Program main !!!! for monthly data, for each grid, difference of summer and winter of mac, then eemd to calculate the trend implicit none integer, parameter :: Lex=109*12 !!!! cold 108 integer :: i,j,k,l real, allocatable :: imf2(:,:,:),imf3(:,:,:),tem(:,:,:),mac(:,:,:) real, dimension(Lex) :: indata, spmax, spmin real:: std, gasdev,s(108),w(108),dif(360,720,108),trend(360,720),y(108),a,b integer:: idum, num, x(108) integer :: nmax, nmin real :: rslt(Lex,11) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!******************* allocate(imf2(360,720,lex)) open(150,file='./imf-month/tmp-month-imf2.dat') do k=1,lex do i=1,360 read(150,*) (imf2(i,j,k),j=1,720) enddo enddo close(150) allocate(imf3(360,720,lex)) open(200,file='./imf-month/tmp-month-imf3.dat') do k=1,lex do i=1,360 read(200,*) (imf3(i,j,k),j=1,720) enddo enddo close(200) print*, 'step1: complete reading imf2 imf3' allocate(tem(360,720,lex)) do k=1,lex do i=1,360 do j=1,720 if(imf2(i,j,k).ne.-999.0.and.imf3(i,j,k).ne.-999.0) then tem(i,j,k)=imf2(i,j,k)+imf3(i,j,k) else tem(i,j,k)=-999.0 endif enddo enddo enddo print*, 'step2: calculate imf2+imf3' deallocate(imf2) deallocate(imf3) allocate(mac(360,720,lex)) do i=1,360 do j=1,720 num=0 do k=1,lex if(tem(i,j,k).ne.-999.0) then indata(k)=tem(i,j,k) num=num+1 endif enddo if(num.eq.lex) then idum=-3571 call eemd(Lex,indata,0,1,9,idum,rslt) !!!!!!!!!!************* only once emd else do k=1,lex mac(i,j,k)=-999.0 enddo endif do k=1,lex if(mac(i,j,k).ne.-999.0) then mac(i,j,k)=rslt(k,2) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! first imf of emd is annual cycle endif enddo enddo print*, 'step 3',i enddo deallocate(tem) !******************** step 4: calculate the difference of summer and winter for each grid************* do i=1,360 do j=1,720 do l=1,108 s=0 w=0 do k=12*(l-1)+6,12*(l-1)+8 if(mac(i,j,k).ne.-999.0) then s(l)=s(l)+mac(i,j,k) else dif(i,j,l)=-999.0 endif enddo s(l)=s(l)/3.0 do k=12*l,12*l+2 if(mac(i,j,k).ne.-999.0) then w(l)=w(l)+mac(i,j,k) else dif(i,j,l)=-999.0 endif enddo w(l)=w(l)/3.0 enddo do l=1,108 if(dif(i,j,l).ne.-999.0) then dif(i,j,l)=s(l)-w(l) !!!!!!!!!!!!! difference(360,720,108)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! endif enddo enddo enddo deallocate(mac) print*, 'step 4: done!' !**************** step 5: eemd of difference for each grid, get linear trend of imf-rest********** do i=1901,2008 x(i)=i enddo do i=1,360 do j=1,720 num=0 do k=1,108 if(dif(i,j,k).ne.-999.0) then indata(k)=dif(i,j,k) num=num+1 endif enddo if(num.eq.108) then idum=-3571 call eemd(108,indata,0.3,1000,5,idum,rslt) !!!!!!!!!!************* 5 else trend(i,j)=-999.0 endif if(trend(i,j).ne.-999.0) then do k=1,108 y(k)=rslt(k,7) enddo call ly(y,x,108,a,b) !************************* Linear regression**************** trend(i,j)=a endif enddo print*, 'step 5: ', i enddo open(500,file='./result/trend-ac-grid.txt') do i=1,360 write(500,'(720(f9.4,1x))') (trend(i,j),j=1,720) enddo end ! ***************************Linear regression y=ax+b********************************* SUBROUTINE ly(Y,X,N,A,B) real*8 a real X(n),Y(n) XV=0 !x的均值 YV=0 !y的均值 DO I=1,N XV=XV+X(I) YV=YV+Y(I) END DO XV=XV/N YV=YV/N DXX=0.0 DXY=0.0 DO I=1,N Q=X(I)-XV DXX=DXX+Q*Q DXY=DXY+Q*(Y(I)-YV) END DO A=DXY/DXX B=YV-A*XV Q=0 U=0 P=0 UMAX=-1.0E10 UMIN=1.0E20 DO I=1,N S=A*X(I)+B Q=Q+(Y(I)-S)**2 P=P+(S-YV)**2 DX=ABS(Y(I)-S) IF(DX.GT.UMAX)THEN UMAX=DX ENDIF IF(DX.LT.UMIN)THEN UMIN=DX ENDIF U=U+DX/N END DO S=SQRT(Q/N) END subroutine eemd(LXY,indata,An,Nesb,Nm,idum,rslt) !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! This is a subroutine to decompose data(LXY) in terms of its EEMD component. ! When the added noise amplitude is zero (An=0) and the ensemble number ! is one (Nesb=0), the code degenerates to standard EMD ! ! In this code, the number of the oscillatory components is specified as an ! input, Nm. For most cases, automatic calculation, Nm can be set to log2(LXY)-2 ! ! INPUT DATA: ! indata(LXY) input array with a length of LXY ! An amplitude of added noise ! Nesb number of ensemble members ! Nm number of mode in each decomposition ! idum seed for the random number ! OUTPUT DATA: ! rslt(LXY, Nm+2) output rseults, which contains Nm+2 columns ! The first column is the origninal indata; ! The second column is the first component; ! The third column is the second component; ! and so on ! The last column is the residue !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- implicit none real :: An ! noise amplitude integer, intent(in) :: LXY, Nesb, Nm integer, intent(inout):: idum real, dimension(LXY), intent(in) :: indata real, dimension(LXY) :: ximf ! data for sifting real, dimension(LXY) :: spmax ! upper envelope, cubic spline real, dimension(LXY) :: spmin ! lower envelope, cubic spline real, dimension(LXY) :: ave ! the average of spmax and spmin real, dimension(LXY) :: remp ! the input data for sifting real, dimension(LXY) :: rem ! the remainder (remp-ximf) real, dimension(LXY,Nm+2) :: rslt ! the final output data real, dimension(LXY,Nm+2) :: allmode ! the results of a single EMD decomposition integer :: nmax, nmin ! numbers of maximum and minimum real, dimension(LXY) :: trend ! linear trend of indata real :: std ! standard deviation of the linearly detrended indata integer:: i,j,IE,im,ii real :: fNesb, gasdev ! initialize the output rslt=0.0 ! ! ensemble EMD ! ! ******************************************************* do IE=1,Nesb ! ******************************************************* ! call standev(LXY,indata,trend, std) ! inputted data + noise if(Nesb.eq.1) then ximf=indata else do i=1,LXY ximf(i)=indata(i)+An*std*gasdev(idum) enddo endif ! save modified data do i=1,LXY allmode(i,1)=ximf(i) enddo ! calculate modes ! ======================================================= do im=1,Nm ! ======================================================= ! ! leave a copy of the input data before IMF is calculated remp=ximf ! ! Sifting ! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ do ii=1,10 ! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ call min_max(LXY,ximf,spmax,spmin,nmax,nmin) call natural_spline(spmax,LXY,nmax) call natural_spline(spmin,LXY,nmin) ave=(spmax+spmin)/2.0 ximf=ximf-ave ! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ enddo ! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ rem=remp-ximf do i=1,LXY allmode(i,im+1)=ximf(i) enddo ximf=rem ! ======================================================= enddo ! ======================================================= do i=1,LXY allmode(i,Nm+2)=ximf(i) enddo do j=1,Nm+2 do i=1,LXY rslt(i,j)=rslt(i,j)+allmode(i,j) enddo enddo ! --------------------------------------------------------- enddo ! --------------------------------------------------------- fNesb=real(Nesb) rslt=rslt/fNesb end subroutine eemd function ran2(idum) !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! See NUMERICAL RECIPES for detail of the function under the same ! name ! PARAMETERS: ! idum : random seed !--------------------------------------------------------------------- implicit none real :: ran2 integer, intent(inout) :: idum integer, parameter :: im1=2147483563, im2=2147483399, imm1=im1-1 integer, parameter :: ia1=40014, ia2=40692, iq1=53668, iq2=52774 integer, parameter :: ir1=12211, ir2=3791, ntab=32, ndiv=1+imm1/ntab real, parameter :: am=1./im1, eps=1.2e-7, rnmx=1.-eps integer :: idum2=123456789, iy=0, j, k integer, dimension(ntab) :: iv save iv,iy,idum2 do j=1,ntab iv(j)=0 enddo if(idum.le.0) then idum=max(-idum,1) idum2=idum do j=ntab+8,1,-1 k=idum/iq1 idum=ia1*(idum-k*iq1)-k*ir1 if( idum=idum+im1 if(j.le.ntab) iv(j)=idum enddo iy=iv(1) endif k=idum/iq1 idum=ia1*(idum-k*iq1)-k*ir1 if( idum=idum+im1 k=idum2/iq2 idum2=ia2*(idum2-k*iq2)-k*ir2 if( idum2=idum2+im2 j=1+iy/ndiv iy=iv(j)-idum2 iv(j)=idum if( iy=iy+imm1 ran2=min(am*iy,rnmx) end function ran2 !********************************************************************** FUNCTION GASDEV(IDUM) !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Gaussian white noise generator using uniformly distributed white ! noise generator !---------------------------------------------------------------------- implicit none real:: gasdev, ran2 integer, intent(inout):: idum real :: v1, v2, gv1, gv2 real, parameter :: pi=3.1415927 V1=RAN2(IDUM) V2=RAN2(IDUM) gv1=sqrt(-2.0*log(v1))*cos(2.0*pi*v2) gv2=sqrt(-2.0*log(v2))*cos(2.0*pi*v1) gasdev=gv1 END FUNCTION GASDEV subroutine min_max(LEX,ximf,spmax,spmin,nmax,nmin) !------------------------------------------------------------------ ! This is a routine to define maxima and minima from series ximf. ! All the extrema are defined as the corresponding values of ! ximf in spmax and spmin. All non-extrema values in spmax and ! spmin are defined as 1.0e31. !------------------------------------------------------------------ implicit none integer, intent(in):: LEX real, dimension(LEX), intent(in):: ximf real, dimension(LEX), intent(out):: spmax, spmin integer, intent(out):: nmax, nmin integer:: i nmax=0 nmin=0 spmax(1)=ximf(1) spmax(LEX)=ximf(LEX) spmin(1)=spmax(1) spmin(LEX)=spmax(LEX) nmax=2 nmin=2 do i=2,LEX-1 if(ximf(i) > ximf(i-1) .and. ximf(i) >= ximf(i+1)) then spmax(i) = ximf(i) nmax = nmax+1 else spmax(i)=1.0e31 endif if(ximf(i) < ximf(i-1) .and. ximf(i) <= ximf(i+1)) then spmin(i)=ximf(i) nmin=nmin+1 else spmin(i)=1.0e31 endif enddo call endmax(LEX, spmax, nmax) call endmin(LEX, spmin, nmin) end subroutine min_max !**************************************************************** subroutine endmax(LEX, temp, nmax) !-------------------------------------------------------------------- ! This is a subroutine to determine end values of the upper envolope ! using the method described in Appendix B of Wu and Huang (2009, ! AADA, Vol. 1, pp1). !-------------------------------------------------------------------- implicit none integer, intent(in) :: nmax, LEX real, dimension(LEX), intent(inout):: temp real, dimension(nmax) :: exmax, X integer :: I, J, lend real :: slope1, slope2, tmp1, tmp2 lend=nmax J=1 DO I=1, LEX IF( temp(I).LT.1.0E30 ) THEN X(J)=float(I) exmax(J)=temp(I) J=J+1 ENDIF ENDDO if (nmax >= 4) then slope1=(exmax(2)-exmax(3))/(X(2)-X(3)) tmp1=slope1*(X(1)-X(2))+exmax(2) if(tmp1 > exmax(1)) then temp(1)=tmp1 endif slope2=(exmax(lend-1)-exmax(lend-2))/(X(lend-1)-X(lend-2)) tmp2=slope2*(X(lend)-X(lend-1))+exmax(lend-1) if (tmp2 > exmax(lend)) then temp(LEX)=tmp2 endif endif end subroutine endmax !**************************************************************** subroutine endmin(LEX, temp, nmax) !-------------------------------------------------------------------- ! This is a subroutine to determine end values of the lower envolope ! using the method described in Appendix B of Wu and Huang (2009, ! AADA, Vol. 1, pp1). !-------------------------------------------------------------------- implicit none integer, intent(in) :: nmax, LEX real, dimension(LEX), intent(inout):: temp real, dimension(nmax) :: exmax, X integer :: I, J, lend real :: slope1, slope2, tmp1, tmp2 lend=nmax J=1 DO I=1, LEX IF( temp(I).LT.1.0E30 ) THEN X(J)=float(I) exmax(J)=temp(I) J=J+1 ENDIF ENDDO if (nmax >= 4) then slope1=(exmax(2)-exmax(3))/(X(2)-X(3)) tmp1=slope1*(X(1)-X(2))+exmax(2) if(tmp1 < exmax(1)) then temp(1)=tmp1 endif slope2=(exmax(lend-1)-exmax(lend-2))/(X(lend-1)-X(lend-2)) tmp2=slope2*(X(lend)-X(lend-1))+exmax(lend-1) if(tmp2 < exmax(lend)) then temp(LEX)=tmp2 endif endif end subroutine endmin SUBROUTINE NATURAL_SPLINE(YA,LEX,N) !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! This is a program of cubic spline interpolation. The imported ! series, YA have a length of LEX, with N numbers of value ! not equal to 1.0E31. The program is to use the cubic line to ! interpolate the values for the points other thatn these N ! numbers. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- implicit none integer, intent(in):: N, LEX real, dimension(LEX), intent(inout):: YA real, dimension(N):: Y, Y2 integer, dimension(N):: LX integer:: J, I, KLO, KHI real:: YP1, YPN, H, A, B ! The following code is to realocate the series of X(N), Y(N) J=1 DO I=1, LEX IF( YA(I).LT.1.0E30 ) THEN LX(J)=I Y(J)=YA(I) J=J+1 ENDIF ENDDO ! The following code is used to calculate the second order derivative, ! set the derivatives at both ends for a natural cubic spline. YP1=1.0E31 YPN=1.0E31 CALL SPLINE(LX,Y,N,YP1,YPN,Y2) ! calculate the cubic spline DO I=2,N KLO=LX(I-1) KHI=LX(I) H=real(KHI-KLO) DO J=KLO+1,KHI-1 A=REAL(KHI-J)/H B=REAL(J-KLO)/H YA(J)=A*Y(I-1)+B*Y(I) & +((A*A*A-A)*Y2(I-1)+(B*B*B-B)*Y2(I))*(H*H)/6.0 ENDDO ENDDO END SUBROUTINE NATURAL_SPLINE !************************************************************************** SUBROUTINE SPLINE(LX,Y,N,YP1,YPN,Y2) !----------------------------------------------------------------- ! see NUMEIRCAL RECIPES to find out meaning of each variables !----------------------------------------------------------------- implicit none integer, intent(in) :: N, YP1, YPN integer, dimension(N), intent(in):: LX real, dimension(N) :: X, U real, dimension(N), intent(inout):: Y, Y2 integer:: I, K real:: SIG, P, QN, UN DO I=1,N X(I)=real(LX(I)) ENDDO Y2(1)=0. U(1)=0. DO I=2,N-1 SIG=(X(I)-X(I-1))/(X(I+1)-X(I-1)) P=SIG*Y2(I-1)+2. Y2(I)=(SIG-1.)/P U(I)=(6.*((Y(I+1)-Y(I))/(X(I+1)-X(I))-(Y(I)-Y(I-1)) & /(X(I)-X(I-1)))/(X(I+1)-X(I-1))-SIG*U(I-1))/P ENDDO QN=0. UN=0. Y2(N)=(UN-QN*U(N-1))/(QN*Y2(N-1)+1.) DO K=N-1,1,-1 Y2(K)=Y2(K)*Y2(K+1)+U(K) ENDDO END SUBROUTINE SPLINE subroutine standev(nsize, indata, trend, std) !------------------------------------------------------------------- ! This is a program to obtain standard deviation of the linearly ! detrended data ! ! PARAMETERS: ! nsize : indata size ! indata : input data ! trend : the linear trend of "indata" ! std : standard deviation !-------------------------------------------------------------------- implicit none integer, intent(in) :: nsize real, dimension(nsize) :: indata real, dimension(nsize), intent(out):: trend real, intent(out) :: std real sigmaX, sigmaY, sigmaX2, sigmaXY, real_nsize, Xbar, Ybar, real_i integer :: i real :: trend_const, trend_slope, temp sigmaX = 0.0 sigmaY = 0.0 do i = 1, nsize sigmaX = sigmaX + real(i) sigmaY = sigmaY + indata(i) enddo real_nsize=real(nsize) Xbar=sigmaX/real_nsize Ybar=sigmaY/real_nsize sigmaX2 = 0.0 sigmaXY = 0.0 do i = 1, nsize real_i=real(i) sigmaX2 = sigmaX2+(real_i-xbar)*(real_i-xbar) sigmaXY = sigmaXY+(real_i-xbar)*(indata(i)-ybar) enddo trend_slope=sigmaXY/sigmaX2 trend_const=Ybar-trend_slope*Xbar do i=1, nsize trend(i)= trend_const + trend_slope*real(i) enddo std=0.0 do i=1,nsize temp= indata(i)-trend(i) std=std+temp*temp enddo std=std/real(nsize) std=sqrt(std) end subroutine standev