C $Header: /u/gcmpack/MITgcm/pkg/aim_v23/com_sflcon.h,v 1.2 2004/06/24 23:41:12 jmc Exp $ C $Name: $ #ifdef ALLOW_AIM C-- COMMON /SFLCON/: Constants for surface fluxes (initial. in INPHYS) C FWIND0 = ratio of near-sfc wind to lowest-level wind C FTEMP0 = weight for near-sfc temperature extrapolation (0-1) : C 1 : linear extrapolation from two lowest levels C 0 : constant potential temperature ( = lowest level) C FHUM0 = weight for near-sfc specific humidity extrapolation (0-1) : C 1 : extrap. with constant relative hum. ( = lowest level) C 0 : constant specific hum. ( = lowest level) C CDL = drag coefficient for momentum over land C CDS = drag coefficient for momentum over sea C CHL = heat exchange coefficient over land C CHS = heat exchange coefficient over sea C VGUST = wind speed for sub-grid-scale gusts C CTDAY = daily-cycle correction (dTskin/dSSRad) C DTHETA = Potential temp. gradient for stability correction C dTstab = potential temp. increment for stability function derivative C FSTAB = Amplitude of stability correction (fraction) C HDRAG = Height scale for orographic correction C FHDRAG = Amplitude of orographic correction (fraction) COMMON /SFLCON/ FWIND0, FTEMP0, FHUM0, & CDL, CDS, CHL, CHS, VGUST, CTDAY, & DTHETA, dTstab, FSTAB, HDRAG, FHDRAG _RL FWIND0, FTEMP0, FHUM0 _RL CDL, CDS, CHL, CHS, VGUST, CTDAY _RL DTHETA, dTstab, FSTAB, HDRAG, FHDRAG C-- COMMON /SFLFIX/: Time-invariant fields (initial. in SFLSET) c COMMON /SFLFIX/ FOROG c _RL FOROG(NGP) C---+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6----+----7-|--+----| #endif /* ALLOW_AIM */