program reading implicit none integer idim,jdim,kdim,tdim parameter(idim=129,jdim=119,kdim=30,tdim=12) real height(40) data height /-5.01, -15.07, -25.28, -35.76, -46.61, & -57.98, -70.02, -82.92, -96.92, -112.32, & -129.49, -148.96, -171.4, -197.79, -229.48, & -268.46, -317.65, -381.39, -465.91, -579.3, & -729.35, -918.37, -1139.15, -1378.57, -1625.7, & -1875.11, -2125.01, -2375., -2625., -2875., & -3125., -3375., -3625., -3875., -4125., & -4375., -4625., -4875., -5125., -5375./ real*8 sst8(idim,jdim,kdim) real*8 h8(129,120),mask8(idim,jdim) real h4(idim,jdim),srho(kdim),mask(idim,jdim) real sst4(idim,jdim,kdim) real sh(idim,jdim,kdim) real sst1000(idim,jdim) integer iyear,imth,lev,idend,idy character*4 year character*2 month,day integer i,j,k,t print*,height open(11,file='../../scripts/h-rho.dat',form='unformatted') read(11)h8 close(11) do j=1,jdim do i=1,idim h4(i,j)=h8(i,j) enddo enddo open(11,file='../../scripts/maskv.dat',form='unformatted') read(11)mask8 close(11) do j=1,jdim do i=1,idim mask(i,j)=mask8(i,j) enddo enddo call zs(h4,sh) do iyear=1976,1976 write(year,'(i4)')iyear do imth=1,tdim C--- do imth=3,tdim write(month,'(i2)')imth C --- if((imth.eq.1) .OR. (imth.eq.3) .OR. (imth.eq.5).OR.(imth.eq.7) C --- 1 .OR.(imth.eq.8) .OR. (imth.eq.10) .OR. (imth.eq.12)) idend=31 C --- if((imth.eq.4) .OR. (imth.eq.6) .OR. (imth.eq.9).OR. C --- 1 (imth.eq.11)) idend=30 C --- IF (imth.eq.2)then C --- IF(MOD(iyear,100).NE.0.AND.MOD(iyear,4).EQ.0) THEN C --- WRITE(*,*) 'LEAP YEAR' C --- idend=29 C --- ELSEIF(MOD(iyear,400).EQ.0) THEN C --- WRITE(*,*) 'LEAP YEAR' C --- idend=29 C --- ELSE C --- WRITE(*,*) 'NOT A LEAP YEAR' C --- idend=28 C --- ENDIF C --- ENDIF C --- print*,idend if( month(1:1)='0' C --- do idy=1,idend C --- write(day,'(i2)')idy C --- if( day(1:1)='0' open(11,file='../vraw/v-'//year//month//'-s.dat', 1 form='unformatted') open(51,file='v-'//year//month//'.dat', 1 form='unformatted') read(11)sst8 do k=1,kdim do j=1,jdim do i=1,idim sst4(i,j,k)=sst8(i,j,k) enddo enddo enddo do lev=1,40 call vinterp(height(lev),mask,sh,sst4,sst1000) write(51)sst1000 enddo ! lev close(11) close(51) C --- enddo ! idy enddo ! tdim enddo ! iyear end subroutine zs(h, z_r) implicit none integer Lp, Mp, NL parameter(Lp=129,Mp=119,NL=30) real ds, hc, hmin, Tcline, theta_s, theta_b parameter(hmin=30, Tcline=75, theta_s=5.0, theta_b=0.4) real hinv, z_r0, z_r(Lp*Mp*NL), h(Lp*Mp), zeta(Lp*Mp) real cff1, cff2 real sc_w(nl), Cs_w(nl), sc_r(nl), Cs_r(nl) integer i, j, k, ij, ip !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Depths from S-coordinates transformation. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Define S-Curves in domain [-1 < sc < 0] at vertical W- and ! RHO-points. ds=1.0/real(NL) hc=MIN(hmin,Tcline) print*, 'hmin, hc=', hmin, hc cff1=1.0/SINH(theta_s) cff2=0.5/TANH(0.5*theta_s) sc_w(0)=-1.0 Cs_w(0)=-1.0 do k=1,NL sc_w(k)=ds*real(k-NL) Cs_w(k)=(1.0-theta_b)*cff1*SINH(theta_s*sc_w(k))+ & theta_b*(cff2*TANH(theta_s*(sc_w(k)+0.5))-0.5) sc_r(k)=ds*(real(k-NL)-0.5) Cs_r(k)=(1.0-theta_b)*cff1*SINH(theta_s*sc_r(k))+ & theta_b*(cff2*TANH(theta_s*(sc_r(k)+0.5))-0.5) enddo do j=1,Mp do i=1,Lp ij=i+(j-1)*Lp zeta(ij)=0. enddo enddo ! ! Compute model grid depths (meters) at RHO-points. ! do k=1,NL cff1=hc*(sc_r(k)-Cs_r(k)) cff2=Cs_r(k) do j=1,Mp do i=1,Lp ij=i+(j-1)*Lp ip=ij+(k-1)*Lp*Mp hinv=1.0/h(ij) z_r0=cff1+cff2*h(ij) z_r(ip)=z_r0+zeta(ij)*(1.0+z_r0*hinv) enddo enddo enddo print*,'lihq end of z_s' c print*,z_r ! endsubroutine zs subroutine vinterp(height,mask,sh,input,output) implicit none integer idim,jdim,kdim,level parameter(idim=129,jdim=119,kdim=30) real height,sh(idim,jdim,kdim),mask(idim,jdim) real input(idim,jdim,kdim), output(idim,jdim) real d1,d2 integer i,j,k do j=1,jdim do i=1,idim if(mask(i,j).eq.1)then if(sh(i,j,1).ge.height) then output(i,j)=-9999. elseif(sh(i,j,kdim).le.height) then output(i,j)=input(i,j,kdim) else do k=2,kdim if((sh(i,j,k).ge.height).and.(sh(i,j,k-1).lt.height))then level=k goto 1000 endif enddo 1000 continue d1=sh(i,j,level-1)-height d2=height-sh(i,j,level) output(i,j)=input(i,j,level-1)*d2/(d1+d2) + 1 input(i,j,level )*d1/(d1+d2) endif ! height vs. sh else ! mask output(i,j)=-9999. endif ! mask enddo enddo endsubroutine vinterp