FLUX TABLE ---------- Data files needed for flux table cd.dat: contains drag coefficients ch.dat: contains heat transfer coefficients ce.dat: contains moisture transfer coefficients table_data.data: contains data used to construct flux table (wind speed, SST-Tair, SST, reference height) Programs needed for flux table flux_table.f: (subroutine) returns 'u' stress, 'v' stress, sensible heat flux,and latent heat flux read_data.f: (subroutine) reads data used to construct flux table and flux table transfer coefficients flux.inc: used to share data via a COMMON block TEST PROGRAM FILES ------------------ (1) test_fluxtable.f: (main program) Used to test flux_table and shows the structure of main program and calling sequence of include file and subroutines. The correct calling sequence greatly improves the time efficiency of the flux table. This is important when incorporting the flux table into a larger models. (2) read_your_data.f: (subroutine) Reads example input data (your_data.dat). Data used in flux table to compute stress, sensible heat flux, and latent heat flux (3) your_data.dat: (data file) Contains example input data (4) example_output.dat: (data file) Used to compare output from flux table. Compare to output.dat - output.dat produced by test_fluxtable.f Compile by typing: f77 read_data.f read_your_data.f flux_table.f test_fluxtable.f DESCRIPTION OF FLUX TABLE SUBROUTINE ------------------------------------ SUBROUTINE flux_table DEVELOPED BY: Dr. Mark A. Bourassa Center for Ocean-Atmospheric Prediction Studies Florida State University Tallahassee, FL 32306-2840 Email: bourassa@coaps.fsu.edu Phone: (850) 644-6923 Paul Hughes Center for Ocean-Atmospheric Prediction Studies Florida State University Tallahassee, FL 32306-2840 Email: hughes@coaps.fsu.edu VERSION: 1.0 MODIFICATIONS: Date Programmer Description of Change ==== ========== ===================== 12/2/05 P. Hughes Original Code PURPOSE: Subroutine computes wind stress (u and v components), sensible heat flux, and latent heat flux via the bulk flux formulas. Transfer coefficients calculated using a surface flux model (Bourassa 2005) INPUT VARIABLES: 'u' component of wind speed [m/s] 'v' component of wind speed [m/s] sea surface temperature [Celsius] air temperature [Celsius] reference height [m] significant wave height [m] 'u' orbital velocity [m/s] 'v' orbital velocity [m/s] specific humidity (surface) [kg/kg] specific humidity (reference height) [kg/kg] surface pressure [Pa] OUTPUT VARIABLES: 'u' component of stress [N/m^2] 'v' component of stress [N/m^2] sensible heat flux [W/m^2] latent heat flux [W/m^2] RANGE OF FLUX TABLE: wind speed (0.0 < wind speed < 60.0 m/s) SST-Tair (-20.0 < SST-Tair < 20.0 degress C) reference height: (2.0 <= adjusted referecne height < 40.0 m) *** If additional ranges needed please contact *** ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: (1) Wind speed adjusted using orbital velocity Uorb=pi*Hsig/Peak Period adjusted wind speed = windspd - (0.8*Uorb) (1b) For more accurate fluxes the currents (if applicable) should also be subtracted from the wind speed adjusted wind speed = windspd -(0.8*Uorb) - current (2) Reference height adjusted using significant wave height adjusted reference height = ref_ht - (0.8*Hsig) (3) If no wave information then set significant wave height, 'u' and 'v' orbital velocity equal to zero (4) If using total wind speed (orbital velocity) instead of vector components then set 'v' ('v_orb') equal to 0.0 and 'u' ('u_orb') equal to the total wind speed (orbital velocity). The stress will be output in the 'tau_u' variable (5) The surface flux model used to determine transfer coefficients is a combination of Bourassa et al.(1999), Clayson et al.(1996), and Bourassa (2005) (6) Postive sensible and latent heat flux => ocean to atmoshpere Postive Stress => atmoshpere to ocean (7) Validation of flux table in a paper in preparation REFERENCES: Bourassa, M.A., D.G. Vincent, and W.L. Wood, 1999: A flux parameterization including the effects of capillary waves and sea state. J. Atmos. Sci., 56, 1123-1139. Bourassa, M.A., 2005, Satellite-based observations of surface turbulent stress during severe weather, Atmosphere-Ocean Interactions, Vol. 2., ed., W. Perrie, Wessex Institute of Technology, in press. Clayson, C.A., C.W. Fairall, and J.A. Curry, 1996: Evaluation of turbulent fluxes at the ocean surface using surface renewal theory. J. Geophys. Res., 101, 28503-28513.