WOCE DAC for Surface Meteorology

File Naming Conventions for WOCEMET 1998
Meteorological Data
Last Edited: 8 March 2000

We have sorted the data by vessel and WOCE hydrographic line number. All netCDF (*.nc) and ASCII (*.asc) files are version 2.0.0 from the Surface Meteorology DAC naming system. The 2.0.0 files have completed 2 levels of quality control (see Handbook), and contain identical data values and flags. The files have the following format:

ID.YYMMsDnDv###.nc(asc for ASCII)
The components of the file name include:
ID: Up to a 8 alphanumeric character identifier for the site. May be a ships call sign or a WMO number for a surface station or buoy. A "." will mark the end of the ID.
YY: Two digit year of the first record in the file.
MM: Two digit month of the first record in the file.
sD: Two digit date of the first record in the file.
nD: Three digit value for number of consecutive days in file.
v###: WOCE-MET version number. Typically greater than or equal to 200 (v2.0.0).
.nc NetCDF format. ( .asc indicates ASCII file)

As an example, the following name will be given to the public netCDF format of the PR-14 data from the Chilean vessel Vidal Gormaz:


This cruise began on 07 Nov. 1993 and lasted for 11 days. This convention will necessitate that machines limited to an 8.3 filename format will need to rename the netCDF files before they are downloaded.

When the data is converted to the ASCII format the name will be:

CCVG.931107011v200.asc (or .asc.gz if compressed)