Sender: Date: Tue, 21 Sep 2004 15:34:38 +0200 From: Verena Hormann X-Accept-Language: en To: Subject: Meteorological data X-Virus-Scanned: by AMaViS 0.3.12 (Uni-Kiel/tms) Status: Hallo Shawn Smith, we want to submit our continously measured meteorological data from Meteor cruise M62/2 (8.Aug.-1.Sep.04) in the western tropical Atlantic (principal investigator: Peter Brandt). The 1 minute averages of air pressure, air temperature, humidity, zonal and meridional windspeed, true windspeed, true wind direction, global radiation and UV radiation are post-processed and calibrated. I attached a file containing the data and a readme file to this mail. Please feel free to contact me for further information: Sincerely, Verena Hormann You can find in the file: m622.dat, post-processed and calibrated 1 minute temporal values from the DVS-database. no value / error value: -999.99 Variables [Units]: 1. date [ ddmmyy ], 2. time [ hhmmss ], 3. julian days [ days since 2004/01/01 ], 4. latitude [ decimal degrees north ], Device: GPS 5. longitude [ decimal degrees east ], Device: GPS 6. SST [ degrees C ], Sea surface temperature was continously measured by a thermosalinograph sampling water from a depth of 1.5 m below the vessel's waterline. The temperature sensor was calibrated against on-station temperature and conductivity values from CTD-profiles. Device: Seacat SBE 21 Manufacturer: SEA-Bird Electronics, Inc. 7. SSS [ p.s.u. ], Sea surface salinity was continously measured by a thermosalinograph sampling water from a depth of 1.5 m below the vessel's waterline. The conductivity sensor was calibrated against on-station conductivity and temperature values from CTD-profiles. Device: Seacat SBE 21 Manufacturer: SEA-Bird Electronics, Inc. 8. air pressure [ hPa ], Manufacturer: AIR, type DB-1A Location of measurements: 10.6 m above sea level 9. air temperature [ degrees C ], Device: PT 100 Location of measurements: 28.3 m above sea level 10. humidity [ % ], Relative humidity was measured by two sensors at 28.3 m above sea level, one on port and one on starport side. After calibration of the sensors, the luv sensor is included in the dataset. Device: capacitive humidity sensors Manufacturer: Rotronic 11. zonal windspeed [ m/s ], 12. meridional windspeed [ m/s ], 13. true windspeed [ m/s ], Windspeed was measured by two heated cup anemometers at 40.1 m above sea level on port and starport side. Relative wind was converted to absolute wind using ships heading and speed. The luv sensor data is included in this dataset. 14. true wind direction [ degrees ], Wind direction was measured by two vanes at 40.1 m above sea level on port and starport side. Relative wind was converted to absolute wind using ships heading and speed. The luv sensor data is included in this dataset. 15. global radiation [W/m^2], measured by a Pyranometer, Typ CM21 Manufacturer: Kipp & Zonen, Delft, Netherlands Location of measurements: 40.1 m above sea level, mid-ship on starboardside 16. UV radiation [mW/m^2], measured by a radiometer build by Meteorologisches Observatorium Potsdam (DWD) Location of measurements: 40.1 m above sea level, mid-ship