Time | (TIME) |
Latitude | (LAT) |
Longitude | (LON) |
Earth Relative Wind Direction | (DIR) |
Earth Relative Wind Speed | (SPD) |
Atmospheric Pressure | (P)# |
Air Temperature | (T)
A statistical summary of the data for each cruise is given in Table 1. A total
of 2,128 values is
evaluated with 144 flags added by the preprocessor and Data Quality Evaluator f
or a total of 6.77
percent of the values being flagged.
CTC | Dates | Number of Records | Number of Values | Number of Flags | Percentage Flagged< /B> |
AR_18_01 | 14 Jul 92 - 27 Jul 92 | 104 | 728 | 77 | 10.58 (0.27*) |
AR_18_06 | 24 Jul 94 - 15 Aug 94 | 200 | 1400 | 67 | 4.79 (0.79*) |
Variable | F | O | S | T | Total Number of Flags | Percentage of Variable Flagged |
TIME | 2 | 2 | 0.66 | |||
LAT | 5 | 5 | 1.64 | |||
LON | 5 | 5 | 1.64 | |||
SPD | 131 | 131 | 43.09 | |||
P | 1 | 1 | 0.33 | |||
Total number of Flags | 10 | 131 | 1 | 2 | 144 | 6.77(0.61 *) |
Percentage of All Values Flagged | 0.47 | 6.16 | 0.05 | 0.09 | 6.77 (0.61*) |
* percentage when "O" flags are not included
Conversion Flag (O) for the Earth Relative Wind Speed:
Commonly, the DAC receives earth relative wind speed data in units of knots for both underway
and on station data. These data are then converted to the standard meter per second by DAC personnel. For the Johan Hjort cruises all of the "on station" earth relative wind speed data were received in units of knots while the "underway" data were recei
ved in Beaufort wind force units and knots (Table 3). Since the netCDF files are designed to record only one original unit for earth relative wind speed data, it was necessary to use a flag to identify when a second original unit was received. "O" flags
were assigned to earth relative wind speed data that were received originally in Beaufort wind force units. All earth relative wind speed data are good; however, data flagged with an "O" (Beaufort Wind Force) are of a lesser precision than those origi
nally recorded in knots ('Z' flagged).
Table 3: Distribution of Units for Received Wind Speed Data
Year | "On Station" Data (Units) | "Underway Data" (Units) |
1992 | Knots | Beaufort Wind Force |
1994 | Knots | Knots
__________________________________________________________ Beaufort Wind Force |
Unrealistic Platform Speed:
For both cruises, a few latitude and longitude variables were marked with an "F" flag. These flags show that the platform speed computed by the preprocessor exceeds a realistic speed for a research vessel (15 meters per second). These latitude and l
ongitude positions should be used with caution.
Time Duplicate:
During the 1994 cruise a pair of time duplicate flags were assigned by the
preprocessor to indicate where two data records shared identical times. Even t
hough the times for these two records are identical, the original data come fro
m different source
s namely, on station and underway. As a result, the duplicate record from the
underway data includes pressure values while the on station data do not. Since
it is desirable to include all data in one file for a given time period, both
the on sta
tion and underway data have been retained and the time flags ref
lect the coincident observations from 2 sources.
Smith, S. R., C. Harvey, and D. M. Legler, 1996: Handbook of Quality Control Procedures and Methods for Surface Meteorology Dat a. WOCE Report No. 141/96, Report WOCEMET 96-1, Center for Ocean Atmospheric Prediction Studies, Florida State Unive
rsity, Tallahassee, FL 32301