The files podesta_test#.txt where # = 1 to 20 contain 20 generated data sets analagous to the observed record (1950-2003) at Tifton, GA. The data structure is as follows: Column 1: year index (1-54) Column 2: fake year (1950-2003) Column 3: month Column 4: day Column 5: tmax Column 6: tmin Column 7: precipitation Column 8: enso phase (0=cold, 1=neutral, 2=warm) Notes: 1) Our definition of an ENSO year requires that the year begins in October and ends the following September. 2) Our generator produces Tmin and diurnal temperature range (DTR). I'm anxious to see how well our Tmax data looks since, in principal, our generator must correctly produce Tmin and DTR to get Tmax correct. We have not yet tested Tmax ourselves. 3) We do not generator data for Feb 29 of leap years. 4) I've also included the Tifton station data that was used to condition the weather generator in a file called ga_tifton_coop_wg_in.txt The data structure is: Column 1: Year Column 2: Day of Year Column 3: Mon Column 4: Day Column 5: Enso phase Column 6: Diurnal temperature range Column 7: Tmin Column 8: Precipitation