt.0) then iv(i,j)=1 endif if (min(ip(i,j),ip(i-1,j),ip(i,j-1),ip(i-1,j-1)).gt.0) then iq(i,j)=1 elseif ((ip(i ,j).gt.0.and.ip(i-1,j-1).gt.0).or. & (ip(i-1,j).gt.0.and.ip(i ,j-1).gt.0) ) then iq(i,j)=1 endif util1(i,j)=iu(i,j) util2(i,j)=iv(i,j) util3(i,j)=iq(i,j) enddo enddo call xctilr(util1,1,1, nbdy,nbdy, halo_us) call xctilr(util2,1,1, nbdy,nbdy, halo_vs) call xctilr(util3,1,1, nbdy,nbdy, halo_qs) !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(j,i) !$OMP& SCHEDULE(STATIC,jblk) do j= 1-nbdy,jj+nbdy do i= 1-nbdy,ii+nbdy iu(i,j)=util1(i,j) iv(i,j)=util2(i,j) iq(i,j)=util3(i,j) enddo enddo c --- wetting and drying mask u and v !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(j,i) !$OMP& SCHEDULE(STATIC,jblk) do j=1,jj do i=1,ii if (ip_w(i-1,j).gt.0 .and. ip_w(i,j).gt.0) then iu_w(i,j)=1 endif if (ip_w(i,j-1).gt.0 .and. ip_w(i,j).gt.0) then iv_w(i,j)=1 endif util1(i,j)=iu_w(i,j) util2(i,j)=iv_w(i,j) enddo enddo call xctilr(util1,1,1, nbdy,nbdy, halo_us) call xctilr(util2,1,1, nbdy,nbdy, halo_vs) !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(j,i) !$OMP& SCHEDULE(STATIC,jblk) do j= 1-nbdy,jj+nbdy do i= 1-nbdy,ii+nbdy iu_w(i,j)=util1(i,j) iv_w(i,j)=util2(i,j) enddo enddo !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(j,i) !$OMP& SCHEDULE(STATIC,jblk) c c --- allow for non-periodic and non-arctic boundaries (part II). if (.not.lfplane .and. j0.eq.0) then c --- south boundary is all land. do j=1-nbdy,0 do i=1-nbdy,ii+nbdy iq(i,j) = 0 iu(i,j) = 0 iv(i,j) = 0 iu_w(i,j) = 0 iv_w(i,j) = 0 enddo enddo endif c if (.not.lfplane .and. .not.larctic .and. j0+jj.eq.jtdm) then c --- north boundary is all land. do j=jj+1,jj+nbdy do i=1-nbdy,ii+nbdy iq(i,j) = 0 iu(i,j) = 0 iv(i,j) = 0 iu_w(i,j) = 0 iv_w(i,j) = 0 enddo enddo endif c if (.not.lperiod .and. i0.eq.0) then c --- west boundary is all land. do j=1-nbdy,jj+nbdy do i=1-nbdy,0 iq(i,j) = 0 iu(i,j) = 0 iv(i,j) = 0 iu_w(i,j) = 0 iv_w(i,j) = 0 enddo enddo endif c if (.not.lperiod .and. i0+ii.eq.itdm) then c --- east boundary is all land. do j=1-nbdy,jj+nbdy do i=ii+1,ii+nbdy iq(i,j) = 0 iu(i,j) = 0 iv(i,j) = 0 iu_w(i,j) = 0 iv_w(i,j) = 0 enddo enddo endif do j=1-nbdy,jj+nbdy do i=1-nbdy,ii+nbdy ip_nw(i,j) = ip(i,j) - ip_w(i,j) iu_nw(i,j) = iu(i,j) - iu_w(i,j) iv_nw(i,j) = iv(i,j) - iv_w(i,j) enddo enddo c c --- logical alliX indicates entire row is sea !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(j,i) !$OMP& SCHEDULE(STATIC,jblk) do j=1-nbdy+1,jj+nbdy-1 allip(j) = .true. alliq(j) = .true. alliu(j) = .true. alliv(j) = .true. do i=1-nbdy,ii+nbdy c --- are all iX(:,j) sea points? allip(j) = allip(j) .and. ip(i,j).ne.0 alliq(j) = alliq(j) .and. iq(i,j).ne.0 alliu(j) = alliu(j) .and. iu(i,j).ne.0 alliv(j) = alliv(j) .and. iv(i,j).ne.0 enddo !i enddo !j c c --- determine sea-only i-1, i+1, j-1, and j+1 indexes !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(j,i) !$OMP& SCHEDULE(STATIC,jblk) do j=1-nbdy+1,jj+nbdy-1 do i=1-nbdy+1,ii+nbdy-1 c --- W,E,S,N if sea, otherwise center point if (ip(i-1,j).ne.0) then ipim1(i,j) = i-1 else ipim1(i,j) = i endif if (ip(i+1,j).ne.0) then ipip1(i,j) = i+1 else ipip1(i,j) = i endif if (ip(i,j-1).ne.0) then ipjm1(i,j) = j-1 else ipjm1(i,j) = j endif if (ip(i,j+1).ne.0) then ipjp1(i,j) = j+1 else ipjp1(i,j) = j endif c c --- W,E,S,N if sea, otherwise E,W,N,S if sea, otherwise center point if (ip(i-1,j).ne.0) then ipim1x(i,j) = i-1 elseif (ip(i+1,j).ne.0) then ipim1x(i,j) = i+1 else ipim1x(i,j) = i endif if (ip(i+1,j).ne.0) then ipip1x(i,j) = i+1 elseif (ip(i-1,j).ne.0) then ipip1x(i,j) = i-1 else ipip1x(i,j) = i endif if (ip(i,j-1).ne.0) then ipjm1x(i,j) = j-1 elseif (ip(i,j+1).ne.0) then ipjm1x(i,j) = j+1 else ipjm1x(i,j) = j endif if (ip(i,j+1).ne.0) then ipjp1x(i,j) = j+1 elseif (ip(i,j-1).ne.0) then ipjp1x(i,j) = j-1 else ipjp1x(i,j) = j endif enddo !i enddo !j c c --- determine loop bounds for vorticity points, including interior and c --- promontory points call indxi(iq,ifq,ilq,isq) call indxj(iq,jfq,jlq,jsq) c c --- determine loop indices for mass and velocity points call indxi(ip,ifp,ilp,isp) call indxj(ip,jfp,jlp,jsp) call indxi(iu,ifu,ilu,isu) call indxj(iu,jfu,jlu,jsu) call indxi(iv,ifv,ilv,isv) call indxj(iv,jfv,jlv,jsv) call indxi(ip_w,ifp_w,ilp_w,isp_w) call indxj(ip_w,jfp_w,jlp_w,jsp_w) call indxi(iu_w,ifu_w,ilu_w,isu_w) call indxj(iu_w,jfu_w,jlu_w,jsu_w) call indxi(iv_w,ifv_w,ilv_w,isv_w) call indxj(iv_w,jfv_w,jlv_w,jsv_w) call indxi(ip_nw,ifp_nw,ilp_nw,isp_nw) call indxj(ip_nw,jfp_nw,jlp_nw,jsp_nw) call indxi(iu_nw,ifu_nw,ilu_nw,isu_nw) call indxj(iu_nw,jfu_nw,jlu_nw,jsu_nw) call indxi(iv_nw,ifv_nw,ilv_nw,isv_nw) call indxj(iv_nw,jfv_nw,jlv_nw,jsv_nw) c c --- write out -ip- array, if it is not too big c --- data are written in strips nchar points wide if (max(itdm,jtdm).le.2*nchar) then util1(1:ii,1:jj) = ip(1:ii,1:jj) ! xclget is for real arrays isec=(itdm-1)/nchar do ifrst=0,nchar*isec,nchar ilast=min(itdm,ifrst+nchar) write (char3,'(i3)') ilast-ifrst fmt(8:10)=char3 if (mnproc.eq.1) then write (lp,'(a,i5,a,i5)') & 'ip array, cols',ifrst+1,' --',ilast endif do j= jtdm,1,-1 call xclget(aline,ilast-ifrst, util1,ifrst+1,j,1,0, 1) if (mnproc.eq.1) then write (lp,fmt) j,(10*nint(aline(i)),i=1,ilast-ifrst) endif enddo enddo if (mnproc.eq.1) then write (lp,*) endif call xcsync(flush_lp) endif ! small region c return end c c subroutine indxi(ipt,if,il,is) use mod_xc ! HYCOM communication interface implicit none c integer, dimension (1-nbdy:idm+nbdy,1-nbdy:jdm+nbdy) :: & ipt integer, dimension (1-nbdy:jdm+nbdy,ms) :: & if,il integer, dimension (1-nbdy:jdm+nbdy) :: & is c c --- input array ipt contains 1 at grid point locations, 0 elsewhere c --- output is arrays if, il, is where c --- if(j,k) gives row index of first point in column j for k-th section c --- il(j,k) gives row index of last point c --- is(j) gives number of sections in column j (maximum: ms) c integer i,j,k,last c do j=1-nbdy,jj+nbdy is(j) = 0 do k=1,ms if(j,k) = 0 il(j,k) = 0 end do c k=1 last = ipt(1-nbdy,j) if (last .eq. 1) then if(j,k) = 1-nbdy endif do i=2-nbdy,ii+nbdy if (last .eq. 1 .and. ipt(i,j) .eq. 0) then il(j,k) = i-1 k = k+1 elseif (last .eq. 0 .and. ipt(i,j) .eq. 1) then if (k .gt. ms) then write(lp,'(a,i5)') 'indxi problem on proc ',mnproc write(lp,'(a,2i5)') & ' error in indxi -- ms too small at i,j =',i0+i,j0+j call xchalt('(indxi)') stop '(indxi)' endif if(j,k) = i endif last = ipt(i,j) enddo if (last .eq. 1) then il(j,k) = ii+nbdy is(j) = k else is(j) = k-1 endif enddo call xcsync(no_flush) return end c subroutine indxj(jpt,jf,jl,js) use mod_xc ! HYCOM communication interface implicit none c integer, dimension (1-nbdy:idm+nbdy,1-nbdy:jdm+nbdy) :: & jpt integer, dimension (1-nbdy:idm+nbdy,ms) :: & jf,jl integer, dimension (1-nbdy:idm+nbdy) :: & js c c --- input array jpt contains 1 at grid point locations, 0 elsewhere c --- output is arrays jf, jl, js where c --- jf(i,k) gives column index of first point in row i for k-th section c --- jl(i,k) gives column index of last point c --- js(i) gives number of sections in row i (maximum: ms) c integer i,j,k,last c do i=1-nbdy,ii+nbdy js(i) = 0 do k=1,ms jf(i,k) = 0 jl(i,k) = 0 end do c k=1 last = jpt(i,1-nbdy) if (last .eq. 1) then jf(i,k) = 1-nbdy endif do j=2-nbdy,jj+nbdy if (last .eq. 1 .and. jpt(i,j) .eq. 0) then jl(i,k) = j-1 k = k+1 elseif (last .eq. 0 .and. jpt(i,j) .eq. 1) then if (k .gt. ms) then write(lp,'(a,i5)') 'indxj problem on proc ',mnproc write(lp,'(a,2i5)') & ' error in indxj -- ms too small at i,j =',i0+i,j0+j call xchalt('(indxj)') stop '(indxj)' endif jf(i,k) = j endif last = jpt(i,j) enddo if (last .eq. 1) then jl(i,k) = jj+nbdy js(i) = k else js(i) = k-1 endif enddo call xcsync(no_flush) return end c> c> Revision history c> c> Nov 2000 - error stop on single-width inlets and 1-point seas c> Oct 2008 - warning on single-width inlets c> May 2014 - added ipim1,ipip1,ipjm1,ipjp1,ipim1x,ipip1x,ipjm1x,ipjp1x c> May 2014 - added allip,alliq,alliu,alliv c> Apr 2016 - added dp_wet (ip_w, ip_nw, ...)