SUBROUTINE read_data_hur ! PURPOSE: Read data used to construct flux table and associated transfer ! coefficients (drag, heat, and moisture) USE flux_hur IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER i ! Read in data used to construct flux table OPEN(UNIT=23, FILE='table_data_hur.dat', STATUS='OLD', ACTION='READ') READ(23,*) (spd_table(i),i=1,xdim) READ(23,*) (tdif_table(i),i=1,ydim) READ(23,*) (tocn_table(i),i=1,ydim) READ(23,*) (ref_ht_table(i),i=1,zdim) CLOSE(23) ! Read in flux table transfer coefficients OPEN (UNIT=24, FILE='cd_hur.dat', STATUS='OLD', ACTION='READ') READ(24,*) cd_table CLOSE(24) OPEN (UNIT=24, FILE='ch_hur.dat', STATUS='OLD', ACTION='READ') READ(24,*) ch_table CLOSE(24) OPEN (UNIT=24, FILE='ce_hur.dat', STATUS='OLD', ACTION='READ') READ(24,*) ce_table CLOSE(24) RETURN END SUBROUTINE read_data_hur