This directory contains the 'reconstructed' SST and SST anomalies from 1868 to 1993 (See Dr. Steve Meyers or Eric Thelin for details of the reconstruction). Directories---- all_eofs : size | date created | Name 24914736 May 30 15:39 all.eof.recon.sst 24914736 May 29 13:51 all.eof.recon.sst.anom all.eof.recon.sst.anom is the file containing the reconstructed sst anomalies from the sum of all the eofs from the Pacific Ocean all.eof.recon.sst contains the reconstructed ssts from the Pacific Ocean from the sum of all the eofs. first_eof : size | date created | Name 24914736 Jun 4 15:56 eof1.recon.sst 24914736 Jun 5 16:43 eof1.recon.sst.anom eof1.recon.sst.anom is the file containing the reconstructed sst anomalies using the first eof only from the Pacific Ocean. eof1.recon.sst.dat contains the reconstructed ssts from the Pacific Ocean using the first eof only. formats: Each record is of the format: YEAR, LATITUDE,LONGITUDE, DATA(jan) ......DATA(dec) Thus in a FORTRAN program, to read these data: ***************************************************** read (file, 1000) year, lat,lon, (data(mon), mon=1,12) 1000 format (3(1x,i4),12(1x,f5.2)) ***************************************************** The units are degrees celsius. Longitude is in degrees E. Latitude is in degrees N. June 5, 1997 Legler/Green