subroutine latbdt_river(n,lll) use mod_xc ! HYCOM communication interface use mod_cb_arrays ! HYCOM saved arrays use mod_nc ! Netcdf output (debug) implicit none c integer n,lll,il,jl,imid,jmid c c --- Apply lateral boundary conditions to barotropic flow field c c --- River version: c --- Uses the 'Browning and Kreiss' MICOM open boundary condition. c c --- Note that 'speed' is in fact thref*SQRT(gH) which represents c --- c1*thref/g in the notation of (Bleck and Sun, Open boundary conditions c --- for MICOM). The thref/g allows for the use of pressure fields. c c --- The first call is made during initialization. c c --- Alan J. Wallcraft, NRL, July, 2001. c --- Alexandra Bozec, COAPS, based on Remy Baraille, SHOM, Apr, 2016 c integer, parameter :: npas=18 integer, parameter :: nchar=120 c character*10 cfall logical lfatal,lfatalp,rarwave, boundary_mpi,debitf integer i,j,k,isec,ifrst,ilast,l,np,npf,npi,npl integer ite,ios,jname,nrec,margin,nts_day,urivr real aline(nchar) real crs,fin,fatal,xf,xfder,dtime character*3 char3 character*100 cline c integer ll1, ll2 logical ifirst c --- Ports properties and locations integer, save :: nports integer, save, allocatable :: kdport(:), & ifport(:),ilport(:), & jfport(:),jlport(:),lnport(:) real , save, allocatable :: xpport(:) character*10, save, allocatable :: nameriver(:) c --- River properties real :: xtemp,xsaln,xdeb real, save, allocatable :: xtemp1(:),xsaln1(:), & xtemp2(:),xsaln2(:), & xtime1(:),xdeb1(:), & xtime2(:),xdeb2(:) real, save, allocatable :: pline(:),uline(:,:),xline(:) c --- Boundary conditions properties real, save, allocatable :: speedw(:,:),rspedw(:,:),speede(:,:), & rspede(:,:),speedn(:,:),rspedn(:,:), & speeds(:,:),rspeds(:,:) c c --- Loop indices of ports integer, save, allocatable :: ibeg(:), iend(:),jbeg(:), jend(:) integer, save, allocatable :: indport(:) integer, save, allocatable :: ifport_loc(:), ilport_loc(:), & lnport_loc(:), & jfport_loc(:), jlport_loc(:) c character*13 fmt save fmt data fmt / '(i4,1x,120i1)' / c integer lcount save lcount data lcount / 0 / if ( return c --- Conservation of transport c rarwave = true for invariants, false for characteristics c debitf = true for transport conservation, false for SSH conservation rarwave = .true. boundary_mpi = .true. debitf = .true. c lcount = lcount + 1 urivr = 1000+19 margin = 5 c --- Get time nts_day = nint(86400.0d0/baclin) !no. time steps per day dtime=(nstep/nts_day)+mod(nstep,nts_day)*(baclin/86400.0d0) c c --- The first call just initializes data structures. c if (lcount.eq.1) then c open(unit=uoff+99,file=trim(flnminp)//'rivers.list') c c --- 'nports' = number of boundary port sections. call blkini(nports,'nports') c --- Array allocations allocate( & nameriver(nports), & kdport(nports), & ifport(nports), & ilport(nports), & jfport(nports), & jlport(nports), & xpport(nports), & lnport(nports) ) c --- Read the rivers.list do l=1,nports call blkinc(nameriver(l),'namriv','(a6," = ",a10)') call blkini(kdport(l),'kdport') call blkini(ifport(l),'ifport') call blkini(ilport(l),'ilport') call blkini(jfport(l),'jfport') call blkini(jlport(l),'jlport') call blkinr(xpport(l),'xpport','(a6," =",f10.4," %")') enddo c c --- Sanity check. c do l= 1,nports c lnport(l) = ilport(l)-ifport(l)+jlport(l)-jfport(l)+1 if (kdport(l).gt.2) then if (ifport(l).ne.ilport(l)) then if (mnproc.eq.1) then write(lp,*) write(lp,*) ' port #', l write(lp,*) 'error in latbdt - port direction', & ' and orientation are not consistent' write(lp,*) call flush(lp) endif call xcstop('(latbdt)') stop '(latbdt)' endif else if (jfport(l).ne.jlport(l)) then if (mnproc.eq.1) then write(lp,*) write(lp,*) ' port #', l write(lp,*) 'error in latbdt - port direction', & ' and orientation are not consistent' write(lp,*) call flush(lp) endif call xcstop('(latbdt)') stop '(latbdt)' endif endif if (ifport(l).gt.ilport(l) .or. & jfport(l).gt.jlport(l) ) then if (mnproc.eq.1) then write(lp,*) write(lp,*) ' port #', l write(lp,*) 'error in latbdt - port', & ' location is not consistent' write(lp,*) call flush(lp) endif call xcstop('(latbdt)') stop '(latbdt)' endif enddo c close(unit=99) c c --- Check ports against masks, c --- Mark the port locations on masks and print them out. c lfatal = .false. do l= 1,nports lfatalp = .false. c if (kdport(l).eq.4) then c c --- Western port c i = ifport(l) do j= jfport(l),jlport(l) if ( .or. .or. & .or. ) then lfatalp = .true. elseif (i.le.i0 .or. .or. & j.le.j0 .or. ) then cycle ! not on this tile. elseif (iu(i-i0,j-j0).ne.0) then lfatalp = .true. iu(i-i0,j-j0) = 9 !indicate an error else iu(i-i0,j-j0) = -1 endif if (iu(i-i0+1,j-j0).ne.1 .or. & iu(i-i0+2,j-j0).ne.1 ) then lfatalp = .true. iu(i-i0,j-j0) = 7 !indicate an error endif enddo c elseif (kdport(l).eq.3) then c c --- Eastern port c i = ifport(l) do j= jfport(l),jlport(l) if ( .or. .or. & .or. ) then lfatalp = .true. elseif (i.le.i0 .or. .or. & j.le.j0 .or. ) then cycle ! not on this tile. elseif (iu(i-i0,j-j0).ne.0) then lfatalp = .true. iu(i-i0,j-j0) = 9 !indicate an error else iu(i-i0,j-j0) = -1 endif if (iu(i-i0-1,j-j0).ne.1 .or. & iu(i-i0-2,j-j0).ne.1 ) then lfatalp = .true. iu(i-i0,j-j0) = 7 !indicate an error endif enddo c elseif (kdport(l).eq.1) then c c --- Northern port c j = jfport(l) do i= ifport(l),ilport(l) if ( .or. .or. & .or. ) then lfatalp = .true. elseif (i.le.i0 .or. .or. & j.le.j0 .or. ) then cycle ! not on this tile. elseif (iv(i-i0,j-j0).ne.0) then lfatalp = .true. iv(i-i0,j-j0) = 9 !indicate an error else iv(i-i0,j-j0) = -1 endif if (iv(i-i0,j-j0-1).ne.1 .or. & iv(i-i0,j-j0-2).ne.1 ) then lfatalp = .true. iv(i-i0,j-j0) = 7 !indicate an error endif enddo c elseif (kdport(l).eq.2) then c c --- Southern port c j = jfport(l) do i= ifport(l),ilport(l) if ( .or. .or. & .or. ) then lfatalp = .true. elseif (i.le.i0 .or. .or. & j.le.j0 .or. ) then cycle ! not on this tile. elseif (iv(i-i0,j-j0).ne.0) then lfatalp = .true. iv(i-i0,j-j0) = 9 !indicate an error else iv(i-i0,j-j0) = -1 endif if (iv(i-i0,j-j0+1).ne.1 .or. & iv(i-i0,j-j0+2).ne.1 ) then lfatalp = .true. iv(i-i0,j-j0) = 7 !indicate an error endif enddo c endif c if (lfatalp) then write(lp,*) write(lp,*) 'error in latbdt - port ',l,' mislocated', & ' (mnproc = ',mnproc,')' write(lp,*) call flush(lp) endif lfatal = lfatal .or. lfatalp enddo !l=1,nports c c --- Local lfatal to global lfatal c if (lfatal) then fatal = 1.0 else fatal = 0.0 endif call xcmaxr(fatal) lfatal = c c --- Write out -iu- and -iv- arrays, if they are not too big c --- Data are written in strips nchar points wide c if (lfatal .or. max(itdm,jtdm).le.2*nchar) then util1(1:ii,1:jj) = iu(1:ii,1:jj) ! xclget is for real arrays isec=(itdm-1)/nchar do ifrst=0,nchar*isec,nchar ilast=min(itdm,ifrst+nchar) write (char3,'(i3)') ilast-ifrst fmt(8:10)=char3 if (mnproc.eq.1) then write (lp,'(a,i5,a,i5)') & 'iu array, cols',ifrst+1,' --',ilast endif do j= jtdm,1,-1 call xclget(aline,ilast-ifrst, util1,ifrst+1,j,1,0, 1) if (mnproc.eq.1) then write (lp,fmt) j,(nint(aline(i)),i=1,ilast-ifrst) endif enddo enddo if (mnproc.eq.1) then write (lp,*) endif call xcsync(flush_lp) c util1(1:ii,1:jj) = iv(1:ii,1:jj) ! xclget is for real arrays isec=(itdm-1)/nchar do ifrst=0,nchar*isec,nchar ilast=min(itdm,ifrst+nchar) write (char3,'(i3)') ilast-ifrst fmt(8:10)=char3 if (mnproc.eq.1) then write (lp,'(a,i5,a,i5)') & 'iv array, cols',ifrst+1,' --',ilast endif do j= jtdm,1,-1 call xclget(aline,ilast-ifrst, util1,ifrst+1,j,1,0, 1) if (mnproc.eq.1) then write (lp,fmt) j,(nint(aline(i)),i=1,ilast-ifrst) endif enddo enddo if (mnproc.eq.1) then write (lp,*) endif call xcsync(flush_lp) endif ! small region c if (lfatal) then write(lp,*) write(lp,*) 'error in latbdt - bad port(s)' write(lp,*) call flush(lp) call xchalt('(latbdt)') stop '(latbdt)' endif c c --- Restore iu and iv, and zero iuopn and ivopn. c !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(j,i) !$OMP& SCHEDULE(STATIC,jblk) do j= 1,jj do i= 1,ii iu(i,j) = max( iu(i,j), 0 ) iv(i,j) = max( iv(i,j), 0 ) enddo enddo !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(j,i) !$OMP& SCHEDULE(STATIC,jblk) do j= 1-nbdy,jj+nbdy do i= 1-nbdy,ii+nbdy iuopn(i,j) = 0 ivopn(i,j) = 0 enddo enddo c c --- Modification of the storage of loop indices in case of complex boundaries c c --- Array allocations allocate( & jbeg(nports),ibeg(nports), & jend(nports),iend(nports), & indport(nports)) c --- Western port jbeg(:) = 0 jend(:) = 0 ll1 = 0 do l = 1, nports if (kdport(l).eq.4) then i = ifport(l) j = jfport(l) do ll2 = 1, ll1 if (( & (j.le.jend(ll1).or.j+lnport(l).le.jend(ll1))) then ll1 = ll1 + 1 endif enddo ll1 = max(1,ll1) jbeg(ll1) = j jend(ll1) = j+lnport(l) indport(l) = ll1 endif enddo c --- Eastern port jbeg(:) = 0 jend(:) = 0 ll1 = 0 do l = 1, nports if (kdport(l).eq.3) then i = ifport(l) j = jfport(l) do ll2 = 1, ll1 if (( & (j.le.jend(ll1).or.j+lnport(l).le.jend(ll1))) then ll1 = ll1 + 1 endif enddo ll1 = max(1,ll1) jbeg(ll1) = j jend(ll1) = j+lnport(l) indport(l) = ll1 endif enddo c --- Southern port ibeg(:) = 0 iend(:) = 0 ll1 = 0 do l = 1, nports if (kdport(l).eq.2) then i = ifport(l) j = jfport(l) do ll2 = 1, ll1 if (( & (i.le.iend(ll1).or.i+lnport(l).le.iend(ll1))) then ll1 = ll1 + 1 endif enddo ll1 = max(1,ll1) ibeg(ll1) = i iend(ll1) = i+lnport(l) indport(l) = ll1 endif enddo c --- Northern port ibeg(:) = 0 iend(:) = 0 ll1 = 0 do l = 1, nports if (kdport(l).eq.1) then i = ifport(l) j = jfport(l) do ll2 = 1, ll1 if (( & (i.le.iend(ll1).or.i+lnport(l).le.iend(ll1))) then ll1 = ll1 + 1 endif enddo ll1 = max(1,ll1) ibeg(ll1) = i iend(ll1) = i+lnport(l) indport(l) = ll1 endif enddo c i = -10 do l = 1, nports i = max(i,indport(l)) enddo c c --- Initialize the ports c c --- Array allocations allocate (speedw(jtdm,i) , rspedw(jtdm,i) , speede(jtdm,i) , & rspede(jtdm,i) , speedn(itdm,i) , rspedn(itdm,i) , & speeds(itdm,i) , rspeds(itdm,i)) allocate( & pline(itdm+jtdm), & uline(itdm+jtdm,2), & xline(itdm+jtdm)) c do l= 1,nports ll1 = indport(l) if (kdport(l).eq.4) then c c --- Western port c xf= 0. i = ifport(l) j = jfport(l) if (boundary_mpi) then call xclget(pline(j) ,lnport(l),depths,i,j,0,1,0) call xclget(rspedw(j,ll1),lnport(l),onetai,i,j,0,1,0) call xclget(xline(j) ,lnport(l), scuy,i,j,0,1,0) !!Alex else if ( then do k = max(1-nbdy,j-j0), min(jj+nbdy,j-j0+lnport(l)-1) pline(k+j0) = depths(i-i0,k) rspedw(k+j0,ll1) = onetai(i-i0,k) xline(k+j0) = scuy(i-i0,k) !!Alex enddo endif endif do j= jfport(l),jlport(l) xf = xf + xline(j) enddo do j= jfport(l),jlport(l) c if ( 1-nbdy .and. & i.le.i0+ii+nbdy .and. & 1-nbdy .and. & j.le.j0+jj+nbdy ) then speedw(j,ll1) = rspedw(j,ll1)*pline(j)*onem rspedw(j,ll1) = sqrt(thref/(onem*pline(j))) iuopn(i-i0,j-j0) = 2 ! river else speedw(j,ll1) = onem rspedw(j,ll1) = sqrt(thref/onem) endif enddo #if defined(MPI) call gdsum(xf,xfder) !! send xf and xfder to all processors #else xfder=xf #endif xpport(l) = 0.01*onem*xpport(l)/max(1.,xf) c elseif (kdport(l).eq.3) then c c --- Eastern port c xf= 0. i = ifport(l)-1 j = jfport(l) if (boundary_mpi) then call xclget(pline(j) ,lnport(l),depths,i ,j,0,1,0) call xclget(rspede(j,ll1),lnport(l),onetai,i ,j,0,1,0) call xclget(xline(j) ,lnport(l), scuy,i+1,j,0,1,0) !!Alex !!Alex call xclget(xline(j) ,lnport(l), scuy,i,j,0,1,0) else if ( then do k = max(1-nbdy,j-j0), min(jj+nbdy,j-j0+lnport(l)-1) pline(k+j0) = depths(i-i0,k) rspede(k+j0,ll1) = onetai(i-i0,k) xline(k+j0) = scuy(i+1-i0,k) !!Alex !!Alex xline(k+j0) = scuy(i-i0,k) enddo endif endif do j= jfport(l),jlport(l) xf = xf + xline(j) enddo do j= jfport(l),jlport(l) c if ( 1-nbdy .and. & i+1.le.i0+ii+nbdy .and. & j .ge.j0+ 1-nbdy .and. & j .le.j0+jj+nbdy ) then speede(j,ll1) = rspede(j,ll1)*pline(j)*onem rspede(j,ll1) = sqrt(thref/(onem*pline(j))) iuopn(i-i0+1,j-j0) = 2 ! river else speede(j,ll1) = onem rspede(j,ll1) = sqrt(thref/onem) endif enddo #if defined(MPI) call gdsum(xf,xfder) !! send xf and xfder to all processors #else xfder=xf #endif xpport(l) = -0.01*onem*xpport(l)/max(1.,xf) c elseif (kdport(l).eq.1) then c c --- Northern port c xf= 0. j = jfport(l)-1 i = ifport(l) if (boundary_mpi) then call xclget(pline(i) ,lnport(l),depths,i,j ,1,0,0) call xclget(rspedn(i,ll1),lnport(l),onetai,i,j ,1,0,0) call xclget(xline(i) ,lnport(l), scvx,i,j+1,1,0,0) !!Alex !!Alex call xclget(xline(i) ,lnport(l), scvx,i,j,1,0,0) else if ( then do k = max(1-nbdy,i-i0), min(ii+nbdy,i-i0+lnport(l)-1) pline(k+i0) = depths(k,j-j0) rspedn(k+i0,ll1) = onetai(k,j-j0) xline(k+i0) = scvx(k,j+1-j0) !!Alex !!Alex xline(k+i0) = scvx(k,j-j0) enddo endif endif do i= ifport(l),ilport(l) xf = xf + xline(i) enddo do i= ifport(l),ilport(l) c if (i .ge.i0+ 1-nbdy .and. & i .le.i0+ii+nbdy .and. & 1-nbdy .and. & j+1.le.j0+jj+nbdy ) then speedn(i,ll1) = rspedn(i,ll1)*pline(i)*onem rspedn(i,ll1) = sqrt(thref/(onem*pline(i))) ivopn(i-i0,j-j0+1) = 2 ! river else speedn(i,ll1) = onem rspedn(i,ll1) = sqrt(thref/onem) endif enddo #if defined(MPI) call gdsum(xf,xfder) !! send xf and xfder to all processors #else xfder=xf #endif xpport(l) = -0.01*onem*xpport(l)/max(1.,xf) c elseif (kdport(l).eq.2) then c c --- Southern port c xf= 0. j = jfport(l) i = ifport(l) if (boundary_mpi) then call xclget(pline(i) ,lnport(l),depths,i,j,1,0,0) call xclget(rspeds(i,ll1),lnport(l),onetai,i,j,1,0,0) call xclget(xline(i) ,lnport(l), scvx,i,j,1,0,0) !!Alex else if ( then do k = max(1-nbdy,i-i0), min(ii+nbdy,i-i0+lnport(l)-1) pline(k+i0) = depths(k,j-j0) rspeds(k+i0,ll1) = onetai(k,j-j0) xline(k+i0) = scvx(k,j-j0) !!Alex enddo endif endif do i= ifport(l),ilport(l) xf = xf + xline(i) enddo do i= ifport(l),ilport(l) c if ( 1-nbdy .and. & i.le.i0+ii+nbdy .and. & 1-nbdy .and. & j.le.j0+jj+nbdy ) then speeds(i,ll1) = rspeds(i,ll1)*pline(i)*onem rspeds(i,ll1) = sqrt(thref/(onem*pline(i))) ivopn(i-i0,j-j0) = 2 ! river else speeds(i,ll1) = onem rspeds(i,ll1) = sqrt(thref/onem) endif enddo c #if defined(MPI) call gdsum(xf,xfder) !! send xf and xfder to all processors #else xfder=xf #endif xpport(l) = 0.01*onem*xpport(l)/max(1.,xf) endif enddo !l=1,nports c c -- Update halo of iuopn and ivopn util1(:,:) = iuopn(:,:) util2(:,:) = ivopn(:,:) call xctilr(util1,1,1, nbdy,nbdy, halo_us) call xctilr(util2,1,1, nbdy,nbdy, halo_vs) iuopn(:,:) = util1(:,:) ivopn(:,:) = util2(:,:) c c --- Modification of loop indices for ports c c --- Arrays allocation allocate( & ifport_loc(nports),ilport_loc(nports), & jfport_loc(nports),jlport_loc(nports), & lnport_loc(nports)) allocate( & xtemp1(nports),xtemp2(nports), & xsaln1(nports),xsaln2(nports), & xdeb1(nports), xdeb2(nports), & xtime1(nports),xtime2(nports)) do l = 1,nports c --- Western/Eastern port if (kdport(l).eq.4.or.kdport(l).eq.3) then i = ifport(l) ifirst = .false. if ( then do j = jfport(l),jlport(l) if ( then if (.not.ifirst) then ifrst = j ifirst = .true. endif ilast = j endif enddo endif if (ifirst) then jfport_loc(l) = ifrst jlport_loc(l) = ilast lnport_loc(l) = ilast-ifrst+1 else lnport_loc(l) = 0 jfport_loc(l) = 10000 jlport_loc(l) = -10000 endif endif c --- Southern/Northern port if (kdport(l).eq.1.or.kdport(l).eq.2) then j = jfport(l) ifirst = .false. if ( then do i = ifport(l),ilport(l) if ( then if (.not.ifirst) then ifrst = i ifirst = .true. endif ilast = i endif enddo endif if (ifirst) then ifport_loc(l) = ifrst ilport_loc(l) = ilast lnport_loc(l) = ilast-ifrst+1 else lnport_loc(l) = 0 ifport_loc(l) = 10000 ilport_loc(l) = -10000 endif endif enddo c c --- End of initialization call xcsync(flush_lp) xtime1(:) = 0.0 xtime2(:) = 0.0 return endif ! lcount.eq.1 c c --- 'wellposed' treatment of pressure and velocity fields. c --- Alternate order of ports in case corners are open. c if (mod(lll,2).eq.1) then npf = 1 npl = nports npi = 1 else npf = nports npl = 1 npi = -1 endif c do l = npf, npl, npi c ll1 = indport(l) c if (lll.eq.1.and. (xtime1(l).gt.dtime .or. & dtime .gt.xtime2(l)) ) then open(unit=urivr,file=trim(nameriver(l))//'.r') c j = 0 do nrec = 1, 9999999 read(urivr,'(a)',iostat=ios) cline if (j.eq.0) then if (cline(1:3).eq.'---') j=1 else if ( then if (mnproc.eq.1) write(lp,*)'missing data '// & 'for river:',nameriver(l) call xcstop('(latbdt)') stop '(latbdt)' endif read (cline(1:),*) xtime2(l), xdeb2(l), & xtemp2(l),xsaln2(l) if (j.eq.1.and. & dtime-0.5*baclin/86400..le.xtime2(l)) then if (mnproc.eq.1) write(lp,*)'missing data '// & 'for river:',nameriver(l) call xcstop('(latbdt)') stop '(latbdt)' endif if (dtime-0.5*baclin/86400..le.xtime2(l)) then close(urivr) goto 200 endif xtime1(l) = xtime2(l) xdeb1(l) = xdeb2(l) xtemp1(l) = xtemp2(l) xsaln1(l) = xsaln2(l) j = j + 1 endif enddo 200 continue endif ! lll.eq.1 .and. xtime c --- Calculate the transport of the river for each point of the port xdeb = ( xdeb2(l)+( dtime-xtime2(l)) *(xdeb1(l)-xdeb2(l))/ & (xtime1(l)-xtime2(l)) )* xpport(l) if (lll.eq.1) then c --- Calculate the T and S of the river for each point of the port xtemp = xtemp2(l) + (dtime-xtime2(l))*(xtemp1(l)-xtemp2(l)) & /(xtime1(l)-xtime2(l)) xsaln = xsaln2(l) + (dtime-xtime2(l))*(xsaln1(l)-xsaln2(l)) & /(xtime1(l)-xtime2(l)) c c --- Western/Eastern port c --- Fill triver and sriver arrays for tsadvc (advem_fct2c) c if (kdport(l).eq.4.or.kdport(l).eq.3) then i = ifport(l) do j = jfport(l),jlport(l) ! pline(j) = xtemp if ( then pline(j) = xtemp else ! no temp data for river if (kdport(l).eq.4) pline(j) = temp(i ,j,1,n) if (kdport(l).eq.3) pline(j) = temp(i-1,j,1,n) endif enddo j = jfport(l) call xclput(pline(j),lnport(l), & triver(1-nbdy,1-nbdy), i, j, 0, 1) do j = jfport(l),jlport(l) ! pline(j) = xsaln if ( then pline(j) = xsaln else ! no saln data for river if (kdport(l).eq.4) pline(j) = saln(i ,j,1,n) if (kdport(l).eq.3) pline(j) = saln(i-1,j,1,n) endif enddo j = jfport(l) call xclput(pline(j),lnport(l), & sriver(1-nbdy,1-nbdy), i, j, 0, 1) endif c c --- Southern/Northern port c if (kdport(l).eq.1.or.kdport(l).eq.2) then j = jfport(l) do i = ifport(l),ilport(l) ! pline(i) = xtemp if ( then pline(i) = xtemp else ! no temp data for river if (kdport(l).eq.1) pline(i) = temp(i,j-1,1,n) if (kdport(l).eq.2) pline(i) = temp(i,j ,1,n) endif enddo i = ifport(l) call xclput(pline(i),lnport(l), & triver(1-nbdy,1-nbdy), i, j, 1, 0) do i = ifport(l),ilport(l) ! pline(i) = xsaln if ( then pline(i) = xsaln else ! no saln data for river if (kdport(l).eq.1) pline(i) = saln(i,j-1,1,n) if (kdport(l).eq.2) pline(i) = saln(i,j ,1,n) endif enddo i = ifport(l) call xclput(pline(i),lnport(l), & sriver(1-nbdy,1-nbdy), i, j, 1, 0) endif endif ! lll.eq.1 c if (kdport(l).eq.4) then c c --- Western port c i = ifport(l) j = jfport(l) if (boundary_mpi) then call xclget(uline(j,1),lnport(l), & ubavg(1-nbdy,1-nbdy,n), i+1,j, 0,1, 0) call xclget(uline(j,2),lnport(l), & ubavg(1-nbdy,1-nbdy,n), i+2,j, 0,1, 0) call xclget(pline(j), lnport(l), & pbavg(1-nbdy,1-nbdy,n), i, j, 0,1, 0) else if ( then do k=max(1 -margin,j-j0), & min(jj+margin,j-j0+lnport(l)-1) pline(k+j0) = pbavg(i-i0,k,n) enddo endif if ( then do k=max(1 -margin,j-j0), & min(jj+margin,j-j0+lnport(l)-1) uline(k+j0,1) = ubavg(i+1-i0,k,n) enddo endif if ( then do k=max(1 -margin,j-j0), & min(jj+margin,j-j0+lnport(l)-1) uline(k+j0,2) = ubavg(i+2-i0,k,n) enddo endif endif ! boundary_mpi if (rarwave) then do j= max(j0+1 -margin,jfport_loc(l)), & min(jj+j0+margin,jlport_loc(l)) fin = uline(j,1) & - 2.*sqrt(max(1.e-6,(speedw(j,ll1)+pline(j))*thref)) do ite = 1, npas xf = 0.25*uline(j,1)*(fin-uline(j,1))* & (fin-uline(j,1))/thref - xdeb xfder = 0.25*(fin- uline(j,1))* & (fin-3.*uline(j,1))/thref uline(j,1) = uline(j,1) - xf/xfder enddo pline(j) = 0.25*(fin-uline(j,1)) & *(fin-uline(j,1))/thref - speedw(j,ll1) c c --- Solver convergence problem c if (debitf.and.abs(xf/xfder).ge.1e-3) then pline(j) = -speedw(j,ll1) uline(j,1) = 0. if (mnproc.eq.1) then write(6,*) 'Solver convergence pb in ',i,',',j write(6,*)'xf/xfder = ', xf/xfder, 'xf=',xf, & 'xfder=',xfder endif endif enddo else do j= max(j0+1 -margin,jfport_loc(l)), & min(j0+jj+margin,jlport_loc(l)) fin = 1.5*uline(j,1)-0.5*uline(j,2) & -rspedw(j,ll1)*pline( j) do ite = 1, npas xf = (speedw(j,ll1)-(fin-uline(j,1))/rspedw(j,ll1)) & *uline(j,1) - xdeb xfder = speedw(j,ll1)-(fin-2.*uline(j,1)) & /rspedw(j,ll1) uline(j,1) = uline(j,1) - xf/xfder enddo pline(j) = -(fin - uline(j,1))/rspedw(j,ll1) c c --- Solver convergence problem c if (debitf.and.abs(xf/xfder).ge.1e-3) then pline(j) = -speedw(j,ll1) uline(j,1) = 0. if (mnproc.eq.1) then write(6,*) 'Solver convergence pb in ',i,',',j write(6,*)'xf/xfder = ', xf/xfder, 'xf=',xf, & 'xfder=',xfder endif endif enddo endif ! rarwave j = jfport(l) if (boundary_mpi) then call xclput(pline(j), lnport(l), & pbsavu(1-nbdy,1-nbdy ), i, j, 0,1) call xclput(uline(j,1),lnport(l), & ubavg (1-nbdy,1-nbdy,n), i, j, 0,1) ! normal else if ( then do k=max(1-margin,j-j0),min(jj+margin,j-j0+lnport(l)-1) pbsavu(i-i0,k ) = pline(k+j0) ubavg (i-i0,k,n) = uline(k+j0,1) enddo endif endif ! boundary_mpi c c elseif (kdport(l).eq.3) then c c --- Eastern port c i = ifport(l)-1 j = jfport(l) if (boundary_mpi) then call xclget(uline(j,1),lnport(l), & ubavg(1-nbdy,1-nbdy,n), i, j, 0,1, 0) call xclget(uline(j,2),lnport(l), & ubavg(1-nbdy,1-nbdy,n), i-1,j, 0,1, 0) call xclget(pline(j), lnport(l), & pbavg(1-nbdy,1-nbdy,n), i, j, 0,1, 0) else if ( then do k = max(1 -margin,j-j0), & min(jj+margin,j-j0+lnport(l)-1) pline(k+j0) = pbavg(i-i0,k,n) uline(k+j0,1) = ubavg(i-i0,k,n) enddo endif if ( then do k = max(1 -margin,j-j0), & min(jj+margin,j-j0+lnport(l)-1) uline(k+j0,2) = ubavg(i-1-i0,k,n) enddo endif endif ! boundary_mpi if (rarwave) then do j= max(j0+1 -margin,jfport_loc(l)), & min(j0+jj+margin,jlport_loc(l)) fin = uline(j,1) & + 2.*sqrt(max(1.e-6,(speede(j,ll1)+pline(j))*thref)) do ite = 1, npas xf = 0.25*uline(j,1)*(fin-uline(j,1))* & (fin-uline(j,1))/thref - xdeb xfder = 0.25*(fin- uline(j,1))* & (fin-3.*uline(j,1))/thref uline(j,1) = uline(j,1) - xf/xfder enddo pline(j) = 0.25*(fin-uline(j,1)) & *(fin-uline(j,1))/thref - speede(j,ll1) c c --- Solver convergence problem c if (debitf.and.abs(xf/xfder).ge.1e-3) then if (mnproc.eq.1) then write(6,*) 'Solver convergence pb in ',i,',',j write(6,*)'xf/xfder = ', xf/xfder, 'xf=',xf, & 'xfder=',xfder endif pline(j) = -speede(j,ll1) uline(j,1) = 0. endif enddo else do j= max(j0+1 -margin,jfport_loc(l)), & min(j0+jj+margin,jlport_loc(l)) fin = 1.5*uline(j,1)-0.5*uline(j,2) & +rspede(j,ll1)*pline( j) do ite = 1, npas xf = (speede(j,ll1)+(fin-uline(j,1))/rspede(j,ll1)) & *uline(j,1) - xdeb xfder = speede(j,ll1)+(fin-2.*uline(j,1)) & /rspede(j,ll1) uline(j,1) = uline(j,1) - xf/xfder enddo pline(j) = (fin - uline(j,1))/rspede(j,ll1) c c --- Solver convergence problem c if (debitf.and.abs(xf/xfder).ge.1e-3) then pline(j) = -speede(j,ll1) uline(j,1) = 0. if (mnproc.eq.1) then write(6,*) 'Solver convergence pb in ',i,',',j write(6,*)'xf/xfder = ', xf/xfder, & 'xf =',xf, & 'xfder =',xfder endif endif enddo endif ! rarwave j = jfport(l) if (boundary_mpi) then call xclput(pline(j), lnport(l), & pbsavu(1-nbdy,1-nbdy ), i+1,j,0,1) call xclput(uline(j,1),lnport(l), & ubavg (1-nbdy,1-nbdy,n), i+1,j,0,1) ! normal else if ( then do k=max(1 -margin,j-j0), & min(jj+margin,j-j0+lnport(l)-1) pbsavu(i+1-i0,k ) = pline(k+j0) ubavg (i+1-i0,k,n) = uline(k+j0,1) enddo endif endif ! boundary_mpi c elseif (kdport(l).eq.1) then c c --- Northern port c j = jfport(l)-1 i = ifport(l) if (boundary_mpi) then call xclget(uline(i,1),lnport(l), & vbavg(1-nbdy,1-nbdy,n), i, j, 1,0, 0) call xclget(uline(i,2),lnport(l), & vbavg(1-nbdy,1-nbdy,n), i, j-1,1,0, 0) call xclget(pline(i), lnport(l), & pbavg(1-nbdy,1-nbdy,n), i, j, 1,0, 0) else if ( then do k = max(1 -margin,i-i0), & min(ii+margin,i-i0+lnport(l)-1) pline(k+i0) = pbavg(k,j-j0,n) uline(k+i0,1) = vbavg(k,j-j0,n) enddo endif if ( then do k = max(1 -margin,i-i0), & min(ii+margin,i-i0+lnport(l)-1) uline(k+i0,2) = vbavg(k,j-1-j0,n) enddo endif endif ! boundary_mpi if (rarwave) then do i= max(i0+1 -margin,ifport_loc(l)), & min(i0+ii+margin,ilport_loc(l)) fin = uline(i,1) & + 2.*sqrt(max(1.e-6,(speedn(i,ll1)+pline(i))*thref)) do ite = 1, npas xf = 0.25*uline(i,1)*(fin-uline(i,1))* & (fin-uline(i,1))/thref -xdeb xfder = 0.25*(fin-uline(i,1))* & (fin-3.*uline(i,1))/thref uline(i,1) = uline(i,1) - xf/xfder enddo pline(i) = 0.25*(fin-uline(i,1))* & (fin-uline(i,1))/thref - speedn(i,ll1) c c --- Solver convergence problem c if (debitf.and.abs(xf/xfder).ge.1e-3) then pline(i) = -speedn(i,ll1) uline(i,1) = 0. if (mnproc.eq.1) then write(6,*) 'Solver convergence pb in ',i,',',j write(6,*) 'xf/xfder = ', xf/xfder, 'xf=',xf, & 'xfder=',xfder endif endif enddo else do i= max(i0+1 -margin,ifport_loc(l)), & min(i0+ii+margin,ilport_loc(l)) fin = 1.5*uline(i,1)-0.5*uline(i,2) & +rspedn(i,ll1)*pline( i) do ite = 1, npas xf = (speedn(i,ll1)+(fin-uline(i,1))/rspedn(i,ll1)) & *uline(i,1) - xdeb xfder = speedn(i,ll1)+(fin-2.*uline(i,1)) & /rspedn(i,ll1) uline(i,1) = uline(i,1) - xf/xfder enddo pline(i) = (fin - uline(i,1))/rspedn(i,ll1) c c --- Solver convergence problem c if (debitf.and.abs(xf/xfder).ge.1e-3) then pline(i) = -speedn(i,ll1) uline(i,1) = 0. if (mnproc.eq.1) then write(6,*) 'Solver convergence pb in ',i,',',j write(6,*)'xf/xfder = ', xf/xfder, 'xf=',xf, & 'xfder=',xfder endif endif enddo endif ! rarwave i = ifport(l) if (boundary_mpi) then call xclput(pline(i), lnport(l), & pbsavv(1-nbdy,1-nbdy ), i, j+1,1,0) call xclput(uline(i,1),lnport(l), & vbavg (1-nbdy,1-nbdy,n), i, j+1,1,0) ! normal else if ( then do k=max(1 -margin,i-i0), & min(ii+margin,i-i0+lnport(l)-1) pbsavv(k,j+1-j0 ) = pline(k+i0) vbavg (k,j+1-j0,n) = uline(k+i0,1) enddo endif endif ! boundary_mpi elseif (kdport(l).eq.2) then c c --- Southern port c j = jfport(l) i = ifport(l) if (boundary_mpi) then call xclget(uline(i,1),lnport(l), & vbavg(1-nbdy,1-nbdy,n), i, j+1,1,0, 0) call xclget(uline(i,2),lnport(l), & vbavg(1-nbdy,1-nbdy,n), i, j+2,1,0, 0) call xclget(pline(i), lnport(l), & pbavg(1-nbdy,1-nbdy,n), i, j, 1,0, 0) else if ( then do k = max(1 -margin,i-i0), & min(ii+margin,i-i0+lnport(l)-1) pline(k+i0) = pbavg(k,j-j0,n) enddo endif if ( then do k = max(1 -margin,i-i0), & min(ii+margin,i-i0+lnport(l)-1) uline(k+i0,1) = vbavg(k,j+1-j0,n) enddo endif if ( then do k = max(1 -margin,i-i0), & min(ii+margin,i-i0+lnport(l)-1) uline(k+i0,2) = vbavg(k,j+2-j0,n) enddo endif endif ! boundary_mpi if (rarwave) then do i= max(i0+1 -margin,ifport_loc(l)), & min(i0+ii+margin,ilport_loc(l)) fin = uline(i,1) & - 2.*sqrt(max(1.e-6,(speeds(i,ll1)+pline(i))*thref)) do ite = 1, npas xf = 0.25*uline(i,1)*(fin-uline(i,1))* & (fin-uline(i,1))/thref - xdeb xfder = 0.25*(fin-uline(i,1))* & (fin-3.*uline(i,1))/thref uline(i,1) = uline(i,1) - xf/xfder enddo pline(i) = 0.25*(fin-uline(i,1))* & (fin-uline(i,1))/thref - speeds(i,ll1) c c --- Solver convergence problem c if (debitf.and.abs(xf/xfder).ge.1e-3) then pline(i) = -speeds(i,ll1) uline(i,1) = 0. if (mnproc.eq.1) then write(6,*) 'Solver convergence pb in ',i,',',j write(6,*)'xf/xfder = ', xf/xfder, 'xf=',xf, & 'xfder=',xfder endif endif enddo else do i= max(i0+1 -margin,ifport_loc(l)), & min(i0+ii+margin,ilport_loc(l)) fin = 1.5*uline(i,1)-0.5*uline(i,2) & -rspeds(i,ll1)*pline( i) do ite = 1, npas xf = (speeds(i,ll1)-(fin-uline(i,1))/rspeds(i,ll1)) & *uline(i,1) - xdeb xfder = speeds(i,ll1)-(fin-2.*uline(i,1)) & /rspeds(i,ll1) uline(i,1) = uline(i,1) - xf/xfder enddo pline(i) = -(fin - uline(i,1))/rspeds(i,ll1) c c --- Solver convergence problem c if (debitf.and.abs(xf/xfder).ge.1e-3) then pline(i) = -speeds(i,ll1) uline(i,1) = 0. if (mnproc.eq.1) then write(6,*) 'Solver convergence pb in ',i,',',j write(6,*)'xf/xfder = ', xf/xfder, 'xf=',xf, & 'xfder=',xfder endif endif enddo endif ! rarwave i = ifport(l) if (boundary_mpi) then call xclput(pline(i), lnport(l), & pbsavv(1-nbdy,1-nbdy), i, j, 1, 0) call xclput(uline(i,1),lnport(l), & vbavg (1-nbdy,1-nbdy,n), i, j, 1, 0) ! normal else if ( then do k=max(1 -margin,i-i0), & min(ii+margin,i-i0+lnport(l)-1) pbsavv(k,j-j0 ) = pline(k+i0) vbavg (k,j-j0,n) = uline(k+i0,1) enddo endif endif ! boundary_mpi c endif ! kdports c enddo !l=1,nports c return end