subroutine restart_in(nstep0, dtime0, flnmra,flnmrb) use mod_xc ! HYCOM communication interface use mod_cb_arrays ! HYCOM saved arrays use mod_za ! HYCOM I/O interface use mod_tides ! HYCOM tides implicit none c integer nstep0 real*8 dtime0 character*(*) flnmra,flnmrb c c read in a restart file. c flnmra is the ".a" file, and flnmrb is the ".b" file. c logical lmyin,ltidin,lold integer i,ios,j,k,kskip,ktr character cline*80 c !!Alex for iniflg.eq.4 integer :: l,lslot real :: thres1 real, dimension (kdm) :: thres real, dimension (1-nbdy:idm+nbdy,1-nbdy:jdm+nbdy,2) :: & oneta_rest,tmp real, dimension (1-nbdy:idm+nbdy,1-nbdy:jdm+nbdy,kdm,2) :: & dpr,dprf real, dimension (1-nbdy:idm+nbdy,1-nbdy:jdm+nbdy,kdm+1,2) :: & prest real, dimension (1-nbdy:idm+nbdy,1-nbdy:jdm+nbdy,kdm+1) :: & prest1 !!Alex include 'stmt_fns.h' c call zaiopf(flnmra,'old', 11) if (mnproc.eq.1) then ! .b file from 1st tile only open (unit=uoff+11,file=flnmrb, & status='old',action='read',form='formatted') endif call zagetc(cline,ios, uoff+11) if ( then if (mnproc.eq.1) then write(lp,'(/ a,i4,i9 /)') & 'I/O error from zagetc, iunit,ios = ',uoff+11,ios endif !1st tile call xcstop('(restart_in)') stop '(restart_in)' endif if (mnproc.eq.1) then write(lp,'(a)') trim(cline) endif !1st tile if (cline(1:9).eq.'RESTART: ') then lold = .true. !original, larger, restart file elseif (cline(1:9).eq.'RESTART2:') then lold = .false. else if (mnproc.eq.1) then write(lp,'(/ a /)') 'error in hycom - unknown restart type' endif !1st tile call xcstop('(restart_in)') stop '(restart_in)' endif call zagetc(cline,ios, uoff+11) if ( then if (mnproc.eq.1) then write(lp,'(/ a,i4,i9 /)') & 'I/O error from zagetc, iunit,ios = ',uoff+11,ios endif !1st tile call xcstop('(restart_in)') stop '(restart_in)' endif if (mnproc.eq.1) then write(lp,'(a)') trim(cline) call flush(lp) endif !1st tile i = index(cline,'=') read(cline(i+1:),*) nstep0,dtime0 c call restart_in3d(u, 2*kdm, iu, 'u ') call restart_in3d(v, 2*kdm, iv, 'v ') call restart_in3d(dp, 2*kdm, ip, 'dp ') call restart_in3d(temp, 2*kdm, ip, 'temp ') call restart_in3d(saln, 2*kdm, ip, 'saln ') if (lold) then call restart_in3d(th3d, 2*kdm, ip, 'th3d ') else do k= 1,kdm do j= 1,jj do i= 1,ii if (ip(i,j).eq.1) then th3d(i,j,k,1)=sig(temp(i,j,k,1),saln(i,j,k,1))-thbase th3d(i,j,k,2)=sig(temp(i,j,k,2),saln(i,j,k,2))-thbase else th3d(i,j,k,1) = 0.0 th3d(i,j,k,2) = 0.0 endif enddo !i enddo !j enddo !k endif c c do we have MY2.5 arrays in the restart file? c call zagetc(cline,ios, uoff+11) if ( then if (mnproc.eq.1) then write(lp,'(/ a,i4,i9 /)') & 'I/O error from zagetc, iunit,ios = ',uoff+11,ios endif !1st tile call xcstop('(restart_in)') stop '(restart_in)' endif if (lold) then kskip = 12*kdm + 2 else kskip = 10*kdm + 2 endif call restart_inrw(kskip) c lmyin = cline(1:8).eq.'q2 ' c if (lmyin) then c c MY2.5 in restart file. c if (mxlmy) then call restart_in3d(q2 ,2*kdm+4, ip, 'q2 ') call restart_in3d(q2l ,2*kdm+4, ip, 'q2l ') call restart_in3d(vctymy, kdm+2, ip, 'vctymy ') call restart_in3d(difqmy, kdm+2, ip, 'difqmy ') call restart_in3d(diftmy, kdm+2, ip, 'diftmy ') else if (mnproc.eq.1) then write(lp,'(a)') 'RESTART: skipping MY2.5 input fields' call flush(lp) endif !1st tile kskip = 7*kdm+14 do k= 1,kskip call zagetc(cline,ios, uoff+11) if ( then if (mnproc.eq.1) then write(lp,'(/ a,i4,i9 /)') & 'I/O error from zagetc, iunit,ios = ',uoff+11,ios endif !1st tile call xcstop('(restart_in)') stop '(restart_in)' endif * if (mnproc.eq.1) then * write(lp,'(a)') cline * endif !1st tile call zaiosk(11) enddo !k endif !mxlmy:else c c do we have DETIDE arrays in the restart file? c call zagetc(cline,ios, uoff+11) if ( then if (mnproc.eq.1) then write(lp,'(/ a,i4,i9 /)') & 'I/O error from zagetc, iunit,ios = ',uoff+11,ios endif !1st tile call xcstop('(restart_in)') stop '(restart_in)' endif if (lold) then kskip = 12*kdm + 2 + 7*kdm+14 else kskip = 10*kdm + 2 + 7*kdm+14 endif call restart_inrw(kskip) elseif (mxlmy) then if (mnproc.eq.1) then write(lp,'(a)') 'RESTART: no MY2.5 fields input' call flush(lp) endif !1st tile endif !lmyin:mxlmy c c do we have DETIDE arrays in the restart file? c ltidin = cline(1:8).eq.'uhrly ' c if (ltidin) then c c DETIDE in restart file. c 25 or 49 hrs present? c call restart_inrw(kskip+25) call zagetc(cline,ios, uoff+11) if ( then if (mnproc.eq.1) then write(lp,'(/ a,i4,i9 /)') & 'I/O error from zagetc, iunit,ios = ',uoff+11,ios endif !1st tile call xcstop('(restart_in)') stop '(restart_in)' endif if (cline(1:8).eq.'uhrly ') then !49 hrs nhrly = 49 ![uv]ntide will be initialised in tides_set (tides_detide) else nhrly = 25 ![uv]ntide will be initialised in tides_set (tides_detide) endif call restart_inrw(kskip) c if ( then if (.not.allocated(uhrly)) then allocate( uhrly(1-nbdy:idm+nbdy,1-nbdy:jdm+nbdy,49), & vhrly(1-nbdy:idm+nbdy,1-nbdy:jdm+nbdy,49), & untide(1-nbdy:idm+nbdy,1-nbdy:jdm+nbdy), & vntide(1-nbdy:idm+nbdy,1-nbdy:jdm+nbdy) ) call mem_stat_add( 2*(idm+2*nbdy)*(jdm+2*nbdy)*50 ) else if (mnproc.eq.1) then write(lp,'(/ a /)') & 'error - uhrly already allocated' endif !1st tile call xcstop('(restart_in)') stop '(restart_in)' endif !allocated:else call restart_in3d(uhrly ,nhrly, iu, 'uhrly ') call restart_in3d(vhrly ,nhrly, iv, 'vhrly ') else if (mnproc.eq.1) then write(lp,'(a)') 'RESTART: skipping DETIDE input fields' call flush(lp) endif !1st tile do k= 1,2*nhrly call zagetc(cline,ios, uoff+11) if ( then if (mnproc.eq.1) then write(lp,'(/ a,i4,i9 /)') & 'I/O error from zagetc, iunit,ios = ',uoff+11,ios endif !1st tile call xcstop('(restart_in)') stop '(restart_in)' endif * if (mnproc.eq.1) then * write(lp,'(a)') cline * endif !1st tile call zaiosk(11) enddo !k endif !tidflg:else elseif ( then c --- [uv]hrly & [uv]ntide will be allocated/initialized in tides_set if (mnproc.eq.1) then write(lp,'(a)') 'RESTART: no DETIDE fields input' call flush(lp) endif !1st tile endif !ltidin:tidflg c call restart_in3d(ubavg, 3, iu, 'ubavg ') call restart_in3d(vbavg, 3, iv, 'vbavg ') call restart_in3d(pbavg, 3, ip, 'pbavg ') call restart_in3d(pbot, 1, ip, 'pbot ') call restart_in3d(psikk,kapnum, ip, 'psikk ') !kapnum 1 or 2 call restart_in3d(thkk, kapnum, ip, 'thkk ') !kapnum 1 or 2 call restart_in3d(dpmixl, 2, ip, 'dpmixl ') !!Alex work in progress for later if (iniflg.eq.4) then ! ! --- in case of iniflg.eq.4 (Wetting and Drying) pwall = interface depths (m) ! --- we SPLIT the dp to get dp'' dpr(:,:,:,1)=dp(:,:,:,1) dpr(:,:,:,2)=dp(:,:,:,2) prest(:,:,kk+1,1)=pbot(:,:) prest(:,:,kk+1,2)=pbot(:,:) do k=kk,1,-1 prest(:,:,k,1) = prest(:,:,k,1)-dpr(:,:,k,1) prest(:,:,k,2) = prest(:,:,k,2)-dpr(:,:,k,2) enddo ! --- calculate 1+eta do j=1,jj do i=1,ii do lslot=1,2 util1(i,j) = 0. do k = 1, kk if (k.eq.1 .or. k.le.nhybrd) then thres1= sig(temp(i,j,k,lslot),saln(i,j,k,lslot)) & - thbase else ! isopyc thres1=theta(i,j,k) endif if (kapref.eq.0) then !not thermobaric thres(k)=thres1 elseif ( then thres(k)= thres1 + kappaf(temp(i,j,k,lslot), & saln(i,j,k,lslot), & thbase+thres1, & onem*0.5*(prest(i,j,k,lslot)+prest(i,j,k+1,lslot)), & kapref) else !variable kapref thres(k)= thres1 + kappaf(temp(i,j,k,lslot), & saln(i,j,k,lslot), & thbase+thres1, & onem*0.5*(prest(i,j,k,lslot)+prest(i,j,k+1,lslot)), & 2) endif tmp(i,j,lslot) = tmp(i,j,lslot) + dpr(i,j,k,lslot) & /(thref-(thres(k)+thbase)*thref*thref) enddo oneta_rest(i,j,lslot) = thref*tmp(i,j,lslot)/depths(i,j) ! --- Calculate the dp' ("SPLIT") suitable for HYCOM do k = 1, kk if (oneta_rest(i,j,lslot).eq.0.) then if (k.eq.1) then dprf(i,j,k,1) = depths(i,j)*onem dprf(i,j,k,2) = depths(i,j)*onem else dprf(i,j,k,1) = 0. dprf(i,j,k,2) = 0. endif else dprf(i,j,k,lslot) = g*dpr(i,j,k,lslot) & / (oneta_rest(i,j,lslot) & * (thref-(thres(k)+thbase)*thref*thref)) endif enddo do k = 1, kk dp(i,j,k,lslot) = dprf(i,j,k,lslot) enddo enddo !! lslot enddo enddo endif !!Alex if (btrmas) then do j= 1,jj do i= 1,ii if (ip(i,j).eq.1) then onetai(i,j) = (thref+psikk(i,j,1)/pbot(i,j)) / & (thref*(1.0-thref*(thkk(i,j,1)+thbase))) !!Alex test with onetai oneta restart and not inicon oneta( i,j,1) = onetai(i,j) + pbavg(i,j,1)/pbot(i,j) oneta( i,j,2) = onetai(i,j) + pbavg(i,j,2)/pbot(i,j) onetao(i,j,1) = onetai(i,j) + pbavg(i,j,1)/pbot(i,j) onetao(i,j,2) = onetai(i,j) + pbavg(i,j,2)/pbot(i,j) else onetai(i,j) = 0.0 oneta( i,j,1) = 0.0 oneta( i,j,2) = 0.0 onetao(i,j,1) = 0.0 onetao(i,j,2) = 0.0 endif enddo !i enddo !j else c --- only onetai is needed (for diagnostic calculations) do j= 1,jj do i= 1,ii if (ip(i,j).eq.1) then onetai(i,j) = (thref+psikk(i,j,1)/pbot(i,j)) / & (thref*(1.0-thref*(thkk(i,j,1)+thbase))) !!Alex test with onetai oneta restart and not inicon oneta( i,j,1) = 1.0 oneta( i,j,2) = 1.0 onetao(i,j,1) = 1.0 onetao(i,j,2) = 1.0 else onetai(i,j) = 0.0 oneta( i,j,1) = 0.0 oneta( i,j,2) = 0.0 onetao(i,j,1) = 0.0 onetao(i,j,2) = 0.0 endif enddo !i enddo !j endif !btrmas:else call xctilr( onetai,1,1, nbdy,nbdy, halo_ps) call xctilr( oneta, 1,2, nbdy,nbdy, halo_ps) call xctilr( onetao,1,2, nbdy,nbdy, halo_ps) if (icegln) then call zagetc(cline,ios, uoff+11) if ( then if (mnproc.eq.1) then write(lp,'(/ a,i4,i9 /)') & 'I/O error from zagetc, iunit,ios = ',uoff+11,ios endif !1st tile call xcstop('(restart_in)') stop '(restart_in)' endif if ( .or. cline(1:8).ne.'temice ') then c c --- assume this is an addition of ice to the simulation. c if (mnproc.eq.1) then write(lp,'(/ a /)') 'adding ice to the simulation.' call flush(lp) endif !1st tile c do j= 1,jj do i= 1,ii temice(i,j) = temp(i,j,1,1) covice(i,j) = 0.0 thkice(i,j) = 0.0 enddo enddo if (trcrin .and. cline(1:8).eq.'tracer ') then c --- reposition file for tracer input if (lold) then kskip = 12*kdm+14+2*kapnum else kskip = 10*kdm+14+2*kapnum endif if (lmyin) then kskip = kskip + 7*kdm+14 endif if (ltidin) then kskip = kskip + 2*nhrly endif call restart_inrw(kskip) endif else c c --- reposition file for ice input c if (lold) then kskip = 12*kdm+14+2*kapnum else kskip = 10*kdm+14+2*kapnum endif if (lmyin) then kskip = kskip + 7*kdm+14 endif if (ltidin) then kskip = kskip + 2*nhrly endif call restart_inrw(kskip) c call restart_in3d(temice, 1, ip, 'temice ') call restart_in3d(covice, 1, ip, 'covice ') call restart_in3d(thkice, 1, ip, 'thkice ') endif endif if (trcrin) then do ktr= 1,ntracr call restart_in3d(tracer(1-nbdy,1-nbdy,1,1,ktr), & 2*kdm, ip, 'tracer ') enddo endif if (mnproc.eq.1) then ! .b file from 1st tile only close (unit=uoff+11) endif call zaiocl(11) c do j=1-nbdy,jj+nbdy do i=1-nbdy,ii+nbdy srfhgt(i,j) = 0.0 !for pipe_compareall montg1(i,j) = 0.0 !for pipe_compareall dpbl(i,j) = 0.0 !for pipe_compareall klist(i,j) = kk !for MY2.5 mixed layer enddo enddo return end subroutine restart_in subroutine restart_in3d(field,l, mask, cfield) use mod_xc ! HYCOM communication interface use mod_za ! HYCOM I/O interface implicit none c integer l real, dimension (1-nbdy:idm+nbdy,1-nbdy:jdm+nbdy,l) :: & field integer, dimension (1-nbdy:idm+nbdy,1-nbdy:jdm+nbdy) :: & mask character cfield*8 c c --- read a single restart 3-d array field. c integer i,ios,layer,level,k real hmina(2*kdm+49),hminb,hmaxa(2*kdm+49),hmaxb !+49 for [uv]hrly character cline*80 c if (mnproc.eq.1) then write(lp,'(a,i3,2x,a)') 'restart_in3d - l,cfield = ',l,cfield call flush(lp) endif !1st tile call zaiord3(field,l, mask,.false., hmina,hmaxa, 11) c do k= 1,l call zagetc(cline,ios, uoff+11) if ( then if (mnproc.eq.1) then write(lp,'(/ a,i4,i9 /)') & 'I/O error from zagetc, iunit,ios = ',uoff+11,ios endif !1st tile call xcstop('(restart_in3d)') stop '(restart_in3d)' endif if (mnproc.eq.1) then write (lp,'(a)') trim(cline) endif !1st tile if (cline(1:8).ne.cfield) then if (mnproc.eq.1) then write(lp,'(/ a / a,a /)') trim(cline), & 'error in restart_in3d - expected ',cfield endif !1st tile call xcstop('(restart_in3d)') stop '(restart_in3d)' endif i = index(cline,'=') read (cline(i+1:),*) layer,level,hminb,hmaxb if (abs(hmina(k)-hminb).gt.abs(hminb)*1.e-4 .or. & abs(hmaxa(k)-hmaxb).gt.abs(hmaxb)*1.e-4 ) then if (mnproc.eq.1) then write(lp,'(/ a / a,3i3 / a / a,1p3e14.6 / a,1p3e14.6 /)') & 'error - .a and .b files not consistent:', & 'iunit,k,l = ',11,k,l, & cline, & '.a,.b min = ',hmina(k),hminb,hmina(k)-hminb, & '.a,.b max = ',hmaxa(k),hmaxb,hmaxa(k)-hmaxb endif !1st tile call xcstop('(restart_in3d)') stop '(restart_in3d)' endif enddo c return end subroutine restart_in3d subroutine restart_inrw(kline) use mod_xc ! HYCOM communication interface use mod_za ! HYCOM I/O interface implicit none c integer kline c c reposition the input restart .b file at line kline. c integer ios,k character cline*80 c if (mnproc.eq.1) then ! .b file from 1st tile only rewind(uoff+11) endif do k= 1,kline call zagetc(cline,ios, uoff+11) if ( then if (mnproc.eq.1) then write(lp,'(/ a,i4,i9 /)') & 'I/O error from zagetc, iunit,ios = ',uoff+11,ios endif !1st tile call xcstop('(restart_inrw)') stop '(restart_inrw)' endif enddo !k if (mnproc.eq.1) then write(lp,'(a,i5)') 'restart_inrw, kline =',kline write(lp,'(a)') trim(cline) call flush(lp) endif !1st tile return end subroutine restart_inrw subroutine restart_out(nstepx, dtimex, flnmra,flnmrb, last) use mod_xc ! HYCOM communication interface use mod_cb_arrays ! HYCOM saved arrays use mod_za ! HYCOM I/O interface use mod_tides ! HYCOM tides implicit none c logical last integer nstepx real*8 dtimex character*(*) flnmra,flnmrb c c write out in a restart file on unit 12 or 22 (and a flux file on 25). c c flnmra is the ".a" file (usually without the .a, and c flnmrb is the ".b" file (usually without the .b). c Usually flnmra == flnmrb, and there are standard and backup restarts; c otherwise the restart is unique and flnmra and flnmrb are the complete c filenames (including any .a and .b). c logical lopen integer i,iunit,iunta,j,k,ktr,l real xmin(2*kdm+49),xmax(2*kdm+49) !+49 for [uv]hrly character cline*80 c integer, save :: icount = 0 c !!Alex add dpp for bowl configuration (=dp*oneta) integer :: lslot real, dimension (1-nbdy:idm+nbdy,1-nbdy:jdm+nbdy,kdm+1,2) :: pp real, dimension (1-nbdy:idm+nbdy,1-nbdy:jdm+nbdy,kdm,2) :: dpp real :: thstar1,rho1 include 'stmt_fns.h' c !!Alex ! --- Calculate thstar to convert dp_prime into h ! --- we UNSPLIT the dp'' to get dp dpp(:,:,:,:)=dp(:,:,:,:) c !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(j,k,i) !$OMP& SCHEDULE(STATIC,jblk) do j=1,jj do i=1,ii do lslot=1,2 pp(i,j,1,:) = 0.0 do k=1,kk pp(:,:,k+1,lslot)=pp(:,:,k,lslot)+dp(:,:,k,lslot) enddo do k=1,kk if ( then !thermobaric c c --- sigma-star is virtual potential density, as defined in c --- Sun (1999), 'Inclusion of thermobaricity in c --- isopycnic-coordinate ocean models', JPO 29 pp 2719-2729. c c --- use upper interface pressure in converting sigma to sigma-star. c --- to avoid density variations in layers intersected by bottom c if ( then thstar1=th3d(i,j,k,lslot)+kappaf(temp(i,j,k,lslot), & saln(i,j,k,lslot), & th3d(i,j,k,lslot)+thbase, & 0.5*(pp(i,j,k,lslot)+pp(i,j,k+1,lslot)), & kapref) else thstar1=th3d(i,j,k,lslot)+kappaf(temp(i,j,k,lslot), & saln(i,j,k,lslot), & th3d(i,j,k,lslot)+thbase, & 0.5*(pp(i,j,k,lslot)+pp(i,j,k+1,lslot)), & 2) endif !kapref else !non-thermobaric thstar1=th3d(i,j,k,lslot) endif !thermobaric:else rho1 =1.e0/(thref-(thstar1+thbase)*thref**2) dpp(i,j,k,lslot) = onem * dp (i,j,k,lslot) & * oneta(i,j, lslot)/(g*rho1) enddo enddo !lslot enddo enddo !$OMP END PARALLEL DO !!Alex icount = icount + 1 c if ( .or. last .or. mod(icount,2).eq.0) then iunta = 12 ! standard restart file else iunta = 22 ! backup restart file endif iunit = uoff+iunta c call zaiopi(lopen, iunta) if (.not.lopen) then if ( then call zaiopf(trim(flnmra), 'new', iunta) !unique elseif (iunta.eq.12) then call zaiopf(trim(flnmra)//'.a', 'new', iunta) !standard else call zaiopf(trim(flnmra)//'1.a','new', iunta) !backup endif if (mnproc.eq.1) then if ( then open (unit=iunit,file=trim(flnmrb), !12 & status='new',action='write',form='formatted') write(lp,'(a)') ' creating a new unique restart file' elseif (iunta.eq.12) then open (unit=iunit,file=trim(flnmra)//'.b', !12 & status='new',action='write',form='formatted') write(lp,'(a)') ' creating a new standard restart file' else open (unit=iunit,file=trim(flnmra)//'1.b', !22 & status='new',action='write',form='formatted') write(lp,'(a)') ' creating a new backup restart file' endif call flush(lp) endif !1st tile elseif ( then if (mnproc.eq.1) then write(lp,'(a)') & ' error - (unique) restart file already exists.' write(lp,'(a,a)') & ' flnmra = ',trim(flnmra) write(lp,'(a,a)') & ' flnmrb = ',trim(flnmrb) endif !1st tile call xcstop('(restart_out)') stop '(restart_out)' else call zaiorw(iunta) if (mnproc.eq.1) then rewind(unit=iunit) if (iunta.eq.12) then write(lp,'(a)') & ' over-writing any previous standard restart' else write(lp,'(a)') & ' over-writing any previous backup restart' endif call flush(lp) endif !1st tile endif c if (mnproc.eq.1) then write(iunit,'(a,4i6)') 'RESTART2: iexpt,iversn,yrflag,sigver = ', & iexpt,iversn,yrflag,sigver write(cline,*) nstepx,dtimex,thbase write(iunit,'(a,a)') 'RESTART2: nstep,dtime,thbase = ', & trim(cline) call flush(iunit) endif !1st tile c call zaiowr3(u, 2*kdm, iu,.false., xmin,xmax, iunta,.true.) call xctilr( u, 1,2*kdm, nbdy,nbdy, halo_uv) if (mnproc.eq.1) then do l= 0,1 do k= 1,kdm write(iunit,4100) 'u ',k,l+1,xmin(k+l*kdm),xmax(k+l*kdm) enddo enddo call flush(iunit) endif !1st tile call zaiowr3(v, 2*kdm, iv,.false., xmin,xmax, iunta,.true.) call xctilr( v, 1,2*kdm, nbdy,nbdy, halo_vv) if (mnproc.eq.1) then do l= 0,1 do k= 1,kdm write(iunit,4100) 'v ',k,l+1,xmin(k+l*kdm),xmax(k+l*kdm) enddo enddo call flush(iunit) endif !1st tile if (iniflg.eq.4) then !!Alex store h instead of dp prime call zaiowr3(dpp, 2*kdm, ip,.false., xmin,xmax, iunta,.true.) call xctilr( dpp, 1,2*kdm, nbdy,nbdy, halo_ps) if (mnproc.eq.1) then do l= 0,1 do k= 1,kdm write(iunit,4100) 'dp ',k,l+1,xmin(k+l*kdm),xmax(k+l*kdm) enddo enddo call flush(iunit) endif !1st tile else call zaiowr3(dp, 2*kdm, ip,.false., xmin,xmax, iunta,.true.) call xctilr( dp, 1,2*kdm, nbdy,nbdy, halo_ps) if (mnproc.eq.1) then do l= 0,1 do k= 1,kdm write(iunit,4100) 'dp ',k,l+1,xmin(k+l*kdm),xmax(k+l*kdm) enddo enddo call flush(iunit) endif !1st tile endif ! .not. iniflg.eq.4 call zaiowr3(temp, 2*kdm, ip,.false., xmin,xmax, iunta,.true.) call xctilr( temp, 1,2*kdm, nbdy,nbdy, halo_ps) if (mnproc.eq.1) then do l= 0,1 do k= 1,kdm write(iunit,4100) 'temp ',k,l+1,xmin(k+l*kdm),xmax(k+l*kdm) enddo enddo call flush(iunit) endif !1st tile call zaiowr3(saln, 2*kdm, ip,.false., xmin,xmax, iunta,.true.) call xctilr( saln, 1,2*kdm, nbdy,nbdy, halo_ps) if (mnproc.eq.1) then do l= 0,1 do k= 1,kdm write(iunit,4100) 'saln ',k,l+1,xmin(k+l*kdm),xmax(k+l*kdm) enddo enddo call flush(iunit) endif !1st tile c c --- temp and saln may have been changed, so update th3d do k= 1,kdm do j= 1-nbdy,jj+nbdy do i= 1-nbdy,ii+nbdy if (ip(i,j).eq.1) then th3d(i,j,k,1)=sig(temp(i,j,k,1),saln(i,j,k,1))-thbase th3d(i,j,k,2)=sig(temp(i,j,k,2),saln(i,j,k,2))-thbase else th3d(i,j,k,1) = 0.0 th3d(i,j,k,2) = 0.0 endif enddo !i enddo !j enddo !k c if (mxlmy) then call zaiowr3(q2, 2*kdm+4, ip,.false., xmin,xmax, iunta,.true.) if (mnproc.eq.1) then do l= 0,1 do k= 1,kdm+2 write(iunit,4100) 'q2 ' & ,k,l+1,xmin(k+l*(kdm+2)),xmax(k+l*(kdm+2)) enddo enddo call flush(iunit) endif !1st tile call zaiowr3(q2l, 2*kdm+4, ip,.false., xmin,xmax, iunta,.true.) if (mnproc.eq.1) then do l= 0,1 do k= 1,kdm+2 write(iunit,4100) 'q2l ' & ,k,l+1,xmin(k+l*(kdm+2)),xmax(k+l*(kdm+2)) enddo enddo call flush(iunit) endif !1st tile call zaiowr3(vctymy, kdm+2, ip,.false., xmin,xmax, iunta,.true.) if (mnproc.eq.1) then do l= 1,1 do k= 1,kdm+2 write(iunit,4100) 'vctymy ',k,l,xmin(k),xmax(k) enddo enddo call flush(iunit) endif !1st tile call zaiowr3(difqmy, kdm+2, ip,.false., xmin,xmax, iunta,.true.) if (mnproc.eq.1) then do l= 1,1 do k= 1,kdm+2 write(iunit,4100) 'difqmy ',k,l,xmin(k),xmax(k) enddo enddo call flush(iunit) endif !1st tile call zaiowr3(diftmy, kdm+2, ip,.false., xmin,xmax, iunta,.true.) if (mnproc.eq.1) then do l= 1,1 do k= 1,kdm+2 write(iunit,4100) 'diftmy ',k,l,xmin(k),xmax(k) enddo enddo call flush(iunit) endif !1st tile endif !mxlmy c if ( then call zaiowr3(uhrly, 49, iu,.false., xmin,xmax, iunta,.true.) call xctilr( uhrly, 1,49, nbdy,nbdy, halo_uv) if (mnproc.eq.1) then do l= 1,49 do k= 0,0 write(iunit,4100) 'uhrly ',k,l, xmin(l),xmax(l) enddo enddo call flush(iunit) endif !1st tile call zaiowr3(vhrly, 49, iv,.false., xmin,xmax, iunta,.true.) call xctilr( vhrly, 1,49, nbdy,nbdy, halo_vv) if (mnproc.eq.1) then do l= 1,49 do k= 0,0 write(iunit,4100) 'vhrly ',k,l, xmin(l),xmax(l) enddo enddo call flush(iunit) endif !1st tile endif !tidflg c call zaiowr3(ubavg, 3, iu,.false., xmin,xmax, iunta,.true.) call xctilr( ubavg, 1,3, nbdy,nbdy, halo_uv) if (mnproc.eq.1) then do l= 1,3 do k= 0,0 write(iunit,4100) 'ubavg ',k,l, xmin(l),xmax(l) enddo enddo call flush(iunit) endif !1st tile call zaiowr3(vbavg, 3, iv,.false., xmin,xmax, iunta,.true.) call xctilr( vbavg, 1,3, nbdy,nbdy, halo_vv) if (mnproc.eq.1) then do l= 1,3 do k= 0,0 write(iunit,4100) 'vbavg ',k,l, xmin(l),xmax(l) enddo enddo call flush(iunit) endif !1st tile call zaiowr3(pbavg, 3, ip,.false., xmin,xmax, iunta,.true.) call xctilr( pbavg, 1,3, nbdy,nbdy, halo_ps) if (mnproc.eq.1) then do l= 1,3 do k= 0,0 write(iunit,4100) 'pbavg ',k,l, xmin(l),xmax(l) enddo enddo call flush(iunit) endif !1st tile call zaiowr3(pbot, 1, ip,.false., xmin,xmax, iunta,.true.) call xctilr( pbot, 1,1, nbdy,nbdy, halo_ps) if (mnproc.eq.1) then do l= 1,1 do k= 0,0 write(iunit,4100) 'pbot ',k,l, xmin(l),xmax(l) enddo enddo call flush(iunit) endif !1st tile call zaiowr3(psikk, kapnum,ip,.false., xmin,xmax, iunta,.true.) call xctilr( psikk,1,kapnum,nbdy,nbdy, halo_ps) if (mnproc.eq.1) then do l= 1,kapnum !kapnum 1 or 2 do k= 0,0 write(iunit,4100) 'psikk ',k,l, xmin(l),xmax(l) enddo enddo call flush(iunit) endif !1st tile call zaiowr3(thkk, kapnum, ip,.false., xmin,xmax, iunta,.true.) call xctilr( thkk,1,kapnum, nbdy,nbdy, halo_ps) if (mnproc.eq.1) then do l= 1,kapnum !kapnum 1 or 2 do k= 0,0 write(iunit,4100) 'thkk ',k,l, xmin(l),xmax(l) enddo enddo call flush(iunit) endif !1st tile call zaiowr3(dpmixl, 2, ip,.false., xmin,xmax, iunta,.true.) call xctilr( dpmixl, 1,2, nbdy,nbdy, halo_ps) if (mnproc.eq.1) then do l= 1,2 do k= 0,0 write(iunit,4100) 'dpmixl ',k,l, xmin(l),xmax(l) enddo enddo call flush(iunit) endif !1st tile if (icegln) then call zaiowr3(temice, 1, ip,.false., xmin,xmax, iunta,.true.) call xctilr( temice, 1,1, nbdy,nbdy, halo_ps) if (mnproc.eq.1) then do l= 1,1 do k= 0,0 write(iunit,4100) 'temice ',k,l, xmin(l),xmax(l) enddo enddo call flush(iunit) endif !1st tile call zaiowr3(covice, 1, ip,.false., xmin,xmax, iunta,.true.) call xctilr( covice, 1,1, nbdy,nbdy, halo_ps) if (mnproc.eq.1) then do l= 1,1 do k= 0,0 write(iunit,4100) 'covice ',k,l, xmin(l),xmax(l) enddo enddo call flush(iunit) endif !1st tile call zaiowr3(thkice, 1, ip,.false., xmin,xmax, iunta,.true.) call xctilr( thkice, 1,1, nbdy,nbdy, halo_ps) if (mnproc.eq.1) then do l= 1,1 do k= 0,0 write(iunit,4100) 'thkice ',k,l, xmin(l),xmax(l) enddo enddo call flush(iunit) endif !1st tile endif if (trcout) then do ktr= 1,ntracr call zaiowr3(tracer(1-nbdy,1-nbdy,1,1,ktr), 2*kdm, & ip,.false., xmin,xmax, iunta,.true.) call xctilr( tracer(1-nbdy,1-nbdy,1,1,ktr),1,2*kdm, & nbdy,nbdy, halo_ps) if (mnproc.eq.1) then do l= 0,1 do k= 1,kdm write(iunit,4100) 'tracer ',k,l+1,xmin(k+l*kdm), & xmax(k+l*kdm) enddo enddo call flush(iunit) endif !1st tile enddo !ktr endif !trcout c if ( then !unique restart file call zaiocl(iunta) if (mnproc.eq.1) then close(unit=iunit) write(lp,'(a,f11.3)') & ' unique restart created at model day',dtimex call flush(lp) endif !1st tile elseif (last) then !close all restart files call zaiocl(iunta) !iunta==12 if (mnproc.eq.1) then close(unit=iunit) write(lp,'(a,f11.3)') & ' restart created & closed at model day',dtimex call flush(lp) endif call zaiopi(lopen, 22) !backup restart file? if (lopen) then call zaiocl(22) if (mnproc.eq.1) then close(unit=uoff+22) endif endif else call zaiofl(iunta) if (mnproc.eq.1) then call flush(iunit) write(lp,'(a,f11.3)') & ' restart created at model day',dtimex call flush(lp) endif endif call xcsync(flush_lp) c c --- output to flux file c if (.FALSE.) then ! turn on/off flux output call zaiopi(lopen, 25) if (.not.lopen) then call zaiopf(trim(flnmflx)//'.a','new', 25) if (mnproc.eq.1) then open (unit=uoff+25,file=trim(flnmflx)//'.b', & status='new',action='write',form='formatted') write(uoff+25,'(a,3i6)') 'FLUXES: iexpt,iversn,yrflag = ', & iexpt,iversn,yrflag call flush(uoff+25) endif !1st tile endif c if (mnproc.eq.1) then write(cline,*) nstepx,dtimex write(uoff+25,'(a,a)') 'FLUXES: nstep,dtime = ', & trim(cline) call flush(uoff+25) endif !1st tile c call zaiowr3(dpav, kdm, ip,.true., xmin,xmax, 25, .false.) if (mnproc.eq.1) then do l= 0,0 do k= 1,kdm write(uoff+25,4100) 'dpav ',k,l, & xmin(k+l*kdm),xmax(k+l*kdm) enddo enddo call flush(uoff+25) endif !1st tile call zaiowr3(uflxav, kdm, iu,.true., xmin,xmax, 25, .false.) if (mnproc.eq.1) then do l= 0,0 do k= 1,kdm write(uoff+25,4100) 'uflxav ',k,l, & xmin(k+l*kdm),xmax(k+l*kdm) enddo enddo call flush(uoff+25) endif !1st tile call zaiowr3(vflxav, kdm, iv,.true., xmin,xmax, 25, .false.) if (mnproc.eq.1) then do l= 0,0 do k= 1,kdm write(uoff+25,4100) 'vflxav ',k,l, & xmin(k+l*kdm),xmax(k+l*kdm) enddo enddo call flush( uoff+25) endif !1st tile call zaiofl(25) endif !flux output c !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(j,k,l,i) !$OMP& SCHEDULE(STATIC,jblk) do j=1-nbdy,jj+nbdy do i=1-nbdy,ii+nbdy klist(i,j) = kk !for MY2.5 mixed layer do k=1,kk dpav(i,j,k)=0. uflxav(i,j,k)=0. vflxav(i,j,k)=0. enddo enddo enddo !$OMP END PARALLEL DO c return 4100 format(a,': layer,tlevel,range = ',i3,i3,2x,1p2e16.7) end subroutine restart_out subroutine restart_zero use mod_xc ! HYCOM communication interface use mod_cb_arrays ! HYCOM saved arrays use mod_za ! HYCOM I/O interface use mod_tides ! HYCOM tides implicit none c c replacement for restart_in in dummy version c set all fields to zero c call restart_zero3d(u, 2*kdm, iu, 'u ') call restart_zero3d(v, 2*kdm, iv, 'v ') call restart_zero3d(dp, 2*kdm, ip, 'dp ') call restart_zero3d(temp, 2*kdm, ip, 'temp ') call restart_zero3d(saln, 2*kdm, ip, 'saln ') call restart_zero3d(th3d, 2*kdm, ip, 'th3d ') c call restart_zero3d(ubavg, 3, iu, 'ubavg ') call restart_zero3d(vbavg, 3, iv, 'vbavg ') call restart_zero3d(pbavg, 3, ip, 'pbavg ') call restart_zero3d(pbot, 1, ip, 'pbot ') call restart_zero3d(psikk,kapnum, ip, 'psikk ') !kapnum 1 or 2 call restart_zero3d(thkk, kapnum, ip, 'thkk ') !kapnum 1 or 2 call restart_zero3d(dpmixl, 2, ip, 'dpmixl ') call restart_zero3d(temice, 1, ip, 'temice ') call restart_zero3d(covice, 1, ip, 'covice ') call restart_zero3d(thkice, 1, ip, 'thkice ') c c --- not in a actual restart, but zero them anyway c call restart_zero3d(srfhgt, 1, ip, 'srfhgt ') call restart_zero3d(montg1, 1, ip, 'montg1 ') call restart_zero3d(dpbl, 1, ip, 'dpbl ') return end subroutine restart_zero subroutine restart_zero3d(field,l, mask, cfield) use mod_xc ! HYCOM communication interface use mod_za ! HYCOM I/O interface implicit none c integer l real, dimension (1-nbdy:idm+nbdy,1-nbdy:jdm+nbdy,l) :: & field integer, dimension (1-nbdy:idm+nbdy,1-nbdy:jdm+nbdy) :: & mask character cfield*8 c c --- zero a single restart 3-d array field. c if (mnproc.eq.1) then write(lp,'(a,i3,2x,a)') 'restart_zero3d - l,cfield = ',l,cfield call flush(lp) endif !1st tile field(:,:,:) = 0.0 c return end subroutine restart_zero3d c c c> Revision history: c> c> May 2007 - removed th3d from the restart file c> Mar. 2010 - removed DETIDE from the restart file c> Apr. 2010 - put back DETIDE into the restart file c> Aug. 2010 - 49-hour DETIDE c> May 2012 - added restart_zero