C $Header: /u/gcmpack/MITgcm/model/src/check_pickup.F,v 1.6 2015/01/20 20:46:55 jmc Exp $ C $Name: $ c#include "PACKAGES_CONFIG.h" #include "CPP_OPTIONS.h" C---+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6----+----7-|--+----| CBOP C !ROUTINE: CHECK_PICKUP C !INTERFACE: SUBROUTINE CHECK_PICKUP( I missFldList, I nMissing, nbFields, I myIter, myThid ) C !DESCRIPTION: C Check that fields that are needed to restart have been read. C In case some fields are missing, stop if pickupStrictlyMatch=T C or try, if possible, to restart without the missing field. C !USES: IMPLICIT NONE #include "SIZE.h" #include "EEPARAMS.h" #include "PARAMS.h" #include "RESTART.h" c#ifdef ALLOW_GENERIC_ADVDIFF c# include "GAD.h" c#endif C !INPUT/OUTPUT PARAMETERS: C missFldList :: List of missing fields (attempted to read but not found) C nMissing :: Number of missing fields (attempted to read but not found) C nbFields :: number of fields in pickup file (read from meta file) C myIter :: Iteration number C myThid :: my Thread Id. number CHARACTER*(8) missFldList(*) INTEGER nMissing INTEGER nbFields INTEGER myIter INTEGER myThid CEOP C !FUNCTIONS INTEGER ILNBLNK EXTERNAL ILNBLNK C !LOCAL VARIABLES: INTEGER j INTEGER ioUnit INTEGER warnCnts LOGICAL stopFlag CHARACTER*(MAX_LEN_MBUF) msgBuf ioUnit = errorMessageUnit c IF (pickup_read_mdsio) THEN _BEGIN_MASTER( myThid ) IF ( nbFields.GE.1 ) THEN C- flag startFromPickupAB2 is becoming obsolete with new way to read C pickup file: cancel its effect (from initialisation) by resetting C start-AB parameters: tempStartAB = nIter0 saltStartAB = nIter0 mom_StartAB = nIter0 nHydStartAB = nIter0 ENDIF IF ( selectNHfreeSurf.GE.1 ) THEN IF ( nbFields.EQ.0 ) THEN WRITE(msgBuf,'(4A)') '** WARNING ** CHECK_PICKUP: ', & 'restart like hydrostatic free-surf (dPhiNH missing)' CALL PRINT_MESSAGE( msgBuf, ioUnit, SQUEEZE_RIGHT, myThid ) ELSE C- assume reading dPhiNH was OK (otherwise expected in missing field list) dPhiNHstatus = 1 ENDIF ENDIF IF ( nMissing.GE.1 ) THEN stopFlag = .FALSE. warnCnts = nMissing DO j=1,nMissing C- Case where missing field is not essential or can be recomputed IF ( missFldList(j).EQ.'dEtaHdt ' & .AND. .NOT.useRealFreshWaterFlux ) THEN warnCnts = warnCnts - 1 IF ( .NOT.pickupStrictlyMatch ) THEN WRITE(msgBuf,'(4A)') ' CHECK_PICKUP: ', & 'no RealFreshWaterFlux => can restart without "dEtaHdt "' CALL PRINT_MESSAGE( msgBuf, ioUnit, SQUEEZE_RIGHT, myThid ) ENDIF ELSEIF ( missFldList(j).EQ.'dPhiNH ' & .AND. implicitNHPress.EQ.1. _d 0 ) THEN warnCnts = warnCnts - 1 dPhiNHstatus = 0 IF ( .NOT.pickupStrictlyMatch ) THEN WRITE(msgBuf,'(4A)') ' CHECK_PICKUP: ', & 'fully Implic.NH-Press => can restart without "dPhiNH "' CALL PRINT_MESSAGE( msgBuf, ioUnit, SQUEEZE_RIGHT, myThid ) ENDIF C- Old pickup for which special code takes care of missing fields ELSEIF ( missFldList(j).EQ.'dEtaHdt ' & .AND.usePickupBeforeC54 ) THEN C- with RealFreshWaterFlux, needs dEtaHdt to restart when: C * synchronousTimeStep & usingPCoords => needs PmEpR for surf-forcing C <- present code might be wrong if usePickupBeforeC54 and LinFS C * synchronousTimeStep & nonlinFreeSurf > 0 => needs PmEpR for surf-forcing C * select_rStar <> 0 => needs dEtaHdt for 1rst Integr_continuity IF ( .NOT.pickupStrictlyMatch ) THEN WRITE(msgBuf,'(4A)') '** WARNING ** CHECK_PICKUP: ', & 'restart as before C54 without "dEtaHdt "' CALL PRINT_MESSAGE( msgBuf, ioUnit, SQUEEZE_RIGHT, myThid ) ENDIF C- fields used only to speed-up solver(s) convergence: C (no serious problems expected if missing, but get a non-perfect restart) ELSEIF ( missFldList(j).EQ.'EtaN ' & .AND. rigidLid ) THEN IF ( .NOT.pickupStrictlyMatch ) THEN WRITE(msgBuf,'(4A)') '** WARNING ** CHECK_PICKUP: ', & 'restart with 1rst guess == 0 for CG2D solver' CALL PRINT_MESSAGE( msgBuf, ioUnit, SQUEEZE_RIGHT, myThid ) ENDIF ELSEIF ( missFldList(j).EQ.'Phi_NHyd' ) THEN IF ( .NOT.pickupStrictlyMatch ) THEN WRITE(msgBuf,'(4A)') '** WARNING ** CHECK_PICKUP: ', & 'restart with 1rst guess == 0 for CG3D solver' CALL PRINT_MESSAGE( msgBuf, ioUnit, SQUEEZE_RIGHT, myThid ) ENDIF ELSEIF ( missFldList(j).EQ.'dPhiNH ' ) THEN dPhiNHstatus = 0 IF ( .NOT.pickupStrictlyMatch ) THEN WRITE(msgBuf,'(4A)') '** WARNING ** CHECK_PICKUP: ', & 'restart like hydrostatic free-surf (dPhiNH missing)' CALL PRINT_MESSAGE( msgBuf, ioUnit, SQUEEZE_RIGHT, myThid ) ENDIF ELSEIF ( missFldList(j).EQ.'AddMass ' & .AND. selectAddFluid.EQ.2 ) THEN IF ( .NOT.pickupStrictlyMatch ) THEN WRITE(msgBuf,'(4A)') '** WARNING ** CHECK_PICKUP: ', & 'restart with AddMass == 0' CALL PRINT_MESSAGE( msgBuf, ioUnit, SQUEEZE_RIGHT, myThid ) ENDIF ELSEIF ( missFldList(j).EQ.'FricHeat' ) THEN IF ( .NOT.pickupStrictlyMatch ) THEN WRITE(msgBuf,'(4A)') '** WARNING ** CHECK_PICKUP: ', & 'restart with Frictional Dissipation Heating == 0' CALL PRINT_MESSAGE( msgBuf, ioUnit, SQUEEZE_RIGHT, myThid ) ENDIF C- Absolutely needed fields: ELSEIF ( missFldList(j).EQ.'Uvel ' .OR. & missFldList(j).EQ.'Vvel ' .OR. & missFldList(j).EQ.'Theta ' .OR. & missFldList(j).EQ.'Salt ' .OR. & missFldList(j).EQ.'EtaN ' ) THEN stopFlag = .TRUE. WRITE(msgBuf,'(4A)') 'CHECK_PICKUP: ', & 'cannot restart without field "',missFldList(j),'"' CALL PRINT_ERROR( msgBuf, myThid ) C- fields needed for restart (alternative not presently implemented) ELSEIF ( missFldList(j).EQ.'PhiHyd ' .OR. & missFldList(j).EQ.'AddMass ' .OR. & missFldList(j).EQ.'dEtaHdt ' .OR. & missFldList(j).EQ.'EtaH ' ) THEN stopFlag = .TRUE. WRITE(msgBuf,'(4A)') 'CHECK_PICKUP: ', & 'cannot currently restart without field "',missFldList(j),'"' CALL PRINT_ERROR( msgBuf, myThid ) C- fields with alternative in place to restart without: C- (but get a non-perfect restart) ELSEIF ( missFldList(j).EQ.'GuNm1 ' .OR. & missFldList(j).EQ.'GvNm1 ' ) THEN mom_StartAB = 0 ELSEIF ( missFldList(j).EQ.'GuNm2 ' .OR. & missFldList(j).EQ.'GvNm2 ' ) THEN mom_StartAB = MIN( mom_startAB, 1 ) ELSEIF ( missFldList(j).EQ.'GtNm1 ' .OR. & missFldList(j).EQ.'TempNm1 ' ) THEN tempStartAB = 0 ELSEIF ( missFldList(j).EQ.'GtNm2 ' .OR. & missFldList(j).EQ.'TempNm2 ' ) THEN tempStartAB = MIN( tempStartAB, 1 ) ELSEIF ( missFldList(j).EQ.'GsNm1 ' .OR. & missFldList(j).EQ.'SaltNm1 ' ) THEN saltStartAB = 0 ELSEIF ( missFldList(j).EQ.'GsNm2 ' .OR. & missFldList(j).EQ.'SaltNm2 ' ) THEN saltStartAB = MIN( saltStartAB, 1 ) ELSEIF ( missFldList(j).EQ.'GwNm1 ' ) THEN nHydStartAB = 0 ELSEIF ( missFldList(j).EQ.'GwNm2 ' ) THEN nHydStartAB = MIN( nHydStartAB, 1 ) ELSE C- not recognized fields: stopFlag = .TRUE. WRITE(msgBuf,'(4A)') 'CHECK_PICKUP: ', & 'missing field "',missFldList(j),'" not recognized' CALL PRINT_ERROR( msgBuf, myThid ) ENDIF ENDDO IF ( stopFlag ) THEN STOP 'ABNORMAL END: S/R CHECK_PICKUP' ELSEIF ( pickupStrictlyMatch ) THEN WRITE(msgBuf,'(4A)') 'CHECK_PICKUP: ', & 'try with " pickupStrictlyMatch=.FALSE.,"', & ' in file: "data", NameList: "PARM03"' CALL PRINT_ERROR( msgBuf, myThid ) STOP 'ABNORMAL END: S/R CHECK_PICKUP' ELSEIF ( warnCnts .GT. 0 ) THEN WRITE(msgBuf,'(4A)') '** WARNING ** CHECK_PICKUP: ', & 'Will get only an approximated Restart' CALL PRINT_MESSAGE( msgBuf, ioUnit, SQUEEZE_RIGHT, myThid ) IF ( mom_StartAB.LT.nIter0 .OR. & nHydStartAB.LT.nIter0 .OR. & tempStartAB.LT.nIter0 .OR. & saltStartAB.LT.nIter0 ) THEN WRITE(msgBuf,'(2(A,I10))') & ' Continue with mom_StartAB =', mom_StartAB, & ' ; nHydStartAB =', nHydStartAB CALL PRINT_MESSAGE(msgBuf, ioUnit, SQUEEZE_RIGHT, myThid ) WRITE(msgBuf,'(2(A,I10))') & ' with tempStartAB =', tempStartAB, & ' ; saltStartAB =', saltStartAB CALL PRINT_MESSAGE(msgBuf, ioUnit, SQUEEZE_RIGHT, myThid ) ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF _END_MASTER( myThid ) c ENDIF RETURN END